Full List of Agency Sources
To filter by agencies, you have to use one of the Agency_IDs listed below in the Search Method API. This will filter your results to only include content related to the Agency_ID selected.
These are the agencies currently supported by our APIs:
Agency_ID | Name | Short Name | Jurisdiction | Document Type / Category |
800000003 | Datatilsynet Denmark | DNK-DTS | DNK | Guidance,Decision |
800000002 | Denmark Ministry of Business | DNK-MOB | DNK | Circular,Proclamation,Guidance,Notice,Lawmaking,Executive Order |
800000001 | Financial Supervisory Authority of Denmark | DNK-FSA | DNK | Press Release |
700000002 | Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto Finland | FIN-TJT | FIN | Guidance,Decision |
700000001 | Finland Financial Supervisory Authority | FIN-FSA | FIN | Press Release |
640000003 | Superintendencia General de Valores | CRI-SUGEVAL | CRI | Consultation Paper,Guideline,Rule,Guidance |
640000002 | Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras | CRI-SUGEF | CRI | Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Consultation,Publication,Notice,Resolution,Standard,Amendment |
640000001 | Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero | CRI-CONASSIF | CRI | Press Release,Announcement |
630000007 | Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand | THA-SEC | THA | Circular,Rule,Form |
630000006 | Thailand Ministry of Labour | THA-MOL | THA | Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Announcement,News,Administrative Order |
630000005 | Bank of Thailand | THA-BOT | THA | Circular,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement |
630000004 | Thailand Ministry of Finance | THA-MOF | THA | Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement |
630000003 | Government of Thailand | THA-GOV | THA | Act,Announcement,Decree,Administrative Order |
630000002 | Parliament of Thailand | THA-PARL | THA | Guideline,Act,Rule,Announcement,Administrative Order |
630000001 | Thailand Revenue Department | THA-RD | THA | Guide,News |
620000007 | Comisión para el Mercado Financiero | CHL-CMF | CHL | Manual,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Resolution,Standard |
620000006 | Ministerio de Hacienda | CHL-MH | CHL | Announcement,News |
620000005 | Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social | CHL-MTPS | CHL | News |
620000002 | Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgo | CHL-CCR | CHL | Press Release |
620000001 | Banco Central Chile | CHL-BCC | CHL | Statistics,Circular,Letter,Discussion Paper,Publication |
600000006 | Data Protection Authority Belgium | BEL-DPA | BEL | Guidance,News,Decision |
600000004 | Belgium Asset Managers Association | BEL-BEAMA | BEL | News |
600000003 | Belgium Government | BEL-GOV | BEL | News |
600000002 | National Bank of Belgium | BEL-NB | BEL | Annual Report |
600000001 | Belgium Financial Services and Markets Authority | BEL-FSMA | BEL | Consumer Alert,Press Release,News |
590000001 | Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov Slovenskej republiky | SVK-UOOU | SVK | Guidance,Decision |
500000002 | Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten Sweden | SWE-IMY | SWE | Decision |
500000001 | Sweden Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority) | SWE-FI | SWE | Press Release |
490000006 | Poland Ministerstwo Finansów | POL-MF | POL | Ordinance,Announcement |
490000005 | Poland Parliament | POL-PARL | POL | Act,Rule |
490000004 | Poland Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych | POL-UODO | POL | Guidance,Decision |
490000003 | Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego Polska | POL-KNF | POL | Opinion,Consultation Paper,Checklist,Guideline,Letter,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Agency Update |
490000002 | Narodowy Bank Polski | POL-NBP | POL | Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Press Release,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Position Paper,Agency Update |
490000001 | Warsaw Stock Exchange | POL-GPW | POL | Newsletter,Press Release,Agency Update |
470000001 | Israel Securities Authority | ISR-ISA | ISR | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Directive,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Rule,Guidance,Amendment |
460000001 | State Bank of Vietnam | VNM-SBV | VNM | News |
450000001 | Jersey Financial Services Commission | JEY-FSC | JEY | Statement,News,Agency Update |
440000003 | Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Justice) | HUN-IM | HUN | Notice,Supporting Document |
440000002 | Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság Hungary | HUN-NAIH | HUN | Guidance,Decision |
440000001 | Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) | HUN-MNB | HUN | Working Paper,Manual,Statistics,Bulletin,Circular,Annual Report,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Decree,Handbook |
400000011 | Trust Business Association of the Republic of China | CHN-TAROC | CHN | |
400000010 | Futures Trade Association of the Republic of China | CHN-FTA | CHN | |
400000009 | Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation | CHN-TCDCH | CHN | Rule |
400000008 | Taiwan Futures Exchange Co., Ltd. | CHN-TAIFEX | CHN | Rule |
400000007 | Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association of the ROC | CHN-SITCA | CHN | Letter,Rule,Supporting Document |
400000006 | Taiwan Stock Exchange | CHN-TWSE | CHN | Rule,Guidance,Amendment |
400000005 | Taipei Exchange | CHN-TPEX | CHN | Rule,Announcement,Amendment |
400000004 | Taiwan Ministry of Finance | CHN-TMOF | CHN | Rule |
400000003 | Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs | CHN-TMEA | CHN | Circular,Rule |
400000002 | Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission | CHN-TFSC | CHN | Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation |
400000001 | Taiwan Legislative Yuan | CHN-TLY | CHN | Act,Act Navigation |
350000009 | Corte Constitucional de Colombia (Constitutional Court of Colombia) | COL-CC | COL | Guidance |
350000008 | Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (National Tax and Customs Directorate) | COL-DIAN | COL | Circular,Agency Update |
350000006 | Banco de la República | COL-BR | COL | Bulletin,Circular,Rulemaking |
350000005 | Unidad Regulación Financiera Colombia (Financial Regulatory Unit)) | COL-URF | COL | Decree,Regulatory Agenda |
350000004 | Congress of Colombia | COL-CON | COL | Law,Act |
350000003 | Financial Superintendency of Colombia | COL-FS | COL | Circular,Annual Report,Press Release,Report |
350000002 | President of the Republic Colombia | COL-POR | COL | News,Decree |
350000001 | Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia | COL-MHSP | COL | News |
300000012 | Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones Bursátiles | MEX-AMIB | MEX | |
300000011 | Secretaria De Hacienda Y Credito Publico | MEX-SHCP | MEX | Manual,Circular,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order |
300000010 | Secretaria De Economia | MEX-SE | MEX | Rule,Notice,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order |
300000009 | Comision Federal De Competencia Economica | MEX-COFCE | MEX | Notice,Journal,Agency Update,Executive Order |
300000008 | Mexico Secretaria de Gobernacion | MEX-SEGOB | MEX | Manual,Proposed Rule,Circular,Judgement,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement,News,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order |
300000007 | Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro | MEX-CONSAR | MEX | Circular,Rule,Announcement |
300000005 | Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros | MEX-CONDUSEF | MEX | Statute,Guideline,Press Release,Rule |
300000004 | Mexico Congress of the Union | MEX-COU | MEX | Law |
300000003 | Central Bank of Mexico | MEX-CB | MEX | Circular,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Journal |
300000002 | Mexican National Banking and Stock Commission | MEX-CNBV | MEX | Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
300000001 | Government of Mexico | MEX-GOV | MEX | Rule,Decree |
290000004 | Korean Ministry of Government Legislation | KOR-MOLEG | KOR | Act,Decree |
290000003 | Korean Financial Services Commission | KOR-FSC | KOR | Speech,Guideline,Press Release,Rule |
290000002 | Korea Financial Investment Association | KOR-KOFIA | KOR | Annual Report,Press Release,Agency Update |
290000001 | Financial Supervisory Service | KOR-FSS | KOR | Speech,Press Release,Notice |
280000002 | Parliamentary Counsel Office New Zealand | NZL-PCO | NZL | Act |
280000001 | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | NZL-RB | NZL | Speech,Statistics,Bulletin,Guide,Annual Report,Letter,Fact Sheet,Report,News |
270000014 | Asset Management Association of China | CHN-AMAC | CHN | Guideline,Rule,Announcement,Supporting Document |
270000013 | Cyberspace Administration of China | CHN-CAC | CHN | Agency Update |
270000012 | China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | CHN-CCDI | CHN | Guideline |
270000010 | Bank of China | CHN-BOC | CHN | Report,News |
270000009 | The People's Bank of China | CHN-PBC | CHN | Opinion,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Report,Announcement,Regulatory Order,Administrative Order,Agency Update |
270000008 | State Administration of Foreign Exchange | CHN-SAFE | CHN | Circular,Opinion,Checklist,Statistical Data Set,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Form,Implementation Plan,Notice,Announcement,News,Agency Update |
270000007 | National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China | CHN-NPC | CHN | Speech,Law,Order,Act,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update |
270000006 | Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China | CHN-MOFCOM | CHN | Rule |
270000005 | General Administration of Customs | CHN-GAC | CHN | Order,Rule,Announcement |
270000004 | State Administration for Market Regulation of China | CHN-SAMR | CHN | Rule |
270000003 | State Council of The People's Republic of China | CHN-SC | CHN | Law,Press Release,Rule,Guidance |
270000002 | China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission | CHN-CBIRC | CHN | Rule,News,Administrative Order |
270000001 | China Securities Regulatory Commission | CHN-CSRC | CHN | Conference,Consultation,Guidance,News,Agency Update |
260000002 | Federal Customs Service of Russia | RUS-FCS | RUS | News Release |
260000001 | Central Bank of Russia | RUS-CBR | RUS | Speech,Press Release,News |
250000023 | Software Technology Parks of India(STPI) | IND-STPI | IND | Notice |
250000022 | Employees' Provident Fund Organisation | IND-EPFO | IND | Manual,Guideline,Act,Rule,Form,Instruction |
250000021 | Employees' State Insurance Corporation | IND-ESIC | IND | Manual,Circular,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Letter,Rule,Form,Policy Statement,Notice,Instruction |
250000020 | Maharashtra Legislature | IND-MHLA | IND-MH | Rulemaking,Act,Rule |
250000019 | Maharashtra Fire Services | IND-MHFS | IND-MH | Circular,Administrative Order |
250000018 | Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change | IND-MOEF | IND | Guideline,Act,Rule,Notice,Administrative Letter |
250000017 | Food Safety and Standards Authority of India | IND-FSSAI | IND | Directive,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Amendment |
250000016 | Institute of Company Secretaries of India | IND-ICSI | IND | Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement |
250000015 | Maharashtra Pollution Control Board | IND-MPCB | IND | Circular |
250000014 | Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India | IND-MCA | IND | Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Regulatory Order |
250000013 | Ministry of Labour and Employment of India | IND-MLE | IND | Circular,Press Release |
250000012 | Income Tax Department of India | IND-ITD | IND | Circular,Notice |
250000011 | Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology | IND-MEITY | IND | Guideline,Press Release,Rule |
250000009 | Parliament of India | IND-PARL | IND | Bill,Act,Rule,Act Navigation |
250000008 | Telecommunication Engineering Centre | IND-TEC | IND | Industry Guidance,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Guidance,Notice |
250000007 | Department of Economic Affairs | IND-DEA | IND | Bill,Act,Rule,Guidance,Ordinance,Notice,Report,Lawmaking,Regulatory Order,Handbook,Agency Update |
250000006 | Bureau of Indian Standards | IND-BIS | IND | Rulemaking,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Order |
250000005 | Department of Telecommunications of India | IND-DOT | IND | Circular,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Guideline,Act,Letter,Research Publication,Rule,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Instruction,Regulatory Order |
250000004 | Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs | IND-CBITC | IND | Circular,FAQ,Act,Rule,Form,Notice,Act Navigation,Instruction,Amendment |
250000003 | Directorate General of Foreign Trade | IND-DGFT | IND | Handbook Navigation,Policy Navigation,Circular,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Policy Statement Navigation,Handbook |
250000002 | Reserve Bank of India | IND-RBI | IND | Manual,FAQ,Guideline,Industry Letter,Press Release |
250000001 | Securities and Exchange Board of India | IND-SEBI | IND | Circular,Consultation Paper,Press Release,Rule |
240000001 | Otoritas Jasa Keuangan | IDN-OJK | IDN | Press Release |
220000003 | Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye | TUR-DTO | TUR | Guide |
220000002 | Capital Markets Board of Turkey | TUR-CMB | TUR | Announcement |
210000011 | Government of Prince Edward Island | CAN-PEGOV | CAN-PE | News |
210000008 | Saudi Arabia Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development | SAU-HRSD | SAU | Guide |
210000007 | Saudi Data & AI Authority | SAU-SDAIA | SAU | Consultation Paper |
210000005 | Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) | SAU-TDW | SAU | Guidance |
210000004 | Communications and Information Technology Commission | SAU-CITC | SAU | Rule |
210000003 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | SAU-KSA | SAU | Law |
210000002 | Capital Market Authority | SAU-CMA | SAU | Circular,Guide,Press Release,Rule,Announcement,Instruction |
210000001 | Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority | SAU-SAMA | SAU | Circular,Rule,News |
200000001 | Banco Central De La República Argentina | ARG-BCRA | ARG | Annual Report,Research Publication,Report,News |
110000004 | Health and Safety Executive | UK-HSE | UK | Press Release |
90000004 | Datenschutzbehörde Austria | AUT-DSB | AUT | Guidance,Decision |
90000003 | Austian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Association | AUT-AIFM | AUT | Publication |
90000002 | Austria National bank | AUT-NB | AUT | Working Paper,Whitepaper,Statistics,Annual Report,Statement,Research Publication,Publication,Report |
90000001 | Financial Market Authority of Austria | AUT-FMA | AUT | Press Release,Code Navigation |
82000003 | Ministerio de Trabajo | DOM-MT | DOM | Resolution |
82000002 | Dirección General de Impuestos Internos | DOM-DGII | DOM | Resolution |
82000001 | Presidencia de la República Dominicana | DOM-PRD | DOM | Decree |
81000006 | Presidencia de la República del Perú | PER-POR | PER | Law,Decree,Supporting Document |
