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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Regulatory Agency Updates | Week of July 29 - Aug 05


News: Announcement: OPC publishes tips to help Canadians stay safe on socia… | 08/01/2019

News: Announcement: Retaining only what is necessary for as long as necessar… | 07/31/2019

News: Announcement: OPC launches investigation into Capital One breach… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: Retaining only what is necessary for as long as necessary can reduce i… | 07/31/2019

News: Announcement: New videos to help Canadians and businesses protect priv… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; C… | 08/05/2019

News: CFPB Extends Comment Period for Debt Collection Proposal… | 08/02/2019

Proposed Rule: Debt Collection Practices (Regulation F); Extension of Comment Period… | 08/02/2019

Proposed Rule: Home Mortgage Disclosure (Regulation C); Reopening of Comment Period… | 08/02/2019

Final Rule: Truth in Lending (Regulation Z) Annual Threshold Adjustments (Credit C… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request… | 07/31/2019

Proposed Rule: Qualified Mortgage Definition Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulati… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/29/2019


News: CFTC Charges Trader with Spoofing in Financial Futures Markets… | 07/31/2019

News: CFTC Orders Principal of Binary Options Trading Firm to Pay $200,000 f… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities Proposed eCollection eComment… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Clean Air Act… | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: New Guidelines Issued for 2020 Agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Modification to Consent Decree Under The… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed New Information Col… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Comprehensive E… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Consent Decree Pursuant to the Comprehensive Envi… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eCommen… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decrees Under the Comprehensive … | 07/30/2019

Agency Update: OJP Works to Ease Alaska Public Safety Crisis… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/30/2019

Final Rule: Rescission of Regulations Implementing the Nondiscrimination and Equal… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/30/2019

Proposed Rule: Rescission of Regulations Implementing the Nondiscrimination and Equal… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/29/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans; Nomina… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Notice of Exemption Involving Retirement Clearinghouse, LLC (RCH or th… | 07/31/2019

Proposed Rule: “Open MEPs” and Other Issues Under Section 3(5) of the Employee Reti… | 07/31/2019

Final Rule: Definition of =E2=80=9CEmployer=E2=80=9D Under Section 3(5) of ERISA-Association Retir… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Exemptions From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions… | 07/30/2019


Presidential Document: Delegation of Authority Under the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2… | 08/05/2019

Presidential Document: Continuation of U.S. Drug Interdiction Assistance to the Government of… | 08/05/2019

Presidential Document: Administration of Proliferation Sanctions and Amendment of Executive O… | 08/05/2019

Presidential Document: National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2019… | 08/01/2019

Presidential Document: Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2019… | 07/31/2019

Presidential Document: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Lebanon… | 07/31/2019

Presidential Document: Reforming Developing-Country Status in the World Trade Organization… | 07/31/2019

Presidential Document: Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing… | 07/30/2019


News: Keynote Remarks by FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams to The Financial Co… | 08/02/2019

Notice: FDIC Advisory Committee on Community Banking; Notice of Charter Renewa… | 07/30/2019

Final Rule: Recordkeeping for Timely Deposit Insurance Determination… | 07/30/2019


Enforcement: David J. Volpe… | 08/02/2019

Enforcement: Ricky Alan Mantei… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Matthew Albers… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Dawson James Securities, Inc…. | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Damien Berkowicz… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Lori Sullivan Antolovic… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Dinosaur Financial Group LLC… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: James Paquette… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Beth Hamilton… | 08/01/2019

Enforcement: Orlando Vargas… | 08/01/2019


Notice: Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Ba… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Notice of Proposals To Engage in or To Acquire Companies Engaged in Pe… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Ba… | 08/01/2019

News: Federal Reserve Board approves actions by the Boards of Directors of t… | 08/01/2019

News: Implementation Note issued July 31, 2019 – Federal Reserve issues FOMC… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request… | 07/31/2019

News: Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records… | 07/30/2019


News: Weekly Calendar for August 5, 2019… | 08/05/2019

Enforcement: Reembolsos de Global Access Technical Support… | 08/04/2019

Enforcement: Evonik Industries AG, et al., FTC v…. | 08/03/2019

Enforcement: Evonik Industries AG, et al., FTC v…. | 08/03/2019

Enforcement: Global Access Technical Support Refunds… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 08/02/2019

Enforcement: Evonik/PeroxyChem, In the Matter of… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Aleksandr Kogan and Alexander Nix; Analysis To Aid Public Comment… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Quaker Chemical Corporation and Global Houghton Ltd.; Analysis of Agre… | 07/30/2019

News: Weekly Calendar for July 29, 2019… | 07/29/2019


News: Fannie Mae Reports Net Income of $3.4 Billion and Comprehensive Income… | 08/01/2019

News: Servicing Notice: Extension of Cost of Funds Index… | 07/31/2019

News: Servicing Reports Transition Document… | 07/29/2019

News: July 2019 AQM List Posted upda… | 07/29/2019


Agency Update: Determinants of credit growth and the bank-lending channel in Peru: A … | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: A loan-level analysis of bank lending in Mexico… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: The internationalization of domestic banks and the credit channel: an … | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: Banks’ business model and credit supply in Chile: the role of a state-… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: Monetary policy surprises and employment: evidence from matched bank-f… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: How do bank-specific characteristics affect lending? New evidence base… | 07/31/2019


News: EBA advises the European Commission on the implementation of the final… | 08/05/2019

News: EBA updates its Single Rulebook Q&A tool to reflect publication in the… | 08/02/2019

News: EBA responds to the Commission on the Estonian Central Bank’s proposed… | 07/31/2019

