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Agency Report Apr 05 - 12


Agency Update: Stablecoin Assessment Framework… | 04/08/2021


Agency Update: Critical Habitat of the Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Saskatchew… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Transfer of Duties Order, SI/2021-9 [Modified on Apr 7, 2021]… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Special Economic Measures (People’s Republic of China) Regulations, SO… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Microbeads in Toiletries Regulations, SOR/2017-111 [Modified on Mar 18… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: PCB Regulations, SOR/2008-273 [Modified on Mar 18, 2021]… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: 2- Butoxyethanol Regulations, SOR/2006-347 [Modified on Mar 18, 2021]… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Canada Recovery Benefits Regulations, SOR/2021-35 [Modified on Apr 7, … | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Critical Habitat of the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Athabasca … | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2012, SOR/2012-28… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Proclamation Declaring March 11, 2021 as a =E2=80=9CNational Day of Observance… | 04/08/2021


Agency Update: OSFI proposes new minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Le BSIF propose un nouveau taux admissible minimal applicable aux pr=C3=AAt… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: OSFI unwinds temporary increase to covered bond limit… | 04/06/2021

Agency Update: Le BSIF met fin =C3=A0 l’augmentation temporaire de la limite r=C3=A9gissant les… | 04/06/2021


Comment: Comment submitted by Weiwei Le; Public Submission; NA… | 04/09/2021

Comment: Comment submitted by Nedim Novakovic; Public Submission; NA… | 04/09/2021

Comment: Comments submitted by Laura Gray, Coldwell Banker Realty; Public Submi… | 04/09/2021

Comment: Comment submitted by Jennifer Kennedy; Public Submission; NA… | 04/09/2021

Comment: Comment submitted by Robert McLogan; Public Submission; NA… | 04/09/2021

Proposed Rule: Protections for Borrowers Affected by the COVID-19 Emergency Under the… | 04/09/2021

Final Rule: Bulletin 2021-02: Supervision and Enforcement Priorities Regarding Hou… | 04/07/2021

Notice: Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records… | 04/07/2021

Blog: Unemployment benefits scams: How to protect yourself… | 04/07/2021

Press release: CFPB Proposes Delay of Effective Date for Recent Debt Collection Rules… | 04/07/2021


News: Federal Court Orders The Alista Group, LLC and Florida Man to Pay More… | 04/09/2021

Enforcement: Order: The Alista Group, et al… | 04/09/2021

Enforcement: Order: Douglas Lien… | 04/08/2021

Enforcement: Order: David Saffron, et al…. | 04/08/2021

Enforcement: Judgment Form: David Saffron, et al…. | 04/08/2021

Enforcement: Final Judgment: David Saffron, et al…. | 04/08/2021

News: Federal Court Orders Nevada Company and its Owner to Pay More Than $32… | 04/08/2021

News: Federal Court Orders New Mexico Man to Pay Over $10.3 Million for Defr… | 04/08/2021

News: Federal Court Orders Alabama Company and its Owner to Pay Over $1.1 Mi… | 04/07/2021

Enforcement: Order: Aaron B. Butler, et al… | 04/07/2021


Agency Update: Recognizing National Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, 20… | 04/08/2021

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Comprehensive E… | 04/07/2021

Notice: Notice of Opportunity To Comment on Proposed Consent Decree Under the … | 04/07/2021

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Amendment to Consent Decree Under the Co… | 04/06/2021


Notice: Publication of Model Notices for Health Care Continuation Coverage Pro… | 04/12/2021

News: US Department of Labor issues guidance, model notices implementing Ame… | 04/07/2021


Presidential Document: National Public Health Week, 2021… | 04/08/2021

Presidential Document: Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers… | 04/07/2021

Presidential Document: World Autism Awareness Day, 2021… | 04/07/2021

Presidential Document: Termination of Emergency With Respect to the International Criminal Co… | 04/07/2021

Presidential Document: Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, 2021… | 04/07/2021

Presidential Document: National Cancer Control Month, 2021… | 04/06/2021

Presidential Document: National Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, 2021… | 04/06/2021

Presidential Document: National Donate Life Month, 2021… | 04/06/2021

Presidential Document: National Financial Capability Month, 2021… | 04/06/2021

Presidential Document: Second Chance Month, 2021… | 04/06/2021


Notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent to Which Model Risk Manage… | 04/12/2021

Financial Institution Letter: FIL-26-2021 – FDIC Seeks Input on How to Modernize Sign and Advertisin… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Joint Release/Agencies Issue Statement and Request for Information on … | 04/09/2021