81000005 | Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria | PER-SUNAT | PER | Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Form,Publication,Report,Resolution,Announcement,Agency Update |
81000004 | Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores | PER-SMV | PER | Circular,Law,Guide,Directive,Enforcement,Financial Sanction,Resolution,Standard,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document |
81000003 | Congreso de la República | PER-CDR | PER | Law,Resolution,Decree |
81000002 | Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo | PER-MTPE | PER | Manual,Statistics,Bulletin,Law,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guide,Directive,Meeting Minutes,Guideline,Publication,Notice,Report,Resolution,Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document |
81000001 | Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP | PER-SBS | PER | Proposed Rule,Circular,Law,Directive,Letter,Newsletter,Notice,Resolution |
71000006 | Ministry of Labour & Social Protection | KEN-MLSP | KEN | Rule,Notice |
71000005 | Kenya Revenue Authority | KEN-KRA | KEN | Proposed Rule,Judgement,Guide,Guideline,Rule,Report,Publications |
71000004 | Government of Kenya | KEN-GOV | KEN | Act,Rule,Notice |
71000003 | Central Bank of Kenya | KEN-CBK | KEN | Circular |
71000002 | Capital Markets Authority of Kenya | KEN-CMA | KEN | Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Report,Feedback Statement |
71000001 | Parliament of Kenya | KEN-PARL | KEN | Bill,Circular,Act,Notice |
65000002 | Governor of Curaçao | CUW-GOV | CUW | Decree |
65000001 | Parliament of Curaçao | CUW-PARL | CUW | Statute |
61000004 | Parliament of Georgia | GEO-PARL | GEO | Law,Act |
61000003 | National Bank of Georgia | GEO-NBG | GEO | Law,Guideline,News,Decree |
61000002 | Georgia Revenue Service | GEO-RS | GEO | News |
61000001 | Georgia Fair Labor Platform | GEO-GFLP | GEO | News |
60000003 | Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the US Virgin Islands | VIR-OLG | US-VIR | Press Release |
60000002 | US Virgin Islands Division of Banking, Insurance & Financial Regulation | VIR-DBIF | US-VIR | Bulletin,FAQ,Form,Publication,Instruction |
60000001 | US Virgin Islands Legislature | VIR-LEG | US-VIR | Bill,Statute,Act,Statute Navigation |
59000004 | Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs | PR-DCA | US-PR | Interpretive Statement,Rule,Administrative Order |
59000003 | Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly | PR-LA | US-PR | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
59000002 | Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico | PR-GOV | US-PR | Executive Order |
59000001 | Office of the Commissioner of Insurance of Puerto Rico | PR-OCI | US-PR | Manual,Circular,Ruling,Rule,Instruction,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Administrative Order |
58000001 | Romania Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal | ROU-ANPD | ROU | Enforcement Decision,Decision |
57000001 | Latvia Datu Valsts Inspekcija | LVA-DSI | LVA | Guidance,Decision |
56000001 | Data Protection Authority of the Principality of Liechtenstein | LIE-DPA | LIE | Guidance,Decision |
55000001 | Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů Czech | CZE-UOOU | CZE | Guidance,Decision |
54000001 | Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection Cyprus | CYP-CPDP | CYP | Decision |
53000001 | Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner Malta | MLT-IDPC | MLT | Guidance,Decision |
52000001 | Andmekaitse Inspektsioon Estonia | EST-AKI | EST | Guidance,Decision |
51000006 | Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários | PRT-CMVM | PRT | Proposed Rule,Circular,Consultation Paper,Rule,Consultation,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Comment |
51000005 | Ministério das Finanças | PRT-MOF | PRT | Law,Ordinance,Decree |
51000004 | Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões | PRT-ASF | PRT | Announcement,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
51000003 | Banco de Portugal | PRT-BP | PRT | Notice,Report,Announcement,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
48000001 | Qatar Financial Markets Authority | QAT-FMA | QAT | Consultation |
43000014 | Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia | ESP-CNMC | ESP | Rule,Decree |
43000012 | Ministerio de Economía, Comercio Y Empresa | ESP-MECB | ESP | Decree |
43000011 | La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores | ESP-CNMV | ESP | Manual,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Recommendation,Code,Decree,Instruction,Administrative Order,Agency Update,Comment,Amendment |
43000010 | Government of Spain | ESP-GOV | ESP | Law,Directive,Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,Decree,Agency Update |
43000009 | Spain FinancialReg360 | ESP-FINREG | ESP | Regulatory Alert |
43000008 | Agencia Española de Protección de Datos | ESP-AEPD | ESP | Circular,Guide,Annual Report,Publication,Report,Code,Decision,Agency Update |
43000007 | Cortes Generales de Espana | ESP-CG | ESP | Law,Rulemaking,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Decree |
43000006 | Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo | ESP-MICT | ESP | Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
43000005 | Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública | ESP-MHFP | ESP | Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
43000004 | Ministerio de Consumo | ESP-MDC | ESP | Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
43000003 | Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación | ESP-EXT | ESP | Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
43000002 | Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital | ESP-MAETD | ESP | Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update |
43000001 | Bank of Spain | ESP-BDE | ESP | Circular,Statement,Press Release,Publication,Announcement,Agency Update |
42000002 | Datatilsynet Norway | NOR-DTS | NOR | Guidance,Decision |
42000001 | Norway Financial Regulatory Authority | NOR-FRA | NOR | Circular,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Report,News |
41000002 | Hlutverk Persónuverndar Iceland | ISL-PV | ISL | Guidance,Decision |
41000001 | Central Bank of Iceland | ISL-CB | ISL | Statistics,News |
40100001 | Kanto Finance Bureau | JP-KTFB | JP-KT | News |
39100002 | Bermuda Parliament | BMU-PARL | BMU | Act,Rule,Rule Navigation,Act Navigation |
39100001 | Bermuda Monetary Authority | BMU-MA | BMU | Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report |
37000001 | Eurasian Economic Commission | EAEU-EEC | EAEU | News |
36000012 | Abu Dhabi Department of Energy | ARE-ADDOE | ARE | News |
36000011 | Abu Dhabi Executive Council | ARE-ADEC | ARE | Law |
36000010 | Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation | ARE-MOHRE | ARE | |
36000009 | Cabinet of United Arab Emirates | ARE-CAB | ARE | Law,Rule,Guidance,Decree,Agency Update |
36000008 | UAE Ministry of Finance | ARE-MOF | ARE | Manual,Circular,Law,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Rule,Form,Guidance,Decree,Handbook,Agency Update |
36000007 | Dubai Financial Services Authority | ARE-DFSA | ARE | Consultation Paper,News |
36000006 | Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates | ARE-CB | ARE | Statement,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Standard |
36000005 | Dubai Executive Council United Arab Emirates | ARE-DEC | ARE | Law |
36000004 | Federal Supreme Council United Arab Emirates | ARE-FSC | ARE | Law,Guide,Decree |
36000003 | Securities and Commodities Authority United Arab Emirates | ARE-SCA | ARE | Circular,Rule,Guidance,Notice |
36000002 | Dubai International Financial Centre | ARE-DIFC | ARE | Statement,Form,Guidance,Notice |
36000001 | Ministry of Justice United Arab Emirates | ARE-MOJ | ARE | Law,Executive Order |
34000015 | Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore | SGP-MTI | SGP | Speech,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report |
34000014 | Ministry of Finance Singapore | SGP-MOF | SGP | Speech,Guide,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report,Supporting Document |
34000013 | Singapore Ministry of Law | SGP-MOL | SGP | N/A |
34000012 | Energy Market Authority of Singapore | SGP-EMA | SGP | Press Release |
34000011 | Cyber Security Agency of Singapore | SGP-CSA | SGP | N/A |
34000010 | Attorney-General’s Chambers of the Republic of Singapore | SGP-AGC | SGP | Press Release |
34000009 | Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore | SGP-ACRA | SGP | Press Release |
34000008 | Singapore Exchange Group | SGP-SGX | SGP | News |
34000007 | Parliament of Singapore | SGP-PARL | SGP | Statute,Act,Press Release,Rule,Report,Act Navigation,Statute Navigation |
34000006 | Competition and Consumer Commission Singapore | SGP-CCC | SGP | Bill,Industry Guidance,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Response,Consultation,Form,Feedback Statement,Decision |
34000005 | Ministry of Manpower Singapore | SGP-MOM | SGP | Speech,Statistics,Press Release,Report,Announcement |
34000004 | Government of Singapore | SGP-GOV | SGP | Speech,Final Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Act,Business Plan,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Supporting Document |
34000003 | Personal Data Protection Commission of Singapore | SGP-PDPC | SGP | Announcement |
34000002 | Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore | SGP-IRAS | SGP | Speech,Press Release,News,Agency Update |
34000001 | Monetary Authority of Singapore | SGP-MAS | SGP | Speech,Bulletin,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,News Release,Directive,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Statement of Policy,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Administrative Order,Agency Update |
33100011 | Financial Data Exchange | EU-FinDatEx | EU | Statement,Consultation,Guidance,News |
33100010 | Publications Office of the European Union | EU-PO | EU | Journal Navigation,Journal |
33100009 | European Data Protection Supervisor | EU-EDPS | EU | Speech,Opinion,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Recommendation,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Agency Update,Comment |
33100008 | European Data Protection Board | EU-EDPB | EU | Statistics,Opinion,FAQ,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Response,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Recommendation,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update,Comment |
33100007 | European Fund and Asset Management Association | EU-EFAMA | EU | Annual Report,Press Release,Publication,Report |
33100006 | European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority | EU-EIOPA | EU | Final Report,Guideline,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Regulatory Decision,Report,Standard,News,Instruction,Agency Update |
33100005 | European Council | EU-EC | EU | Directive (EU),Financial Sanction |
33100004 | European Financial Reporting Advisory Group | EU-EFRAG | EU | Final Report,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Letter,Research Publication,Statement of Policy,Event,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Comment |
33100003 | Europol | EU-POL | EU | Press Release,News |
33100002 | European Parliament | EU-PARL | EU | Final Report,Legislative Debate,Proposed Rule,Opinion,FAQ,Regulation (EU),Directive (EU) Navigation,Directive (EU),Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Corporate Document,Response,Decision (EU),Fact Sheet,Notice,Report,Resolution,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda,Enforcement Report,Amendment |
33100001 | European Central Bank | EU-ECB | EU | Working Paper,Speech,Final Report,Statistics,Bulletin,Meeting Minutes,Guideline,Letter,Research Publication,Press Release,Corporate Document,Blog,Response,Decision (EU),Consultation,Correspondence,Event,Publication,Recommendation,Report,Supporting Document,Decision,Agency Update,Comment |
33000021 | Australian eSafety Commissioner | AUS-ESAFECOM | AUS | Press Release |
33000020 | Australian Border Force | AUS-ABF | AUS | Speech,Statement,Press Release |
33000019 | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission | AUS-ACCC | AUS | Speech,Press Release,Enforcement,Guidance,Agency Update |
33000018 | Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | AUS-DFAT | AUS | News |
33000017 | Australian Energy Regulator | AUS-AER | AUS | Guideline,News |
33000016 | Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner Australia | AUS-OVIC | AUS | Research Publication |
33000015 | Australian Department of Home Affairs | AUS-DHA | AUS | Market Conduct Examination Report,Guide,Guideline,Statement,Response,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,Standard,Announcement,Instruction,Agency Update |
33000014 | Australian Energy Market Operator | AUS-AEMO | AUS | Standard |
33000013 | Australian Signals Directorate | AUS-ASD | AUS | Manual,Standard |
33000012 | Australian Treasury | AUS-TREAS | AUS | Final Report,Consultation Paper,International Treaty,Annual Report,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Policy Statement,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment |
33000011 | Reserve Bank of Australia | AUS-RBA | AUS | Speech,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Business Plan,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Publication,Report |
33000010 | Council of Financial Regulators | AUS-CFR | AUS | Consultation Paper,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,Advice,Consultation,Policy Statement,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment |
33000009 | Australian Accounting Standards Board | AUS-AASB | AUS | Standard |
33000008 | Parliament of Australia | AUS-PARL | AUS | Act,Standard |
33000007 | Government of Australia | AUS-GOV | AUS | Guide,Annual Report,Statement,Press Release,Guidance |
33000006 | Fair Work Commission Australia | AUS-FWC | AUS | Guideline,Research Publication,Regulatory Decision,Report,News,Agency Update |
33000005 | Australian Taxation Office | AUS-ATO | AUS | Speech,Press Release,Blog,Notice |
33000004 | Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre | AUS-AUSTRAC | AUS | News |
33000003 | Australian Securities & Investments Commission | AUS-ASIC | AUS | Speech,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Consultation Paper,Guide,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Response,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment |
33000002 | Office of the Australian Information Commissioner | AUS-OAIC | AUS | Statement,Press Release,News,Agency Update |
33000001 | Australian Prudential Regulation Authority | AUS-APRA | AUS | Speech,Statistics,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Corporate Document,Response,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News,Instruction |
32000014 | Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg | LUX-JO | LUX | Notice,Standard |
32000013 | Administration des contributions directes Luxembourg | LUX-ACD | LUX | Circular,International Treaty,FAQ,Newsletter,Memorandum of Understanding,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
32000012 | Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry | LUX-ALFI | LUX | Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Publication,Agency Update |
32000011 | Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données | LUX-CNPD | LUX | Opinion,Guide,Guideline,Guidance,News,Decision |