News: EBA issues Opinion on measures to address macroprudential risk followi… | 07/30/2019


News: July-August issue of newsletter is out!… | 07/31/2019


Agency Update: Statement on Communication and Outreach to Inform Relevant Stakeholder… | 07/31/2019


Notice: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment… | 07/29/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment… | 07/29/2019

Proposed Rule: Exceptions to Employment Restrictions Under Section 205(d) of the Fede… | 07/29/2019


Bulletin: Description: Guidelines for Requesting Designation as a Wholesale, Lim… | 07/31/2019

News: OCC Consolidates Supervision Support Functions, Announces New Units… | 07/31/2019

Bulletin: Description: Guidelines for Requesting Approval of a Strategic Plan… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Information Collection Revis… | 07/29/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Information Collection Renew… | 07/29/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Information Collection Renew… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 08/05/2019

Financial Sanction: Issuance of CBW Act-related Executive Order; Publication of CBW Act Di… | 08/03/2019

Financial Sanction: Kingpin Act Designations Removals… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 08/01/2019

Financial Sanction: Iran-related Designation… | 07/31/2019

Press Release: Iran-related Designation — Treasury Designates Iran’s Foreign Ministe… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Action… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions… | 07/30/2019

Financial Sanction: North Korea Designation… | 07/29/2019


Notice: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; Notice of … | 08/05/2019

Notice: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Fili… | 08/05/2019

Notice: Proposed Collection; Comment Request… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Financial Industry Regulatory Authority… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; Notice of … | 08/02/2019

Notice: Proposed Collection; Comment Request… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing and I… | 08/02/2019

Notice: Proposed Collection; Comment Request… | 08/02/2019


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/31/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; C… | 07/29/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/29/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/29/2019

Agency Update: U.S. Department of the Treasury… | 07/29/2019


Agency Update: Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report – 2019 Q2… | 08/05/2019

Agency Update: Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report – 2019 Q2 — Asset Purchase F… | 08/05/2019

Agency Update: Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report – 2019 Q2… | 08/05/2019

Agency Update: Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report – 2019 Q2 — Sign up to recei… | 08/05/2019

Agency Update: Tail risk interdependence… | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: Three triggers? Negative equity, income shocks and institutions as det… | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: Resilience of trading networks: evidence from the sterling corporate … | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: Real effects of financial distress: the role of heterogeneity… | 08/02/2019

Working Paper: Tail risk interdependence… | 08/02/2019

Working Paper: Resilience of trading networks: evidence from the sterling corporate b… | 08/02/2019


News: DQN Capital (clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: Tribely (clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: BC Profit (clone of authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: TBFX Limited (clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: VPM Vermogensverwaltungs AG (clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: Mariusz Juszcayk… | 08/02/2019

News: Burgoyne Capital (clone of FCA authorised firm)… | 08/02/2019

News: B1 Insurance… | 08/02/2019

News: Cheap Insurance Broker… | 08/02/2019

News: Complete Protection Cover Ltd… | 08/02/2019


National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: July 2019… | 08/05/2019

Press Release: PM announces extra =C2=A31.8 billion for NHS frontline services… | 08/04/2019

News Story: Trade Secretary announces Freeports Advisory Panel will ensure UK is r… | 08/01/2019

News Story: Chancellor announces billions to turbo-charge no deal preparations… | 07/31/2019

Authored Article: Economic Secretary statement: financial assistance for Ireland: July 2… | 07/31/2019

Corporate Report: Royal Mint Trading Fund: Annual Report and Accounts 2018 to 2019… | 07/31/2019

Policy Paper: Royal Mint Trading Fund: Annual Report and Accounts 2018 to 2019… | 07/31/2019

Foi Release: NHS expenditure… | 07/30/2019

Transparency: HMT exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spending: Q4 January -… | 07/29/2019


News: Fully automated decision making AI systems (blogger post)… | 08/05/2019

News: ICO fines boiler replacement company for thousands of nuisance calls m… | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: Making it Easy Ltd… | 08/02/2019

Agency Update: Making it Easy Ltd… | 08/02/2019

News: Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust update, July 2019… | 07/31/2019

News: People care more about how their personal data is used. But what aspec… | 07/31/2019

News: ICO selects first participants for data protection Sandbox… | 07/29/2019


PRA Regulatory Digest: PRA Regulatory Digest – July 2019… | 08/01/2019

Letter: Letter from Sid Malik ‘Proxy modelling survey: Best observed practice’… | 08/01/2019

Letter: Letter from Sid Malik ‘Proxy modelling survey: Best observed practice’… | 08/01/2019

Prudential Regulation: Banking supervisory disclosures: rules and guidance, options and discr… | 07/31/2019

Policy statement: Resolution assessment and public disclosure by firms… | 07/30/2019

Policy statement: Resolution assessment and public disclosure by firms – Policy Statemen… | 07/30/2019

Supervisory statement: Resolution assessment and public disclosure by firms… | 07/30/2019

Supervisory statement: Resolution assessment and public disclosure by firms – Supervisory Sta… | 07/30/2019


Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: Clearance for A-11 Section 280… | 08/02/2019

Proposed Rule: Schedule for Rating Disabilities: The Cardiovascular System… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War; Notice of Meeting… | 08/01/2019

Notice: Solicitation of Nomination for Appointment to the National Research Ad… | 07/31/2019

Notice: Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program… | 07/31/2019

Circular: Circular 26-19-21 – Special Relief Following Hurricane Barry… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity: State Home Programs for Vetera… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Reimbursement… | 07/30/2019

Notice: Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Authorization… | 07/29/2019

Proposed Rule: Center for Innovation for Care and Payment… | 07/29/2019