Press Release: FDIC Seeks Input on How to Modernize Sign and Advertising Requirements… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Request for Information on FDIC Official Sign and Advertising Requirem… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Notice of Termination of Receiverships… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Notice to All Interested Parties of Intent To Terminate Receiverships… | 04/09/2021

Financial Institution Letter: FIL-27-2021 – Bank Secrecy Act: Agencies Address Model Risk Management… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Joint Release/Agencies Issue Statement and Request for Information on … | 04/09/2021

Press Release: FDIC Minority Depository Institutions Subcommittee to Meet… | 04/08/2021


Notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent to Which Model Risk Manage… | 04/12/2021

News: Agencies Issue Statement and Request for Information on Bank Secrecy A… | 04/09/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; Netki, Inc…. | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; New Civil Liberties… | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; The Blockchain Asso… | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; Notabene, Inc…. | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; Stellar Development… | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; NA… | 04/08/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; NA… | 04/07/2021

Comment: Comment on FR Doc # 2021-01918; Public Submission; Andreessen Horowitz… | 04/07/2021


Notices: Regulatory Notice 21-15 FINRA Reminds Members About Options Account Ap… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): David B. Zuber AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent)… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Financial Industry Regulatory Authority… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): Alternative Execution Group Richard Alter AWCs (Letters of Acceptance,… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): Dannia Ferreira AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent)… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): Joia Evans AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent)… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): William Assatly AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent)… | 04/09/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): Independent Financial Group, LLC AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, … | 04/08/2021

AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent): Jared Ailstock AWCs (Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent)… | 04/08/2021

Complaints: Henry Clay Smith II Complaints… | 04/07/2021


Notice: Solicitation of Applications for Membership on the Community Advisory … | 04/12/2021

Notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent to Which Model Risk Manage… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Agencies issue statement and request for information on Bank Secrecy A… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Attachment (PDF) – Federal Reserve announces approval of application b… | 04/09/2021

SR Letter: SR 21-8 Interagency Statement on Model Risk Management for Bank System… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Ba… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Federal Register notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent t… | 04/09/2021

Final Rule: Rules Regarding Availability of Information… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Interagency Statement on Model Risk Management for Bank Systems Suppor… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Federal Reserve announces approval of application by VeraBank, Inc…. | 04/09/2021


News: FTC Seeks Public Comment on Dark Patterns Topics ahead of Workshop… | 04/09/2021

Notice: BASF SE and DIEM Labs; Analysis of Proposed Consent Orders To Aid Publ… | 04/08/2021

Consumer Alert: Vision Solution Marketing Refunds… | 04/08/2021

Event: Acting Chair Slaughter panelist at the Action Center on Race and the E… | 04/07/2021

Event: Cmr. Phillips panelist at New Antitrust Agenda in D.C.: What it Means … | 04/07/2021

Event: Cmr. Phillips panelist at NYU Law “Regulation, Antitrust, and Beyond: … | 04/05/2021

Event: Cmr. Wilson panelist at Information Technology & Innovation Foundation… | 04/05/2021

News: FTC Approves Final Order Imposing Conditions on E. & J. Gallo Winery’s… | 04/05/2021


Industry Guidance: Lender Letter LL-2021-09 – Introduction of Changes to Loan Eligibility… | 04/08/2021

Industry Guidance: Announcement SEL-2021-03 – Selling Guide Updates… | 04/07/2021


Bulletin: Bulletin 2021-13 Updates in Response to the Amended Senior Preferred S… | 04/08/2021

Bulletin: Bulletin 2021-12 Selling… | 04/07/2021


Press Release: EBA updates lists of regional governments and local authorities (RGLAs… | 04/08/2021

News: EBA releases an erratum of the taxonomy package on reporting framework… | 04/08/2021

Press Release: ESAs publish joint Annual Report for 2020… | 04/07/2021

News: EBA consults on the list of advanced economies to determine equity ris… | 04/07/2021


Press Release: La Commission europ=C3=A9enne enregistre le =CE=A7=CE=B1=CE=BB=CE=BB=CE=BF=CF=8D=CE=BC=CE=B9/Halloumi/Hellim en tan… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Respuesta al coronavirus: la Comisi=C3=B3n propone eximir del IVA a los bie… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Corona-Krisenma=C3=9Fnahmen: Kommission schl=C3=A4gt vor, von der EU in Krisenze… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: R=C3=A9action face au coronavirus: La Commission propose d’exon=C3=A9rer de la T… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: European Commission registers =CE=A7=CE=B1=CE=BB=CE=BB=CE=BF=CF=8D=CE=BC=CE=B9/Halloumi/Hellim as a Protected … | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Europ=C3=A4ische Kommission tr=C3=A4gt =CE=A7=CE=B1=CE=BB=CE=BB=CE=BF=CF=8D=CE=BC=CE=B9/Halloumi/Hellim als gesch=C3=BCtzte U… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Coronavirus Response: Commission proposes to exempt vital goods and se… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Risposta al coronavirus: la Commissione propone di esentare dall’IVA b… | 04/12/2021