32000010 | Cour Grand-Ducale Luxembourg | LUX-CGD | LUX | Rule |
32000009 | Luxembourg Government | LUX-GOV | LUX | Judgement,Rule |
32000008 | Luxembourg Constitutional Court | LUX-CC | LUX | Judgement |
32000007 | Luxembourg Chambre des Députés | LUX-CDD | LUX | Law,Act,Code Navigation,Code |
32000006 | Luxembourg Ministry of Finance | LUX-MFIN | LUX | Press Release,News |
32000004 | Luxembourg Administration judiciaire | LUX-AJ | LUX | Judgement,Press Release,News |
32000003 | Banque Centrale du Luxembourg | LUX-BCL | LUX | Working Paper,Manual,Bulletin,Circular,Opinion,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Newsletter,Rule,Guidance,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
32000002 | The Luxembourg Banker's Association | LUX-ABBL | LUX | Annual Report,Guideline,Position Paper |
32000001 | Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier | LUX-CSSF | LUX | Whitepaper,Industry Guidance,Statistics,Circular,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Annual Report,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Event,Form,Guidance,Report,Standard,Agency Update |
31000009 | Hong Kong Legislative Council | HKG-LC | HKG | Rule,Ordinance |
31000008 | Trade and Industry Department of Hong Kong | HKG-TID | HKG | Rule,Notice |
31000007 | Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority Hong Kong | HKG-MPFA | HKG | Circular,Press Release,Blog,Agency Update |
31000006 | Labour Department Hong Kong | HKG-LD | HKG | Press Release |
31000005 | Government of Hong Kong | HKG-GOV | HKG | News |
31000004 | Inland Revenue Department Hong Kong | HKG-IRD | HKG | Press Release |
31000003 | Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong | HKG-PCPD | HKG | Press Release |
31000002 | Hong Kong Monetary Authority | HKG-MA | HKG | Speech,Manual,Circular,Guideline,Press Release,Consultation |
31000001 | Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission | HKG-SFC | HKG | Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Response,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,News,Administrative Order |
29000008 | Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés du France | FRA-CNIL | FRA | Guidance,Regulatory Decision,News,Decision |
29000007 | Association de la Gestion Financière (French Financial Management Association) | FRA-AFG | FRA | News |
29000006 | Direction générale des Finances publiques | FRA-BOFIP | FRA | Guidance,Guidance Navigation |
29000005 | Banque de France | FRA-BDF | FRA | Press Release |
29000004 | Parliament of France | FRA-PARL | FRA | Standard,Standard Navigation,Code Navigation,Code,Decree,Regulatory Order |
29000003 | Autorite de Controle Prudentiel et de Resolution | FRA-ACPR | FRA | Working Paper,Speech,Annual Report,Research Publication,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Publication,Recommendation,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Decision,Agency Update |
29000002 | Government of France | FRA-GOV | FRA | Supervisory Report,Statement,Press Release,News,Handbook |
29000001 | Autorite des Marches Financiers | FRA-AMF | FRA | Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,News,Rule Navigation,Instruction,Regulatory Order,Position Paper |
28000009 | Italian Investment Management Association(Assogestioni) | ITA-ASSOGESTIONI | ITA | Guide,Annual Report,Guidance,Report,Agency Update |
28000008 | Commissione Di Vigilanza Sui Fondi Pensione | ITA-COVIP | ITA | Annual Report,Report |
28000007 | Parliament of Italy | ITA-PARL | ITA | Law |
28000006 | Presidency of the Council of Ministers | ITA-PCM | ITA | Decree |
28000005 | President of Republic of Italy | ITA-POR | ITA | Decree |
28000004 | Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni | ITA-IVASS | ITA | Statistics,Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Agency Update |
28000003 | Garante per la protezione dei dati personali | ITA-GPDP | ITA | Opinion,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Injunction Order,Warning Notice,Consultation,Guidance,Resolution,News,Code,Decision,Agency Update |
28000002 | Bank of Italy | ITA-BDI | ITA | Working Paper,Circular,Guideline,Newsletter,Rule,Guidance,News,Instruction,Agency Update |
28000001 | Commissione Nazionale Per Le Società e la Borsa | ITA-CONSOB | ITA | Press Release |
27000022 | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Office for Information Security) | DEU-BSI | DEU | Working Paper,Statistics,Guideline,Guidance,Publication,Report,Position Paper,Agency Update |
27000021 | Gesamtverband der Versicherer | DEU-GDV | DEU | Newsletter |
27000019 | Unabhängiges Datenschutzzentrum Saarland | DEU-UDS | DEU | Decision |
27000018 | Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen | DEU-LDINRW | DEU | Decision |
27000017 | Der Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit | DEU-HmbBfDI | DEU | Guidance,Decision |
27000016 | Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Baden-Württemberg | DEU-BWDP | DEU | Decision |
27000015 | Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Akteneinsicht | DEU-BLDA | DEU | Decision |
27000014 | Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit | DEU-HBDI | DEU | Decision |
27000013 | Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit | DEU-BBDI | DEU | Decision |
27000012 | Bundesverwaltungsgericht | DEU-BVerwG | DEU | Judgement,Decision |
27000011 | Bundesverband Alternative Investments | DEU-BAI | DEU | Newsletter,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment |
27000010 | Bundesgerichtshof | DEU-BGH | DEU | Judgement,Decision |
27000009 | Bundesverfassungsgerichts (German Federal Constitutional Court) | DEU-BVERFG | DEU | Judgement,Enforcement,Decision |
27000008 | Bundesministerium der Finanzen (German Finance Ministry) | DEU-BMF | DEU | Rate Filing,Letter,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Publication,Regulatory Decision,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
27000007 | Deutscher Bundestag (German Parliament) | DEU-BT | DEU | Act,Ordinance,Act Navigation,Lawmaking |
27000006 | Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft | DEU-DK | DEU | Whitepaper,Press Release,Event,Report,Supporting Document,Comment |
27000005 | Bundesverband Deutscher Banken | DEU-BVB | DEU | Whitepaper,Opinion,Guide,Press Release,Blog,Event,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Agency Update,Comment |
27000004 | Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz | DEU-BMJ | DEU | Bill,Speech,Meeting Minutes,Press Release,Blog,News,Lawmaking,Agency Update,Comment |
27000003 | Verband der Auslandsbanken | DEU-VAB | DEU | Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Feedback Statement,Comment |
27000002 | Bundesbank Germany | DEU-BB | DEU | Speech,Final Report,Statistics,Circular,FAQ,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Event,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Notice,Report,Supporting Document,Agency Update,Comment |
27000001 | Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany | DEU-BAFIN | DEU | Circular,Checklist,Guide,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Supporting Document,Comment |
26000005 | South Africa Reserve Bank | ZAF-SARB | ZAF | Speech,Bulletin,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Form,Publication,Notice |
26000004 | Financial Intelligence Center of South Africa | ZAF-FIC | ZAF | Circular,FAQ,Guidance |
26000002 | Parliament of the Republic of South Africa | ZAF-PARL | ZAF | Act |
26000001 | South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority | ZAF-FSCA | ZAF | Enforcement Order,Press Release,Civil Money Penalty |
25000009 | Superintendência de Seguros Privados | BRA-SUSEP | BRA | Circular,Form,Notice,Agency Update |
25000008 | Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais | BRA-ANBIMA | BRA | Manual,Circular,FAQ,Enforcement,Guidance,Recommendation,Announcement,Code |
25000006 | Receita Federal | BRA-RF | BRA | Manual,Bulletin,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report |
25000005 | Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar | BRA-PREVIC | BRA | Speech,Manual,Opinion,FAQ,Guide,Consultation,Ordinance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Instruction,Agency Update |
25000004 | National Congress of Brazil | BRA-NC | BRA | Law,Act |
25000003 | Presidency of the Republic of Brazil | BRA-POB | BRA | Decree,Amendment |
25000002 | Comissão de Valores Mobiliários | BRA-CVM | BRA | Annual Report,Enforcement,Guidance,Ordinance,Notice,Report,News |
25000001 | Banco Central do Brasil | BRA-BCB | BRA | Meeting Minutes,Press Release,Report,Instruction |
24000009 | Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate) | NLD-MEZ | NLD | Rule,Amendment |
24000008 | Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten) | NLD-CBCSM | NLD | Statute,Guideline,Press Release,Rule |
24000007 | Sociale Verzekeringsbank | NLD-SV | NLD | Rule,Decree |
24000006 | Ministerie van Financiën | NLD-MF | NLD | Act,Rule,Advice,Announcement,Decree,Amendment |
24000005 | Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens | NLD-AP | NLD | Blog,Guidance,News,Decision |
24000004 | Eumedion Corporate Governance Forum | NLD-ECGF | NLD | Manual,Policy Paper,Annual Report,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Response,Publication,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Comment |
24000003 | Netherlands Government | NLD-GOV | NLD | Law,Act,Decree |
24000002 | De Netherlandsche Bank | NLD-DNB | NLD | Speech,Bulletin,FAQ,Act,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Decree,Feedback Statement |
24000001 | Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets | NLD-AFM | NLD | Speech,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Response,Enforcement,Publication,Report,News,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Decision,Administrative Letter |
23020001 | Consumer Affairs Victoria | AUSVIC-CAV | AUS-VIC | Press Release,Notice,News |
23010003 | New South Wales Legislation | AUS-NSWL | AUS-NSW | Determination,Act,Rule,Implementation Plan,Notice,Regulatory Order |
23010001 | Revenue New South Wales | AUS-NSWR | AUS-NSW | FAQ,Newsletter,Press Release,Event,Announcement,News |
23000003 | Nevis Ministry of Finance | KNA-MOF | KNA | Rule |
23000002 | The National Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA-NA | KNA | Law,Act,Rule |
23000001 | Nevis Financial Services Regulatory Commission | KNA-NFSRC | KNA | Rule |
22000006 | Ministerio de Economia Y Finanzas | PAN-MEF | PAN | Decree |
22000005 | Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias | PAN-MCI | PAN | Decree |
22000004 | Ministerio de la Presidencia | PAN-MP | PAN | Decree |
22000003 | La Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá | PAN-SSRP | PAN | Circular |
22000002 | Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores de Panamá | PAN-SMV | PAN | Circular,Notice,Resolution,Announcement |
22000001 | National Assembly of Panama | PAN-NA | PAN | Law,Act |
21300003 | Office of the Superintendent of Securities Nunavut | CAN-NUOSS | CAN-NU | National Instrument,Multilateral Instrument,Policy Statement,Notice |
21300002 | Nunavut Legislative Assembly | CAN-NULEG | CAN-NU | Bill,Statute,Notice,Statute Navigation |
21300001 | Government of Nunavut | CAN-NUGOV | CAN-NU | News |
21200002 | Government of New Brunswick | CAN-NBGOV | CAN-NB | News |
21200001 | Financial and Consumer Services Commission New Brunswick | CAN-NBFCSC | CAN-NB | News |
21100003 | Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories | CAN-NTLA | CAN-NT | Act,Rule,Rule Navigation,Act Navigation |
21100002 | Municipal and Community Affairs Northwest Territories | CAN-NTMCA | CAN-NT | Bulletin,Guide,Form |
21100001 | Government of Northwest Territories of Canada | CAN-NTGOV | CAN-NT | Speech,Final Report,Bulletin,Annual Report,Guideline,Act,Business Plan,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update |
21000001 | The Barbados Parliament | BRB-BP | BRB | Act |
20900005 | Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan | CAN-SKLA | CAN-SK | Act,Rule,Act Navigation |
20900004 | Saskatchewan Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation | SK-CUDGC | CAN-SK | Directive,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Guideline,Guidance,Publication,Standard |
20900003 | Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan | CAN-SKIC | CAN-SK | Bulletin |
20900002 | Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority | CAN-SKFCAA | CAN-SK | Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Act,Consent Order,Letter,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Decision |
20900001 | Government of Saskatchewan | CAN-SKGOV | CAN-SK | News |
20800005 | Nova Scotia Legislature | CAN-NSLEG | CAN-NS | Statute,Act |
20800003 | Government of Nova Scotia | CAN-NSGOV | CAN-NS | News |
20800002 | Nova Scotia Securities Commission | CAN-NSSC | CAN-NS | Press Release |
20800001 | Nova Scotia Finance and Treasury Board | CAN-NSFTB | CAN-NS | Bulletin,FAQ,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Report,News |
20700005 | Yukon Legislative Assembly | CAN-YTLA | CAN-YT | Statute,Statute Navigation |
20700004 | Yukon Superintendent of Securities | CAN-YTSOS | CAN-YT | National Instrument,Rule,Form,Policy Statement,Administrative Order |
20700003 | Superintendent of Insurance Yukon | CAN-YTSOI | CAN-YT | Bulletin |
20700002 | Government of Yukon | CAN-YTGOV | CAN-YT | Final Report,Guideline,Act,Rule,Notice,Report,Standard,News |
20700001 | Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board | CAN-WCHSB | CAN-YT | News |
20600002 | Digital Government and Service NL | CAN-NLDGS | CAN-NL | Bulletin,Memorandum,Annual Report,Form,Report,News,Agency Update |
20600001 | Government of Newfoundland and Labrador | CAN-NLGOV | CAN-NL | Final Report,Investor Alert,Bulletin,Circular,Statute,Guideline,Rule,Notice,News |
20500005 | Office of the Superintendent Pension Commission Manitoba | CAN-MBOSPC | CAN-MB | Bulletin,News |
20500004 | Insurance Council of Manitoba | CAN-MBIC | CAN-MB | Bulletin,Checklist,Annual Report,Handbook |
20500003 | Consumer Protection Office of Manitoba | CAN-MBCPO | CAN-MB | Consumer Alert |
20500002 | Government of Manitoba | CAN-MBGOV | CAN-MB | Bulletin,News |
20500001 | Manitoba Securities Commission | CAN-MSC | CAN-MB | News |
20400009 | Real Estate Council Alberta | CAN-RECA | CAN-AB | Bulletin,Agency Update |
20400008 | Alberta Energy Regulator | CAN-AER | CAN-AB | Bulletin,Directive,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Announcement,News,Guidance Notice |
20400007 | Ministry of Service Alberta | CAN-ABMSA | CAN-AB | Decision |
20400006 | Government of Alberta | CAN-ABGOV | CAN-AB | News |
20400005 | Superintendent of Insurance of Alberta | CAN-ABSI | CAN-AB | Bulletin,Enforcement Notice,Form |
20400004 | Alberta Insurance Council | CAN-AIC | CAN-AB | News |
20400003 | Alberta Treasury Board and Finance | CAN-ABTBF | CAN-AB | Statistics,Circular,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Publication,Notice,Report |
20400002 | Legislative Assembly of Alberta | CAN-ABLA | CAN-AB | Bill,Statute,Act |
20400001 | Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta | CAN-OIPCAB | CAN-AB | Breach Notification Decision,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report,Agency Update |
20300005 | Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General | CAN-BCPSSG | CAN-BC | Annual Report,Business Plan,News |
20300004 | British Columbia Consumer Protection Authority (Canada) | CAN-BCCPA | CAN-BC | Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Business Plan,Enforcement,Publication,Report,Decision,Agency Update |
20300003 | Insurance Council British Columbia | CAN-BCIC | CAN-BC | Guideline,Guidance,Notice,News |
20300002 | Legislative Assembly of British Columbia | CAN-BCLA | CAN-BC | Bill,Statute,Statute Navigation |
20300001 | Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia | CAN-OIPCBC | CAN-BC | Guidance |
20200011 | Gouvernement du Québec (Government of Quebec) | CAN-QCGOV | CAN-QC | Rulemaking,Rule,Consultation,Notice,Decree,Regulatory Order |
20200010 | Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec | CAN-OACIQ | CAN-QC | FAQ,Guideline,News |
20200009 | Quebec Autorité des Marchés Publics | CAN-QCAMP | CAN-QC | Speech,Annual Report,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,Announcement,News,Administrative Order,Agency Update |
20200008 | Autorité des marchés financiers Quebec | CAN-QCAMF | CAN-QC | Speech,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Comment |
20200007 | Office Québécois de la Langue Française Quebec | CAN-QCOQLF | CAN-QC | News,Agency Update |
20200006 | Revenu Quebec | CAN-QCRQ | CAN-QC | Press Release,News |
20200005 | Office de la Protection du Consommateur | CAN-QCOPC | CAN-QC | News,Agency Update |
20200004 | Canadian Depository For Securities | CAN-CDS | CAN | Press Release |
20200003 | Retraite Quebec | CAN-QCR | CAN-QC | Final Report,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,News |
20200002 | Commission d'acces a l'information du Quebec | CAN-QCCAI | CAN-QC | Press Release |
20200001 | National Assembly of Québec | CAN-QCNA | CAN-QC | Bill,Act,Introduced Bill,Rule,Resolution,News,Act Navigation |
20100009 | Ontario Government | CAN-ONGOV | CAN-ON | Journal |
20100008 | Financial Services Commission of Ontario | CAN-ONFSC | CAN-ON | News |
20100005 | Ontario Energy Board | CAN-OEB | CAN-ON | Final Report,Bulletin,Guide,Directive,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Code,Instruction,Handbook,Administrative Order |
20100004 | Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery | CAN-ONMPBSD | CAN-ON | Statement,News |
20100003 | Accessibility Directorate of Ontario | CAN-ONAD | CAN-ON | Guidance |
20100002 | Legislative Assembly of Ontario | CAN-ONLA | CAN-ON | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
20100001 | Toronto Stock Exchange | CAN-TSX | CAN-ON | News |
20000003 | Office of the Prime Minister of The Bahamas | BHS-OPM | BHS | Executive Order |
20000002 | Parliament of The Bahamas | BHS-POB | BHS | Act |
20000001 | Bahamas Financial Services Board | BHS-BFSB | BHS | Rule,Enforcement,Guidance |
19000006 | Department of Personal Data Protection (PDP) | MYS-PDP | MYS | Guide,Rule,Guidance,Notice |
19000004 | Parliament of Malaysia | MYS-POM | MYS | Act |
19000003 | Bank Negara Malaysia | MYS-BNM | MYS | Guideline,Press Release,Notice,Announcement,Agency Update |
19000002 | Securities Commission Malaysia | MYS-SC | MYS | Circular,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Act,Rule,Guidance,Ordinance |
19000001 | Labuan International Business and Financial Centre | MYS-LIBFC | MYS | Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Form |
18000006 | Irish Association of Investment Managers | IRL-IAIM | IRL | Response,Publication,Feedback Statement |
18000005 | Irish Funds Industry Association | IRL-FIA | IRL | Statistics,Guide,Annual Report,Publication |
18000004 | The Irish Revenue | IRL-REV | IRL | Manual,News |
18000003 | Irish Data Protection Commission | IRL-DPC | IRL | Guidance,News,Decision |
18000002 | Central Bank of Ireland | IRL-CBI | IRL | Speech,Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Settlement Agreement,Press Release,Blog,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Code Navigation,Code,Feedback Statement,Comment |
18000001 | The Oireachtas | IRL-OIR | IRL | Act,Rule |
17000006 | Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly | CYM-LA | CYM | Law,Act,Introduced Bill |
17000005 | Cayman Islands Ombudsman | CYM-OMB | CYM | Statistics,Annual Report,Guideline,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,Guidance Notice |
17000004 | Cabinet of the Cayman Islands | CYM-CAB | CYM | Act,Rule,Ordinance |
17000003 | Financial Reporting Authority Cayman Islands | CYM-FRA | CYM | Industry Guidance,Enforcement Notice,Annual Report,Letter,Form,Guidance,Notice,Guidance Notice |
17000002 | Department for International Tax Cooperation | CYM-DITC | CYM | International Treaty,FAQ,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Handbook |
17000001 | Cayman Islands Monetary Authority | CYM-CIMA | CYM | Investor Alert,Circular,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Feedback Statement,Agency Update |
16000003 | Customs and Excise Division of Isle of Man | IM-CED | IM | Enforcement Notice,Guidance |
16000002 | Financial Services Authority of Isle of Man | IM-FSA | IM | Guide,Act,Rule,Report,Executive Order |
16000001 | Legislative Council of the Isle of Man | IM-LC | IM | Bill,Act |
15000015 | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | JP-METI | JP | Speech,News Release,Annual Report,Guideline,Statement,Guidance,Report,News |
15000014 | Ministry of Finance Japan | JP-MOF | JP | Speech,Newsletter,Statement,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Agency Update |
15000013 | Japan Investment Advisers Association | JP-JIAA | JP | Guideline,Rule,Announcement |
15000012 | Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association | JP-T2FIFA | JP | Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Guidance |
15000011 | Japan Securities Clearing Corporation | JP-SCC | JP | Guidance,News,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
15000010 | Japan National Diet | JP-ND | JP | Act,Act Navigation |
15000009 | National Police Agency Japan | JP-NPA | JP | Manual |
15000008 | Government of Japan | JP-GOV | JP | News |
15000007 | Japan Securities Dealers Association | JP-SDA | JP | FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Statement,Business Plan,Rule,Response,Fact Sheet,Report,Agency Update,Comment |
15000006 | Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare Japan | JP-MHLW | JP | Final Report,Circular,Research Publication,Report,News |
15000005 | Financial Futures Association of Japan | JP-FFAJ | JP | Guideline,Rule,Report,Agency Update |
15000004 | Personal Information Protection Commission | JP-PPC | JP | Final Report,Act,Statement,Rule,News |
15000003 | Japanese Financial Services Agency | JP-FSA | JP | Speech,Manual,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Conference,Press Release,Guidance,Ordinance,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Comment |
15000002 | Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission of Japan | JP-SESC | JP | Press Release |
15000001 | Ministry of Justice | JP-MOJ | JP | Order,Guideline,Act,Rule,Ordinance,Notice,Executive Order |
14000062 | Canadian Payments Association | CAN-CPA | CAN | Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Instruction |
14000061 | Canadian Investor Protection Fund | CAN-CIPF | CAN | Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Policy Statement,Publication,Agency Update |
14000060 | Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization | CAN-CIRO | CAN | Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Guide,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Rule,Response,Consultation,Form,Publication,Report,News,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment |
14000056 | Investment Industry Association of Canada | CAN-IIAC | CAN | Newsletter,Blog |
14000055 | Global Affairs Canada | CAN-GAC | CAN | Speech,Statement,News,Agency Update |
14000054 | Statistics Canada | CAN-SC | CAN | Report,News |
14000053 | Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations | CAN-CISRO | CAN | FAQ,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Report,News,Comment |
14000052 | Competition Bureau Canada | CAN-CBC | CAN | Response,Consultation,Notice,News |
14000051 | Canada Department of Finance | CAN-DOF | CAN | Speech,Final Report,Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Statement,Press Release,Consultation,Notice,Report,News,Lawmaking,Agency Update |
14000050 | Canadian Bankers Association | CAN-CBA | CAN | Statistics,Guidance,News,Agency Update |
14000048 | Auditing and Assurance Standards Board | CAN-AASB | CAN | Agency Update |
14000047 | OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance | CAN-OLHI | CAN | Annual Report,News,Agency Update |
14000046 | Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | CAN-OCOL | CAN | News |
14000045 | Canadian Public Accountability Board | CAN-CPAB | CAN | News |
14000044 | Employment and Social Development Canada | CAN-ESDC | CAN | Speech,Statement,Press Release,Guidance,Announcement,News |
14000043 | Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada | CAN-OCL | CAN | Annual Report,Consultation,Report,News,Enforcement Report |
14000042 | Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators | CAN-CCIR | CAN | Consultation Paper,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Comment |
14000041 | Financial Reporting & Assurance Standards Canada | CAN-FRAS | CAN | Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Supervisory Guidance,Research Publication,Consultation,News |
14000040 | Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association | CAN-CLHIA | CAN | News |
14000039 | Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada | CAN-OSB | CAN | Enforcement Notice,Consultation,Report,News |
14000038 | Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments | CAN-OBSI | CAN | Final Report,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Guide,Annual Report,Response,Consultation,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update,Comment |
14000037 | Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission | CAN-CRTC | CAN | Speech,Bulletin,Enforcement Notice,Policy Statement,Notice,News,Decision,Administrative Order |
14000036 | Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation | CAN-CDCC | CAN | Notice |
14000035 | Elections Canada | CAN-EC | CAN | Press Release,News |
14000032 | Canadian Human Rights Commission | CAN-CHRC | CAN | Speech,Statement,News |
14000031 | Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation | CAN-CMHC | CAN | Speech,Notice,News |
14000030 | Canadian Securities Exchange | CAN-CSE | CAN | Notice,News |
14000029 | British Columbia Financial Services Authority | CAN-BCFSA | CAN-BC | Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Notice,Report,News,Advisory Opinion |
14000028 | Alberta Securities Commission | CAN-ASC | CAN-AB | Regulatory Alert,News |
14000027 | Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario | CAN-FSRAO | CAN-ON | Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Newsletter,Enforcement,Notice,Report,Announcement,News |
14000026 | Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada | CAN-MFDA | CAN | Bulletin,Statement,Report,News |
14000025 | British Columbia Securities Commission | CAN-BCSC | CAN-BC | News,Agency Update |
14000024 | Canada Revenue Agency | CAN-CRA | CAN | Speech,Statement,Press Release,News |
14000023 | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | CAN-RCMP | CAN | News |
14000022 | The Montreal Exchange | CAN-TMX | CAN | Circular |
14000021 | Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | CAN-FINTRAC | CAN | Industry Guidance,Interpretive Statement,Industry Letter,Form,Guidance,News |
14000020 | Canadian Securities Administrators | CAN-CSA | CAN | Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Notice,News |
14000019 | Ontario Securities Commission | CAN-OSC | CAN-ON | Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Consultation Paper,Guide,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,National Instrument,Rule,Response,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Multilateral Instrument,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Order,Decision,Administrative Order,Comment,Amendment |
14000018 | Autorite des Marches Financiers | CAN-AMF | CAN | News |
14000017 | Parliament of Canada | CAN-PARL | CAN | Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Act Navigation,Amended Bill |
14000016 | Government of Canada | CAN-GOV | CAN | Speech,Proclamation,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Notice,News,Rule Navigation,Regulatory Order |
14000015 | Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation | CAN-CDIC | CAN | Speech,News,Agency Update |
14000014 | Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | CAN-FCAC | CAN | Speech,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Form,Report,News,Decision |
14000013 | Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada | CAN-IIROC | CAN | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Letter,Response,Enforcement,Consultation,Notice,News,Guidance Notice,Agency Update,Comment |
14000012 | Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions | CAN-OSFI | CAN | Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Ruling,Guide,Memorandum,Guideline,Industry Letter,Letter,Statement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Instruction,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
14000011 | Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | CAN-OPC | CAN | Speech,Bulletin,Opinion,FAQ,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Response,Advice,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Commissioner's Order,Agency Update,Comment |
14000010 | Canadian Legal Information Institutes | CAN-CANLII | CAN | Act,Rule,Agency Update |
14000002 | Bank of Canada | CAN-BOC | CAN | Speech,Statement,Press Release,Announcement,News,Agency Update |
13000006 | SIX Swiss Exchange | CH-SIX | CH | Notice,Agency Update |
13000005 | Switzerland Asset Management Association | CH-AMA | CH | Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Fact Sheet |
13000004 | State Secretariat for Economic Affairs | CH-SECO | CH | Press Release |
13000003 | Federal Tax Administration | CH-FTA | CH | Circular,Press Release |
13000002 | Federal Council | CH-FC | CH | Act,Press Release |
13000001 | Financial Market Supervisory Authority of Switzerland | CH-FINMA | CH | Speech,Circular,Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Risk Alert,Enforcement Report,Agency Update |
12100000 | European Commission | EU-COM | EU | Bill,Speech,Whitepaper,Policy Paper,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Regulation (EU),Directive (EU),Advisory Letter,Meeting Minutes,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Response,Decision (EU),Impact Assessment,Consultation,Event,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Policy Statement,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment,Amendment |
12000025 | The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | INT-OECD | INT | Press Release,Guidance |
12000023 | World Wide Web Consortium | INT-W3C | INT | Guideline,Press Release,Blog,Event,Recommendation,Standard,News,Agency Update |
12000022 | International Swaps and Derivatives Association | INT-ISDA | INT | Speech,Whitepaper,Letter,Statement,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment |
12000021 | East African Community | INT-EAC | INT | Directive |
12000020 | Herbert Smith Freehills | INT-HSF | INT | Agency Update |
12000019 | ICE Futures U.S. | ICE-FUS | US | Enforcement,Notice |
12000018 | Intercontinental Exchange Futures Europe | ICE-FEU | EU | Circular,Corporate Document |
12000017 | Intercontinental Exchange NGX Canada Inc. | ICE-NGX | CAN | Notice |
12000016 | Intercontinental Exchange - Clear Credit | ICE-CC | US | Circular |
12000015 | Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. - Clear US | ICE-CUS | US | Notice |
12000014 | International Monetary Fund | INT-IMF | INT | News |
12000013 | North American Electric Reliability Corporation | INT-NERC | INT | FAQ,Form,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Report,Standard |
12000012 | United Nations Security Council | INT-UNSC | INT | Agency Update |
12000011 | North American Securities Administrators Association | INT-NASAA | INT | Rulemaking,FAQ,Guideline,Act,Rule,Statement of Policy,News,Comment |
12000009 | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication | INT-SWIFT | INT | Press Release,News |
12000008 | Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council | INT-PCI | INT | Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Press Release,Blog,Form,Guidance,Report,Standard,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update |
12000007 | European Securities and Markets Authority | EU-ESMA | EU | Speech,Final Report,Investor Alert,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Advice,Publication,Notice,Report,Standard,News,Publications,Decision,Agency Update |
12000006 | Financial Stability Board | INT-FSB | INT | Consultation,News,Agency Update |
12000005 | The Wolfsberg Group | INT-TWG | INT | Statement,Guidance,Standard,News,Agency Update |
12000004 | International Organization of Securities Commissions | INT-IOSCO | INT | Working Paper,Speech,Final Report,Annual Report,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Consultation,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment |
12000003 | European Banking Authority | EU-EBA | EU | Speech,Proposed Rule,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Warning Notice,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Decision,Comment |
12000002 | Financial Action Task Force | INT-FATF | INT | Speech,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report |
12000001 | Bank for International Settlements | INT-BIS | INT | Working Paper,Speech,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Event,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News,Agency Update |
11000080 | National Cyber Security Centre UK | UK-NCSC | UK | Guidance,Guidance Navigation |
11000010 | London Stock Exchange | UK-LSE | UK | Rule,Response,Notice,Standard,Announcement |
11000009 | Financial Ombudsman Service | UK-FOS | UK | News |
11000008 | Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of UK | UK-FCDO | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Statistics,Guide,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report |
11000007 | Financial Reporting Council of UK | UK-FRC | UK | Corporate Report,Bill,Final Report,Audit,Statistics,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Letter,Statement,Business Plan,Research Publication,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Enforcement Report,Decision,Handbook,Administrative Letter,Comment |
11000006 | UK Parliament | UK-PARL | UK | Bill,Speech,Legislative Debate,Policy Paper,Statistics,Statute,Memorandum,Annual Report,Guideline,Act,Letter,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Impact Assessment,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Report,News,Agency Update |
11000005 | Government of UK | UK-GOV | UK | Guidance,Agency Update |
11000004 | House of Assembly of the British Virgin Islands | VGB-HA | UK-VGB | Statute,Act,Rule,Ordinance,Policy Statement,Notice |
11000003 | Lending Standards Board | UK-LSB | UK | News |
11000002 | Prudential Regulation Authority | UK-PRA | UK | Supervisory Statement,Administration Instrument,Prudential Regulation,Regulatory Digest,Handbook Navigation,Final Notice,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Letter,Statement,Business Plan,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Handbook,Agency Update |
11000001 | Bank of England | UK-BOE | UK | Working Paper,Policy Paper,Statistics,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Conference,Blog,Correspondence,Event,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update |
10500001 | Senedd Cymru | WLS-SC | WLS | Act |
10400001 | Northern Island Assembly | NIR-NIA | NIR | Act |
10300001 | Scottish Parliament | SCT-PARL | SCT | Act |
10200001 | British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission | VGB-FSC | UK-VGB | Statistics,Rulemaking,Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Statement,Press Release,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,News,Enforcement Report |
10000096 | UK Gambling Commission | UK-GAMBCOM | UK | Speech,News |
10000077 | Monitor | UK-MONITOR | UK | Form,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000076 | Health and Social Care Information Centre | UK-HSCIC | UK | Agency Update |
10000075 | Infrastructure UK | UK-IUK | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000074 | Highways Agency | UK-HA | UK | Guide |
10000073 | UK Trade & Investment | UK-TI | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Guidance |
10000072 | Department of Energy & Climate Change | UK-DOECC | UK | Consultation |
10000071 | Department for Business, Innovation & Skills | UK-DFBIS | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Report |
10000070 | Competition Commission | UK-CC | UK | Corporate Report,Consultation |
10000068 | Welsh Government | UK-WALES | UK | Policy Paper,Report |
10000067 | UK Export Finance | UK-EF | UK | Policy Paper,Consultation,Notice |
10000066 | The Water Services Regulation Authority | UK-OFWAT | UK | Corporate Report,Guidance |
10000065 | The Scottish Government | UK-SCOT | UK | Policy Paper,Statistics,Correspondence,Publication,Report,News |
10000064 | Serious Fraud Office | UK-SFO | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Impact Assessment |
10000063 | Royal Mint | UK-RM | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper |
10000061 | Ofgem | UK-OFGEM | UK | Corporate Report,Guidance |
10000060 | Office of the Secretary of State for Wales | UK-OSSW | UK | Policy Paper,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Report,News |
10000059 | Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies | UK-ORCIC | UK | Consultation,Guidance |
10000058 | Office of Rail and Road | UK-ORR | UK | Corporate Report,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance |
10000057 | Office of Fair Trading | UK-OOFT | UK | Corporate Report,Consultation,Guidance |
10000056 | Office for National Statistics | UK-ONS | UK | Guidance |
10000055 | Office for Budget Responsibility | UK-OFBR | UK | Policy Paper,Correspondence,Guidance,News |
10000054 | United Kingdom Office of Communications | UK-OFCOM | UK | Corporate Report,Guidance,News |
10000053 | Northern Ireland Office | UK-NIO | UK | Policy Paper,Report,News |
10000050 | National Crime Agency | UK-NCA | UK | Policy Paper,Statistics,Annual Report,Statement,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News |
10000049 | Ministry of Justice | UK-MJ | UK | Policy Paper,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Publication,Report,Agency Update |
10000048 | Homes England | UK-HEN | UK | Policy Paper,Publication |
10000046 | Groceries Code Adjudicator | UK-GCA | UK | Policy Paper,Guidance |
10000045 | Government Office for Science | UK-GOFS | UK | Corporate Report,News |
10000044 | Government Digital Service | UK-GDS | UK | Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000042 | Efficiency and Reform Group | UK-ERG | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper |
10000041 | Joint Money Laundering Steering Group | UK-JMLSG | UK | Corporate Report,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000040 | Competition and Markets Authority | UK-CMA | UK | Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update |
10000039 | National Infrastructure Commission | UK-NIC | UK | Policy Paper,Consultation,Correspondence |
10000037 | The Crown Estate | UK-TCS | UK | Corporate Report |
10000036 | Payments Systems Regulator | UK-PSR | UK | News |
10000035 | Internal Audit Profession | UK-IAP | UK | Corporate Report,Guidance |
10000033 | Department for Exiting the European Union | UK-DFETEU | UK | Policy Paper,Correspondence |
10000032 | Financial Services Trade and Investment Board | UK-FSTIB | UK | Corporate Report |
10000031 | Department for Education | UK-DFE | UK | Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update |
10000030 | Office of Tax Simplification | UK-OTS | UK | Corporate Report,Research Publication,Press Release,Correspondence,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000029 | Valuation Office Agency | UK-VOA | UK | Policy Paper,Consultation |
10000028 | Office for Civil Society | UK-OFCS | UK | Policy Paper,Press Release,Consultation,Guidance,Publication |
10000027 | Big Lottery Fund | UK-BLF | UK | Policy Paper |
10000026 | Department for Work and Pensions | UK-DWP | UK | Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Publication,Notice,News,Agency Update |
10000025 | Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland | UK-OSSS | UK | Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Correspondence,Publication,Report,News |
10000024 | UK Government Investments | UK-GI | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Publication,News |
10000023 | UK Financial Investments Limited | UK-FIL | UK | Corporate Report |
10000022 | UK Debt Management Office | UK-DMO | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper |
10000021 | Infrastructure and Projects Authority | UK-IPA | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update |
10000020 | Department of Health and Social Care | UK-DOHSC | UK | Speech,Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update |
10000019 | Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs | UK-DEFRA | UK | Policy Paper,Statistical Data Set,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update |
10000018 | Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government | UK-MHCLG | UK | Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update |
10000017 | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy | UK-DBEIS | UK | Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update |
10000016 | Export Control Joint Unit | UK-ECJU | UK | Guidance |
10000015 | Government Economic Service | UK-GES | UK | Guidance |
10000014 | HM Revenue & Customs | UK-HMRC | UK | Corporate Report,Speech,Industry Guidance,Manual,Policy Paper,Statistics,International Treaty,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Handbook,Agency Update |
10000013 | Civil Service | UK-CS | UK | Guidance |
10000012 | Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport | UK-DDCMS | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News |
10000011 | Department for International Development | UK-DFID | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Press Release,Consultation,Guidance,News,Agency Update |
10000010 | Department for International Trade | UK-DOIT | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Guide,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,News |
10000009 | Ministry of Defence | UK-MOD | UK | Policy Paper,Press Release,Guidance,Agency Update |
10000008 | Home Office | UK-HO | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update |
10000007 | Foreign & Commonwealth Office | UK-FCO | UK | Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,News,Agency Update |
10000006 | Department for Transport | UK-DOT | UK | Policy Paper,Guide,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update |
10000005 | Cabinet Office | UK-CO | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update |
10000004 | Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation | UK-OFSI | UK | Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Response,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Guidance Notice,Agency Update |
10000003 | HM Treasury | UK-HMT | UK | Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Statistics,Rulemaking,Consultation Paper,International Treaty,Guide,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Financial Sanction,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Standard,News,Instruction,Agency Update |
10000002 | Information Commissioner's Office | UK-ICO | UK | Speech,Audit,Statement,Blog,Enforcement,Guidance,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update |
10000001 | Financial Conduct Authority | UK-FCA | UK | Corporate Report,Handbook Navigation,Supervisory Report,Finalised Guidance,Speech,Final Notice,Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Business Plan,Research Publication,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Corporate Document,Blog,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Impact Assessment,Warning Notice,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Decision,Handbook,Agency Update |
8000001 | Guam Legislature | GU-LEG | US-GU | Public Law |
7000002 | Department of Commerce | CNMI-DOC | US-CNMI | Proposed Rule |
7000001 | Department of Finance | CNMI-DOF | US-CNMI | Proposed Rule |
7000000 | Organization | org | US | N/A |
6000006 | Arkansas State Board of Collection Agencies | AR-SBCA | US-AR | Administrative Order |
6000005 | Arkansas Securities Department | AR-SD | US-AR | Opinion Letter,Settlement Agreement,Act,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Comment |
6000004 | Arkansas State Bank Department | AR-SBD | US-AR | News |
6000003 | Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration | AR-DFA | US-AR | Memorandum,Notice,Announcement,News |
6000002 | Arkansas Insurance Department | AR-ID | US-AR | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Report,News,Administrative Order,Administrative Letter |
6000001 | Arkansas General Assembly | AR-GA | US-AR | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
5900003 | Department of Health | NJ-DOH | US-NJ | Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule |
5900002 | New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance | NJ-DOBI | US-NJ | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Report,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update |
5900001 | New Jersey Legislature | NJ-LEG | US-NJ | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
5900000 | State of New Jersey | US-NJ | US-NJ | Rule,Rule Navigation |
5800004 | Wyoming Division of Banking | WY-DOB | US-WY | Proposed Rule,Opinion,Ruling,Memorandum,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement |
5800003 | Wyoming Secretary of State | WY-SOS | US-WY | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule |
5800002 | Wyoming Insurance Department | WY-DOI | US-WY | Bulletin,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Enforcement |
5800001 | Wyoming State Legislature | WY-LEG | US-WY | Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
5800000 | State of Wyoming | US-WY | US-WY | Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Rule Navigation |
5700005 | Supreme Court of New Mexico | NM-SC | US-NM | Rule |