Bulletin: Calendrier du lundi 12 avril au 18 avril 2021… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: La Commissione pubblica i primi inviti del Consiglio europeo per l’inn… | 04/09/2021


Publication: G20 confirm their support for the FATF as the global standard-setter t… | 04/08/2021

Publication: Joint meeting of the FATF and the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group… | 04/08/2021

Publication: Marcus Pleyer speaks at Second G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank … | 04/08/2021


Agency Update: Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation: Frequentl… | 04/12/2021

Agency Update: Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation: Frequentl… | 04/12/2021

News: FSB seeks stakeholders’ feedback on their experience with the common t… | 04/06/2021

News: FSB Chair updates G20 on COVID-19 support measures, and a roadmap to a… | 04/06/2021

Agency Update: FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors… | 04/05/2021

Agency Update: FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors… | 04/05/2021

Agency Update: COVID-19 support measures: Extending, amending and ending… | 04/05/2021

Agency Update: COVID-19 support measures: Extending, amending and ending — PDF… | 04/05/2021


Notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent to Which Model Risk Manage… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Community Development Revolving Loan Fund Access for Credit Unions… | 04/06/2021


Agency Update: proposes to amend the schedule of wireless, circuits, and non-colocati… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of … | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Proposal to amend the NYSE American Options Fee Schedule regarding the… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change L… | 04/08/2021

Agency Update: Notice of Filing of Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 and Order Granting Accelera… | 04/08/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of … | 04/07/2021

Agency Update: VANGUARD ULTRA-SHORT BOND ETF… | 04/07/2021

Agency Update: Proposal to list and trade shares of the following under NYSE Arca Rul… | 04/06/2021

Agency Update: Partial Amendment No. 2… | 04/05/2021


Notice: Request for Information and Comment: Extent to Which Model Risk Manage… | 04/12/2021

News Release: NR 2021-43 Agencies Issue Statement and Request for Information on Ban… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Requirements; Information Collection Ren… | 04/08/2021

Comment: Grasso Holdings, Inc.; Public Submission; Grasso Holdings, Inc…. | 04/07/2021

News Release: NR 2021-42 OCC Hosts Virtual Mutual Savings Association Advisory Commi… | 04/07/2021

Notice: Mutual Savings Association Advisory Committee… | 04/07/2021


Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 04/12/2021

Final Rule: Adjustment of Applicable Schedule Amount… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 04/09/2021

Financial Sanction: Amendment of the definition of the term “Applicable Schedule Amount” w… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: Burma-related Designation — Treasury Sanctions Key Gems Enterprise in… | 04/08/2021

Financial Sanction: Burma-related Designation… | 04/08/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment… | 04/08/2021

Financial Sanction: Transnational Criminal Organizations Designations… | 04/07/2021

Press Release: Transnational Criminal Organizations Designations — Treasury Sanction… | 04/07/2021

Press Release: Kingpin Act Designations — Treasury Sanctions Violent CJNG Members an… | 04/06/2021


Notice: Sunshine Act Meeting; Cancellation… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing and I… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing o… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq ISE, LLC; Notice of Filing and I… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation; Notic… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing and I… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Joint Industry Plan; Order Instituting Proceedings To Determine Whethe… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Sunshine Act Meetings… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Notice of Intention To Cancel Registrations of Certain Investment Advi… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing and I… | 04/12/2021


Notice: Open Meeting of the Financial Research Advisory Committee… | 04/12/2021

Press Release: Statement by Secretary Yellen on the President’s FY22 Discretionary Fu… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Debt Management Advisory Committee Meeting… | 04/09/2021

Statement: Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Annual Primary Deale… | 04/08/2021

Notice: List of Countries Requiring Cooperation With an International Boycott… | 04/08/2021

Statement: Joint IMFC and Development Committee Statement by Treasury Secretary J… | 04/08/2021

Press Release: Treasury Sanctions Key Gems Enterprise in Burma… | 04/08/2021

Press Release: Treasury Sanctions Pakistan-based Transnational Human Smuggling Organi… | 04/07/2021