5700003 | New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department | NM-RLD | US-NM | Rulemaking,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Regulatory Alert,Guidance,News,Enforcement Report |
5700002 | New Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance | NM-OSI | US-NM | Bulletin,Press Release,Announcement,News |
5700001 | New Mexico Legislature | NM-LEG | US-NM | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
5700000 | State of New Mexico | US-NM | US-NM | Bill,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Rule Navigation |
5600005 | Louisiana Office of the Financial Institutions | LA-OFI | US-LA | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Opinion,Rulemaking,Policy Statement,Notice |
5600004 | Louisiana Workforce Commission | LA-LWC | US-LA | Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,Report,News |
5600003 | Louisiana Department of Revenue | LA-DOR | US-LA | Budget,Manual,Statistics,Annual Report,Newsletter,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Lawmaking |
5600002 | Louisiana Department of Insurance | LA-LDI | US-LA | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Form,Guidance,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Instruction |
5600001 | Louisiana State Legislature | LA-LEG | US-LA | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
5600000 | State of Louisiana | US-LA | US-LA | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4600007 | Kansas Supreme Court | KS-SC | US-KS | Proposed Rule,Guideline,Rule,Administrative Order |
4600006 | State Bank Commissioner of Kansas | KS-OSBC | US-KS | FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Guidance,Administrative Order |
4600005 | Kansas Department of Labor | KS-DOL | US-KS | FAQ,News Release,Agency Update |
4600004 | Kansas Department of Revenue | KS-DOR | US-KS | FAQ,Ruling,Press Release,Notice |
4600003 | Kansas Department of Health and Environment | KS-DHE | US-KS | Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Newsletter,Form,Guidance,Publication,News |
4600002 | Kansas Insurance Department | KS-ID | US-KS | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Cease and Desist,Rule,Civil Money Penalty,News |
4600001 | Kansas State Legislature | KS-SL | US-KS | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Press Release,Statute Navigation |
4600000 | State of Kansas | US-KS | US-KS | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4500008 | Georgia Secretary of State | GA-SOS | US-GA | Bulletin |
4500007 | Georgia Office of the Governor | GA-GOV | US-GA | Executive Order |
4500006 | Georgia Department of Labor | GA-DOL | US-GA | Emergency Rule,FAQ,News Release,Guide,Letter,Newsletter,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,Instruction,Handbook,Agency Update |
4500005 | Georgia Department of Public Health | GA-DPH | US-GA | Rulemaking,Enforcement Order,Press Release |
4500004 | Georgia Department of Revenue | GA-DOR | US-GA | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,FAQ,Ruling,Guide,Advisory Letter,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Report,Instruction,Executive Order |
4500003 | Georgia Office of Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire | GA-OCI | US-GA | Company Filing,Bulletin,Directive,Press Release,Rule,Form,Ordinance,News,Instruction |
4500002 | Department of Banking and Finance | GA-DBF | US-GA | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Rulemaking,Ruling,Press Release,Rule |
4500001 | General Assembly | GA-GA | US-GA | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
4500000 | State of Georgia | US-GA | US-GA | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4400008 | Ohio Division of Securities | OH-DOS | US-OH | Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Termination Order |
4400007 | Ohio Division of Financial Institutions | OH-DFI | US-OH | Guidance |
4400006 | Department of Job and Family Services | OH-DJFS | US-OH | News |
4400005 | Department of Taxation Ohio | OH-DOT | US-OH | Guidance,News |
4400004 | Department of Commerce | OH-DOC | US-OH | Proposed Rule,Checklist,Consumer Alert,Notice,News |
4400003 | Department of Insurance | OH-ODI | US-OH | Bulletin,Consumer Alert,Press Release,Notice,News |
4400002 | Legislative Service Commission | OH-LSC | US-OH | State Code Navigation,State Code |
4400001 | General Assembly | OH-GA | US-OH | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation,Agency Update |
4400000 | State of Ohio | US-OH | US-OH | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4300007 | Department of Revenue | AK-DOR | US-AK | FAQ,Checklist,Letter,Press Release,Notice,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document |
4300006 | Office of the Governor | AK-GOV | US-AK | Rule,Supporting Document |
4300005 | Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development | AK-DOLWD | US-AK | Bulletin |
4300004 | Division of Insurance | AK-DOI | US-AK | Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order |
4300003 | Alaska State Legislature | AK-SL | US-AK | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
4300002 | Division of Banking and Securities | AK-DBS | US-AK | Final Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,News |
4300001 | Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development | AK-DOC | US-AK | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Letter,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document |
4300000 | State of Alaska | US-AK | US-AK | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4200004 | Rhode Island Banking Division | RI-BD | US-RI | Bulletin |
4200003 | Rhode Island Insurance DIvision | RI-ID | US-RI | Bulletin,FAQ,Consumer Alert |
4200002 | Rhode Island General Assembly | RI-GA | US-RI | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
4200001 | Department of Business Regulation | RI-DBR | US-RI | Proposed Rule,Enforcement |
4200000 | State of Rhode Island | US-RI | US-RI | Statute,Rule,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation |
4100008 | Department of Taxation Hawaii | HI-DOT | US-HI | Guide,Form,Instruction |
4100006 | Hawaii Department of Health | HI-DOH | US-HI | Rulemaking,Rule |
4100005 | Division of Insurance | HI-DOI | US-HI | Judgement,Enforcement Order,Letter,Enforcement,Form,Motion,Notice,Instruction |
4100004 | State Legislature | HI-SL | US-HI | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
4100003 | Division of Financial Institutions | HI-DFI | US-HI | News |
4100002 | Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs | HI-DCCA | US-HI | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Annual Report,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Report,News |
4100001 | Business Registration Division - Securities | HI-BRDS | US-HI | Enforcement |
4100000 | State of Hawaii | US-HI | US-HI | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4000008 | Maryland State Attorney General | MD-OAG | US-MD | News |
4000007 | City of Baltimore, Maryland | MD-BAL | US-MD | Rule,Rule Navigation |
4000006 | Comptroller of Maryland | MD-COMP | US-MD | Press Release,News |
4000005 | Maryland Health Benefit Exchange | MD-HBE | US-MD | Audit,Manual,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Publication,Report,Instruction |
4000004 | Maryland Department of Health | MD-DOH | US-MD | Press Release |
4000003 | Maryland Insurance Administration | MD-IA | US-MD | Company Filing,Industry Guidance,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Memorandum,Form,News,Enforcement Report,Comment |
4000002 | Maryland General Assembly | MD-GA | US-MD | Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
4000001 | Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation | MD-DLLR | US-MD | Final Order,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update,Termination Order |
4000000 | State of Maryland | US-MD | US-MD | Rule,Rule Navigation |
3900007 | West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources | WV-DHHR | US-WV | Letter,Guidance |
3900006 | WorkForce West Virginia | WV-WF | US-WV | Policy Statement,News,Guidance Notice |
3900004 | West Virginia Department of Tax | WV-DOT | US-WV | Notice |
3900003 | West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner | WV-OIC | US-WV | Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Consumer Alert,Form,Guidance,Emergency Order |
3900002 | West Virginia Legislature | WV-LEG | US-WV | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3900001 | Division of Financial Institutions | WV-DFI | US-WV | Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Enforcement |
3900000 | State of West Virginia | US-WV | US-WV | Rule,Rule Navigation |
3800005 | Department of Revenue | MS-DOR | US-MS | Bulletin,Notice |
3800004 | Mississippi Department of Employment Security | MS-MDES | US-MS | Press Release |
3800003 | Mississippi Insurance Department | MS-MID | US-MS | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,Termination Order |
3800002 | Mississippi Legislature | MS-LEG | US-MS | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
3800001 | Department of Banking and Consumer Finance | MS-DBCF | US-MS | Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement,Guidance,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,Mainstream News |
3800000 | State of Mississippi | US-MS | US-MS | Rule,Rule Navigation |
3700002 | Vermont General Assembly | VT-GA | US-VT | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
3700001 | Department of Financial Regulation | VT-DFR | US-VT | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement |
3700000 | State of Vermont | US-VT | US-VT | Rule,Rule Navigation |
3600006 | Office of the Maine Attorney General | ME-AG | US-ME | News |
3600005 | Maine Bureau of Financial Institutions | ME-BFI | US-ME | Bulletin,FAQ,Ruling,Annual Report,Press Release,Notice,Report |
3600004 | Maine Bureau of Insurance | ME-BOI | US-ME | Bulletin,Press Release |
3600003 | State of Maine Legislature | ME-LEG | US-ME | Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3600002 | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation | ME-DPFR | US-ME | Complaint,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Final Order,FAQ,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Guideline,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Decision,Statute Navigation,Agency Update |
3600001 | Office of Securities | ME-OS | US-ME | Enforcement,Agency Update |
3600000 | State of Maine | US-ME | US-ME | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
3500009 | Alabama Office of Information Technology | AL-OIT | US-AL | Risk Alert |
3500008 | Alabama Securities Commission | AL-ASC | US-AL | Investor Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,News |
3500007 | Office of the Governor of Alabama | AL-GOV | US-AL | Proclamation,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,News,Executive Order |
3500006 | Alabama Department of Revenue | AL-DOR | US-AL | Ruling,Memorandum,Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Executive Order |
3500005 | Alabama Department of Labor | AL-DOL | US-AL | News |
3500003 | Alabama Department of Insurance | AL-DOI | US-AL | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,News,Termination Order |
3500002 | Alabama Legislature | AL-AL | US-AL | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3500001 | State Banking Department | AL-SBD | US-AL | Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Notice |
3500000 | State of Alabama | US-AL | US-AL | Statute,Rule,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation |
3400005 | New Hampshire Bureau of Securities | NH-BOS | US-NH | Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Injunction Order,Motion,Notice |
3400004 | New Hampshire Employment Security | NH-ES | US-NH | Press Release |
3400003 | New Hampshire Insurance Department | NH-ID | US-NH | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Fact Sheet,Motion,Decision |
3400002 | General Court of New Hampshire | NH-GC | US-NH | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
3400001 | Banking Department | NH-BD | US-NH | Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Newsletter,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice,Announcement,Agency Update |
3400000 | State of New Hampshire | US-NH | US-NH | State Code Navigation,State Code |
3300013 | Supreme Court of Arizona | AZ-SC | US-AZ | Rule |
3300012 | Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions | AZ-DIFI | US-AZ | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Guide,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Regulatory Agenda |
3300011 | Industrial Commission of Arizona | AZ-ICA | US-AZ | Guideline,Agency Update |
3300010 | Office of the Governor of Arizona | AZ-GOV | US-AZ | Executive Order |
3300009 | Arizona Department of Revenue | AZ-DOR | US-AZ | Ruling,Guidance,Notice,News |
3300008 | Arizona Department of Economic Security | AZ-DES | US-AZ | Press Release |
3300006 | Arizona Department of Health Services | AZ-DHS | US-AZ | Bill,Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,News,Executive Order |
3300005 | Arizona Department of Insurance | AZ-DOI | US-AZ | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Guide,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Report,Civil Money Penalty,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment |
3300004 | Arizona State Legislature | AZ-SL | US-AZ | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3300003 | Department of Financial Institutions | AZ-DFI | US-AZ | Enforcement |
3300001 | Securities Division | AZ-SD | US-AZ | Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Notice,News |
3300000 | State of Arizona | US-AZ | US-AZ | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
3200005 | Idaho Department of Labor | ID-DOL | US-ID | Rulemaking,Guide,Rule,Form,Publication,Report |
3200004 | Idaho State Tax Commission | ID-STC | US-ID | News,Decision |
3200003 | Idaho Department of Insurance | ID-DOI | US-ID | Complaint,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,News,Decision |
3200002 | Idaho Legislature | ID-LEG | US-ID | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3200001 | Department of Finance | ID-DOF | US-ID | Complaint,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,FAQ,News Release,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Risk Alert,Administrative Order,Termination Order |
3200000 | State of Idaho | US-ID | US-ID | State Code Navigation,State Code |
3100013 | Supreme Court of Montana | MT-SC | US-MT | Rule |
3100010 | Montana Secretary of State | MT-SOS | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100009 | Montana Department of Labor & Industry | MT-DLI | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100008 | Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services | MT-DPHHS | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100007 | Montana Department of Revenue | MT-DOR | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100006 | Montana Office of Governor | MT-GOV | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100005 | Montana Department of Commerce | MT-DOC | US-MT | Rulemaking |
3100004 | Montana State Legislature | MT-SL | US-MT | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
3100003 | Commissioner of Securities and Insurance | MT-CSI | US-MT | Judgement,Final Order,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Motion,Report,News,Decision |
3100002 | Department of Administration | MT-DOA | US-MT | Rulemaking,Ruling |
3100001 | Division of Banking and Financial Institutions | MT-DBFI | US-MT | Memorandum,Proclamation,Annual Report,Statement,News |
3100000 | State of Montana | US-MT | US-MT | State Code Navigation,State Code |
3000008 | South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office | SC-RFA | US-SC | Memorandum |
3000007 | South Carolina Bar Foundation | SC-BF | US-SC | Guide,Rule,Form |
3000005 | South Carolina Office of the Commissioner of Banking | SC-COB | US-SC | Opinion,Guidance,Policy Statement |
3000004 | South Carolina Legislature | SC-LEG | US-SC | Statute,Statute Navigation |
3000003 | South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce | SC-DEW | US-SC | News |
3000002 | South Carolina Department of Insurance | SC-DOI | US-SC | Bulletin,Enforcement Order,Enforcement,Administrative Order |
3000001 | South Carolina General Assembly | SC-GA | US-SC | Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Agency Update |
3000000 | State of South Carolina | US-SC | US-SC | State Code Navigation,State Code |
2900002 | South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation | SD-DLR | US-SD | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,Memorandum,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,News |
2900001 | South Dakota Legislature | SD-LEG | US-SD | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2900000 | State of South Dakota | US-SD | US-SD | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
2800004 | North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions | ND-DFI | US-ND | Bulletin,Newsletter,Enforcement,Guidance,Report,Agency Update |
2800003 | North Dakota Insurance Department | ND-ID | US-ND | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,News |
2800002 | North Dakota Legislative Assembly | ND-LA | US-ND | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2800001 | Securities Department | ND-SD | US-ND | Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Civil Money Penalty |
2800000 | State of North Dakota | US-ND | US-ND | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
2700007 | DC Department of Licensing & Consumer Protection | DC-DLCP | US-DC | News |
2700006 | Government of the District of Columbia | DC-GOV | US-DC | Enforcement Order |
2700004 | DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority | DC-HBX | US-DC | Company Filing,Manual,Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Newsletter,Press Release,Event,Form,Guidance,Recommendation,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
2700003 | Department of Health DC | DC-DOH | US-DC | Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,News |
2700002 | Council of the District of Columbia | DC-COU | US-DC | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2700001 | Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking | DC-DISB | US-DC | Complaint,Company Filing,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Emergency Rule,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,FAQ,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Motion,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Guidance Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Executive Order |
2700000 | District of Columbia | US-DC | US-DC | State Code Navigation,State Code,Manual,Statute,Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation,Agency Update |
2600006 | Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet | KY-FAC | US-KY | Rate Filing,Guidance |
2600005 | Kentucky Career Center Division of Unemployment Insurance | KY-KCC | US-KY | Annual Report,News,Decision |
2600004 | Kentucky Department of Revenue | KY-DOR | US-KY | Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Newsletter,Press Release,Report,News |
2600003 | Kentucky Department of Insurance | KY-DOI | US-KY | Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Advisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,Advisory Opinion |
2600002 | Kentucky General Assembly | KY-GA | US-KY | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2600001 | Department of Financial Institutions | KY-DFI | US-KY | Judgement,Final Order,Suspension Order,Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Injunction Order,News |
2600000 | State of Kentucky | US-KY | US-KY | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
2500011 | City of Shakopee | MN-SHKP | US-MN | |
2500009 | Minnesota Supreme Court | MN-SC | US-MN | Rule |
2500007 | Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association | MN-WCIA | US-MN | Circular,Newsletter,Blog |
2500006 | Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development | MN-DEED | US-MN | Press Release |
2500005 | Minnesota Department of Revenue | MN-DOR | US-MN | Bulletin,FAQ,News Release,Form,Instruction,Agency Update |
2500004 | Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry | MN-DLI | US-MN | News |
2500003 | Minnesota State Legislature | MN-SL | US-MN | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2500002 | Office of the Revisor of Statutes | MN-ORS | US-MN | Statute,Statute Navigation |
2500001 | Commerce Department | MN-CD | US-MN | Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,News Release,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update |
2500000 | State of Minnesota | US-MN | US-MN | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
2400005 | Oklahoma Secretary Of State | OK-SOS | US-OK | |
2400004 | Oklahoma Banking Department | OK-BD | US-OK | Memorandum,Form,Guidance |
2400003 | Oklahoma Insurance Department | OK-OID | US-OK | Bulletin,Final Order,FAQ,Checklist,Guide,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Consent Order,Form,Guidance,Notice,Emergency Order |
2400002 | Oklahoma Legislature | OK-LEG | US-OK | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
2400000 | State of Oklahoma | US-OK | US-OK | State Code Navigation,State Code,Executive Order Navigation,Rule,Rule Navigation,Executive Order |
2300005 | Nebraska Department of Revenue | NE-DOR | US-NE | FAQ,News Release,Ruling,Enforcement,Form,Guidance |
2300004 | Nebraska Department of Labor | NE-DOL | US-NE | Press Release |
2300003 | Nebraska Department of Insurance | NE-DOI | US-NE | Disciplinary Action,Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update |
2300002 | Nebraska Unicameral Legislature | NE-LEG | US-NE | Bill,Statute,Law,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation,Agency Update |
2300001 | Department of Banking and Finance | NE-DBF | US-NE | Enforcement,Agency Update |
2300000 | State of Nebraska | US-NE | US-NE | State Code Navigation,State Code |
2200006 | Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau | MI-CSCL | US-MI | Rulemaking,Final Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist |
2200004 | Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity | MI-LEO | US-MI | News |
2200003 | Michigan Department of Treasury | MI-DOT | US-MI | Press Release,Notice,News |
2200002 | Michigan Legislature | MI-ML | US-MI | Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
2200001 | Department of Insurance and Financial Services | MI-DIFS | US-MI | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Final Order,Suspension Order,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Report,Decision,Agency Update |
2200000 | State of Michigan | US-MI | US-MI | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
2100006 | Wisconsin Supreme Court | WI-SC | US-WI | Rule |
2100003 | Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance | WI-OCI | US-WI | Bulletin,Press Release |
2100002 | Wisconsin Legislature | WI-LEG | US-WI | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation,Amendment |
2100001 | Department of Financial Institutions | WI-DFI | US-WI | Revocation Order,Consent Order,Enforcement |
2100000 | State of Wisconsin | US-WI | US-WI | State Code Navigation,State Code |
2000004 | Department of Labor & Workforce Development | TN-DLWD | US-TN | News |
2000003 | Department of Commerce and Insurance | TN-DCI | US-TN | Complaint,Bulletin,Opinion,Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Motion,Enforcement Report |
2000002 | Tennessee General Assembly | TN-GA | US-TN | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
2000001 | Department of Financial Institutions | TN-DFI | US-TN | Bulletin,Final Order,Order,Memorandum,Enforcement,Announcement,News |
2000000 | State of Tennessee | US-TN | US-TN | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1900006 | Utah Department of Commerce | UT-CD | US-UT | News |
1900005 | Utah Department of Financial Institutions | UT-DFI | US-UT | News |
1900004 | Utah State Tax Commission | UT-STC | US-UT | Bulletin,Notice,News |
1900003 | Utah Department of Workforce Services | UT-DWS | US-UT | Press Release,Notice |
1900002 | Utah Insurance Department | UT-ID | US-UT | Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,News,Administrative Letter |
1900001 | Utah State Legislature | UT-SL | US-UT | Bill,Statute,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
1900000 | State of Utah | US-UT | US-UT | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1800009 | Iowa Supreme Court | IA-SC | US-IA | Rule,Regulatory Order |
1800008 | Iowa Workforce Development | IA-IWD | US-IA | Guidance |
1800007 | Iowa Department of Revenue | IA-DOR | US-IA | FAQ,News Release,Enforcement,Guidance |
1800006 | Iowa Office of the Governor | IA-GOV | US-IA | Press Release |
1800005 | Iowa Division of Credit Unions | IA-DCU | US-IA | Proposed Rule,Rule |
1800004 | Iowa Division of Banking | IA-DOB | US-IA | Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Rule,Guidance,Agency Update |
1800003 | Iowa Insurance Division | IA-IID | US-IA | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Settlement Agreement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Decision |
1800001 | Iowa Legislature | IA-LEG | US-IA | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1800000 | State of Iowa | US-IA | US-IA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1700008 | Indiana Securities Division | IN-SD | US-IN | Regulatory Alert,Statement of Policy,Administrative Order,Agency Update |
1700007 | Indiana Secretary of State | IN-SOS | US-IN | Press Release |
1700006 | Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau | IN-ICRB | US-IN | Rate Filing |
1700005 | Indiana Department of Revenue | IN-DOR | US-IN | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Letter,Rule,Notice,Report |
1700004 | Department of Workforce Development | IN-DWD | US-IN | Press Release |
1700003 | Indiana Department of Financial Institutions | IN-DFI | US-IN | Final Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Supervisory Guidance,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Guidance |
1700002 | General Assembly | IN-GA | US-IN | Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1700001 | Department of Insurance | IN-DOI | US-IN | Bulletin,Enforcement |
1700000 | State of Indiana | US-IN | US-IN | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1600013 | State of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings | FL-DOAH | US-FL | Final Order,Statement |
1600012 | The Florida Bar Foundation | FL-BF | US-FL | Rule |
1600011 | North Carolina State Bar | NC-SB | US-NC | FAQ,Handbook |
1600010 | North Carolina Supreme Court | NC-SC | US-NC | Rule |
1600009 | North Carolina Securities Division | NC-SD | US-NC | News |
1600007 | North Carolina Division of Employment Security | NC-DES | US-NC | Press Release,Decision |
1600005 | North Carolina Department of Revenue | NC-DOR | US-NC | Memorandum,Press Release,Notice,Agency Update |
1600004 | North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services | NC-DHHS | US-NC | Newsletter,Press Release,Guidance,Report |
1600003 | North Carolina Department of Insurance | NC-DOI | US-NC | Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Agency Update |
1600002 | North Carolina General Assembly | NC-GA | US-NC | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1600001 | Commissioner of Banks | NC-COB | US-NC | FAQ,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice |
1600000 | State of North Carolina | US-NC | US-NC | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule |
1500015 | Legal Services Corporation of Virginia | VA-LSCV | US-VA | Guide,Rule,Form |
1500014 | Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | VA-DACS | US-VA | Press Release |
1500013 | Virginia Bureau of Insurance | VA-BOI | US-VA | Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Rule |
1500012 | Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services | VA-DCJS | US-VA | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking |
1500011 | Virginia Board of Accountancy | VA-BOA | US-VA | N/A |
1500010 | Supreme Court of Virginia | VA-SC | US-VA | Opinion,Order |
1500009 | Virginia Department of Labor and Industry | VA-DOLI | US-VA | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule |
1500008 | Virginia Department of Treasury | VA-TRS | US-VA | Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Rule |
1500007 | Virginia Bureau of Financial Institutions | VA-BFI | US-VA | Bulletin |
1500006 | Virginia Employment Commission | VA-VEC | US-VA | Press Release,Report,News |
1500004 | Virginia Department of Taxation | VA-DOT | US-VA | Bulletin,Rulemaking,Ruling,Rule,Guidance,News,Advisory Opinion |
1500003 | Virginia Department of Health | VA-DOH | US-VA | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,News |
1500002 | Virginia General Assembly | VA-GA | US-VA | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1500001 | State Corporation Commission | VA-SCC | US-VA | Company Filing,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Checklist,Rate Filing,Statement,Rule,Enforcement,Form,News,Administrative Order,Administrative Letter |
1500000 | Commonwealth of Virginia | US-VA | US-VA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1400009 | Supreme Court of Missouri | MO-SC | US-MO | Rule |
1400008 | Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance | MO-DCI | US-MO | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule |
1400007 | General Assembly | MO-GA | US-MO | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1400006 | Securities Division | MO-SD | US-MO | Enforcement,News |
1400005 | Secretary of State | MO-SOS | US-MO | Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Agency Update |
1400004 | Division of Credit Unions | MO-DCU | US-MO | News |
1400003 | Department of Insurance | MO-DOI | US-MO | Bulletin,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Enforcement,News |
1400002 | Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration | MO-DIFIPR | US-MO | News |
1400001 | Division of Finance | MO-DOF | US-MO | Bulletin,News |
1400000 | State of Missouri | US-MO | US-MO | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1300015 | Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency | PA-HFA | US-PA | Notice |
1300014 | Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board | PA-EHB | US-PA | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
1300013 | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | PA-DEP | US-PA | Statement of Policy,Notice |
1300010 | Department of Labor and Industry | PA-DLI | US-PA | Final Order,Enforcement,News |