Press Release: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Pens Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal… | 04/07/2021

Press Release: Treasury, IRS disburse 25 million more Economic Impact Payments under … | 04/07/2021


Agency Update: Victoria Cleland: UK FinTech week 2021 – Inclusion in the Workplace: W… | 04/09/2021

Agency Update: Sarah Breeden: The Institute of International Finance Sustainable Fina… | 04/09/2021

Agency Update: Andrew Bailey: Keynote Speech at the Bank of England virtual event ‘Di… | 04/09/2021

Agency Update: Sarah Breeden: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Professional … | 04/09/2021

Agency Update: Dave Ramsden: UK FinTech week 2021 Keynote (to be published at 9.05am)… | 04/09/2021

Agency Update: Sam Woods: Panellist at the virtual Launch of City of London Corporati… | 04/09/2021

News: Victoria Cleland: UK FinTech week 2021 =E2=80=93 Inclusion in the Workplace: … | 04/09/2021

News: Sarah Breeden: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Professional … | 04/09/2021

News: Sarah Breeden: The Institute of International Finance Sustainable Fina… | 04/09/2021

News: Andrew Bailey: Keynote Speech at the Bank of England virtual event =E2=80=98Di… | 04/09/2021


CMA Case: MyCityDeal Ltd (Groupon UK): misleading pricing practices… | 04/12/2021

CMA Case: Fake and misleading online reviews trading… | 04/09/2021

CMA Case: viagogo / StubHub merger inquiry… | 04/09/2021

CMA Case: Ofwat Price Determinations… | 04/09/2021

CMA Case: Veolia / Suez merger inquiry… | 04/09/2021

Press Release: CMA intervention leads to further Facebook action on fake reviews… | 04/09/2021

Transparency: CMA board: register of interests… | 04/09/2021

CMA Case: Adevinta / eBay merger inquiry… | 04/08/2021

Policy Paper: Government response to the CMA Funeral Market Report… | 04/07/2021

Open Consultation: Interim measures in merger cases… | 04/07/2021


Fees information: Online invoicing / terms and conditions… | 04/12/2021

Final notices: Final Notice 2021: Christopher Carey… | 04/12/2021

Fees information: Online invoicing: user guide… | 04/12/2021

News: UK Affordable Bonds… | 04/09/2021

News: (Clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 04/09/2021

News: (Clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 04/09/2021

News: UK Affordable Bonds… | 04/09/2021

News: Budget Investments… | 04/09/2021

News: Trendsmacro… | 04/09/2021

News: Binary Forex Recovery… | 04/09/2021


Html Publication: Development Committee statement by First Secretary of State and Secret… | 04/09/2021

Correspondence: Treasury Direction made under Section 76 of the Coronavirus Act 2020… | 04/09/2021

Correspondence: Treasury Direction made by the Chancellor under Section 76 of the Coro… | 04/09/2021

Policy Paper: World Bank Spring Meetings 2021: UK Governor’s statement… | 04/09/2021

News Story: Carolyn Wilkins appointed to the Financial Policy Committee… | 04/08/2021

Correspondence: A letter from the Chancellor in response to Anneliese Dodds… | 04/08/2021

Html Publication: The Chancellor’s letter in response to Anneliese Dodds… | 04/08/2021

Foi Release: Response to a Freedom of Information request on Greensill… | 04/08/2021

Html Publication: The Coronavirus Act 2020 Functions of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom… | 04/08/2021

Html Publication: Treasury Direction made under Sections 71 and 76 of the Coronavirus Ac… | 04/07/2021


News: The LSB launches revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal cu… | 04/07/2021

News: The LSB launches revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal cu… | 04/07/2021

News: The LSB launches revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal cu… | 04/07/2021


Consultation paper: CP8/21 – Regulated fees and levies: Rates proposals 2021/22 – Consulta… | 04/08/2021

Consultation paper: CP8/21 – Regulated fees and levies: Rates proposals 2021/22… | 04/08/2021

Consultation paper: CP7/21 – Credit risk: The identification of the nature, severity, and … | 04/07/2021

Consultation paper: CP7/21 – Credit risk: The identification of the nature, severity, and … | 04/07/2021


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Description o… | 04/12/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Eligibility Verification Repor… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records… | 04/09/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Veteran Readiness and Employme… | 04/08/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Request and Authorization for … | 04/08/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Certification of Training Hour… | 04/07/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Survey of Healthcare Experienc… | 04/06/2021

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Agency Information Collection … | 04/06/2021

Notice: Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records… | 04/06/2021