1300008 | Pennsylvania Department of Revenue | PA-DOR | US-PA | Proposed Rule,Notice,News |
1300007 | Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority | PA-PENNIE | US-PA | Audit,Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Regulatory Agenda,Administrative Order |
1300006 | Governor of Pennsylvania | PA-GOV | US-PA | Proclamation,Statement,Press Release,News,Executive Order |
1300005 | Pennsylvania Department of Health | PA-DOH | US-PA | Company Filing,FAQ,Memorandum,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Statement of Policy,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Agency Update |
1300004 | Pennsylvania Insurance Department | PA-PID | US-PA | Company Filing,Manual,Proposed Rule,Market Conduct Examination Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Rate Filing,Annual Report,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report |
1300003 | Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General | PA-OAG | US-PA | Press Release |
1300002 | General Assembly | PA-GA | US-PA | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
1300001 | Department of Banking and Securities | PA-DBS | US-PA | Bulletin,Consumer Alert,Newsletter,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update |
1300000 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | US-PA | US-PA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1200014 | Illinois Secretary of State | IL-SOS | US-IL | Rulemaking |
1200013 | Supreme Court of Illinois | IL-SC | US-IL | Announcement,Administrative Order |
1200012 | City of Lake Forest, Illinois | IL-LF | US-IL | Rule,Rule Navigation |
1200011 | Cook County, Illinois | IL-COOK | US-IL | Ordinance |
1200010 | Chicago Business Affairs and Consumer Protection | IL-CBACP | US-IL | News |
1200009 | Illinois Department of Labor | IL-DOL | US-IL | News |
1200006 | Illinois Department of Employment Security | IL-IDES | US-IL | Announcement,News |
1200005 | Illinois Department of Revenue | IL-DOR | US-IL | Press Release,Regulatory Alert,News |
1200004 | Department of Public Health | IL-DPH | US-IL | Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Memorandum,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News |
1200003 | General Assembly | IL-GA | US-IL | Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
1200002 | Department of Insurance | IL-DOI | US-IL | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Enforcement Order,Enforcement,Form,Agency Update |
1200001 | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation | IL-DFPR | US-IL | Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,Interpretive Letter,News,Termination Order |
1200000 | State of Illinois | US-IL | US-IL | State Code Navigation,State Code |
1100006 | Washington State Department of Licensing | WA-DOL | US-WA | News |
1100005 | Washington State Department of Health | WA-DOH | US-WA | Proposed Rule,Newsletter,Rule,Form,Guidance,News |
1100004 | Washington Office of the Attorney General | WA-AG | US-WA | News |
1100003 | Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner | WA-OIC | US-WA | Company Filing,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,Order,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Event,Form,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,News,Termination Order,Comment |
1100002 | Washington State Legislature | WA-SL | US-WA | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
1100001 | Department of Financial Institutions | WA-DFI | US-WA | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Final Order,Order,Interpretive Statement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,No Action Letter,Rule,Enforcement,Policy Statement,Interpretive Letter,Agency Update |
1100000 | State of Washington | US-WA | US-WA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
1000007 | Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association | NV-LHGA | US-NV | Memorandum,Business Plan,Notice |
1000006 | Nevada Securities Division | NV-SD | US-NV | N/A |
1000005 | Nevada Department of Employment Training and Rehabilitation | NV-DETR | US-NV | Rulemaking,Press Release,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
1000004 | Nevada Division of Insurance | NV-DOI | US-NV | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Motion,Notice,Comment |
1000002 | Nevada Legislature | NV-LEG | US-NV | Bill,Proposed Rule,Statute,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
1000001 | Financial Institutions Division | NV-FID | US-NV | Opinion,Rulemaking,Ruling,Guide,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement,Form,Notice,Supporting Document |
1000000 | State of Nevada | US-NV | US-NV | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
900186 | Oregon State Legislature | OR-SL | US-OR | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
900185 | Division of Financial Regulation | OR-DFR | US-OR | State Code,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Report,News,Agency Update |
900178 | Oregon Health Authority | OR-OHA | US-OR | Rulemaking,Event,News |
900000 | State of Oregon | US-OR | US-OR | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
800009 | Connecticut Office of the Governor | CT-GOV | US-CT | Press Release |
800008 | Connecticut Department of Revenue Servcies | CT-DRS | US-CT | Ruling,Guidance,Publication,Announcement |
800006 | Department of Public Health | CT-DPH | US-CT | Statistics,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Directive,Enforcement Order,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Publication,Report,Regulatory Order,Agency Update,Executive Order |
800005 | Connecticut General Assembly | CT-GA | US-CT | Bill,Act,Introduced Bill |
800004 | Department of Consumer Protection | CT-DCP | US-CT | Emergency Rule,Rule |
800003 | Insurance Department | CT-CID | US-CT | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,Suspension Order,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,News,Commissioner's Order,Decision,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment |
800002 | Securities and Business Investments Division | CT-SBID | US-CT | News |
800001 | Department of Banking | CT-DOB | US-CT | Bulletin,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update |
800000 | State of Connecticut | US-CT | US-CT | State Code Navigation,State Code,Statute,Statute Navigation |
709101 | General Assembly | CO-GA | US-CO | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
707505 | Colorado Secretary of State | CO-SOS | US-CO | News Release |
703508 | Colorado State Treasurer | CO-TREAS | US-CO | Press Release |
701100 | Department of Labor and Employment | CO-DLE | US-CO | State Code,Proposed Rule,Opinion,Rulemaking,Guide,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Report,Agency Update |
701020 | Colorado Attorney General | CO-AG | US-CO | Press Release,Rule,Form,Agency Update |
700704 | Division of Securities | CO-DOS | US-CO | State Code,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Announcement,Decision |
700703 | Division of Financial Services | CO-DFS | US-CO | State Code,Proposed Rule,Rule |
700702 | Division of Insurance | CO-DOI | US-CO | State Code,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Disciplinary Action,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Judgement,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Motion |
700701 | Division of Banking | CO-DOB | US-CO | State Code,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule |
700200 | Department of Revenue | CO-DOR | US-CO | State Code,Agency Update |
700080 | Colorado Supreme Court | CO-SC | US-CO | Rule |
700000 | State of Colorado | US-CO | US-CO | State Code Navigation,State Code |
600971 | Massachusetts Legislature | MA-ML | US-MA | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
600830 | Massachussetts Department of Revenue | MA-DOR | US-MA | State Code,Circular,Guide,Form,Guidance,Instruction |
600798 | Massachusetts Securities Division | MA-SD | US-MA | Complaint,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Consent Order,Enforcement,Notice,News,Comment |
600220 | Massachussetts Department of Public Utilities | MA-DPU | US-MA | Press Release |
600211 | Massachussetts Division of Insurance | MA-DOI | US-MA | Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Event,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Agency Update |
600209 | Massachusetts Division of Banks | MA-DOB | US-MA | Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Opinion,Final Order,Suspension Order,Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report |
600201 | Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation | MA-OCABR | US-MA | Industry Guidance,Newsletter,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Report,News |
600105 | Massachussetts Department of Public Health | MA-DPH | US-MA | State Code,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Comment |
600000 | State of Massachusetts | US-MA | US-MA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
500080 | Florida Commission on Human Relations | FL-CHR | US-FL | News |
500078 | Florida Attorney General | FL-AG | US-FL | News |
500077 | Office of Insurance Regulation | FL-OIR | US-FL | Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement |
500076 | Office of Financial Regulation | FL-OFR | US-FL | Proclamation,Guideline,Event,Form,News |
500069 | Department of Financial Services | FL-DFS | US-FL | Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Notice,News |
500056 | Florida Legislature | FL-FL | US-FL | Bill Analysis,Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation |
500027 | Office of the Governor of Florida | FL-GOV | US-FL | News |
500012 | Department of Revenue | FL-DOR | US-FL | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Press Release,Form,Instruction |
500003 | Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services | FL-DIAAS | US-FL | Enforcement |
500000 | State of Florida | US-FL | US-FL | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
400023 | New York Independent System Operator | NY-NYISO | US-NY | Manual,Rule |
400022 | New York City Council | NY-NYCC | US-NY | Act |
400021 | New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | NYC-DCWP | US-NY | Proposed Rule,Rule |
400020 | New York Department of Public Service | NY-DPS | US-NY | Complaint,Ruling,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Contract,Tariff,Petition,Transcript,Correspondence,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Motion,Regulatory Filing,Notice,Report,Resolution,Testimony,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document,Comment |
400018 | New York State Reliability Council | NY-SRC | US-NY | Manual,Guideline,Rule,Guidance |
400017 | City of Yonkers, New york | NY-YONK | US-NY | Rule |
400016 | City of Buffalo, New York | NY-BUF | US-NY | Rule,Rule Navigation |
400015 | New York Consumer and Worker Protection | NY-DCWP | US-NY | Press Release |
400014 | New York Department of Health | NY-DOH | US-NY | Publication,Notice |
400013 | Office of the Mayor of New York City | NY-MAY | US-NY | News |
400012 | New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board | NY-CIRB | US-NY | Rate Filing |
400011 | Governor of New York | NY-GOV | US-NY | Statement,Press Release,News,Agency Update,Executive Order |
400010 | New York Department of Taxation and Finance | NY-DTF | US-NY | Press Release |
400009 | New York Department of State | NY-DOS | US-NY | Press Release,State Register |
400008 | New York Workers' Compensation Board | NY-WCB | US-NY | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Regulatory Agenda |
400007 | New York Attorney General | NY-AG | US-NY | Settlement Agreement,Letter,Press Release,Court Filing,Decision |
400006 | New York Department of Labor | NY-DOL | US-NY | Opinion Letter,Guideline,Press Release,Publication,Notice |
400005 | NYC 311 | NYC-311 | US-NY | Guidance |
400004 | New York Credit Union Administration | NY-CUA | US-NY | Enforcement,Form,Agency Update |
400003 | New York City | NY-NYC | US-NY | Rule,Rule Navigation,Code Navigation |
400002 | New York State Legislature | NY-SL | US-NY | Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
400001 | Department of Financial Services | NY-DFS | US-NY | Industry Guidance,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Circular,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Industry Letter,Consent Order,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment |
400000 | State of New York | US-NY | US-NY | State Code Navigation,State Code,Statute,Guidance,Statute Navigation |
380004 | Ministry of Finance & National Economy | BHR-MFNE | BHR | Rule |
380003 | Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism | BHR-MOIC | BHR | Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation,Regulatory Order |
380002 | Bahrain National Assembly | BHR-NA | BHR | Law,Decree |
380001 | Central Bank of Bahrain | BHR-CBB | BHR | Speech,Statistics,Bulletin,Circular,Directive,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,Standard Navigation,Announcement,News,Rule Navigation,Feedback Statement,Enforcement Report,Handbook |
300013 | Texas Veterans Land Board | TX-TVLB | US-TX | Bulletin |
300012 | City of Austin, Texas | TX-AUT | US-TX | Rule |
300011 | Texas Secretary of State | TX-SOS | US-TX | Proposed Rule,Rule,Form |
300010 | Comptroller of Texas | TX-COMP | US-TX | News Release |
300009 | Texas Workforce Commission | TX-TWC | US-TX | Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule |
300008 | Texas Attorney General | TX-AG | US-TX | Amicus Brief,Complaint,Judgement,Opinion,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Letter,Press Release,Enforcement,Financial Sanction,Motion,News,Agency Update |
300007 | Texas Department of Insurance | TX-TDI | US-TX | Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Consent Order,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Supporting Document |
300006 | Texas Legislature | TX-TL | US-TX | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation |
300005 | Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner | TX-OCCC | US-TX | Final Order,Rule,Enforcement,Notice |
300004 | Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending | TX-DSML | US-TX | Form,Notice,News |
300003 | Finance Commission | TX-FC | US-TX | News |
300002 | State Securities Board | TX-SSB | US-TX | Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,News Release,Enforcement Notice,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty |
300001 | Department of Banking | TX-DOB | US-TX | Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Final Order,Order,Supervisory Guidance,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,News |
300000 | State of Texas | US-TX | US-TX | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule |
200005 | Delaware Division of Revenue | DE-DOR | US-DE | Press Release |
200004 | Delaware Office of the Governor | DE-GOV | US-DE | Administrative Order |
200003 | Delaware Health and Social Services | DE-HSS | US-DE | FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report |
200002 | Delaware General Assembly | DE-GA | US-DE | Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
200001 | Department of Insurance | DE-DOI | US-DE | Bill,Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rate Filing,Guideline,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Agency Update |
200000 | State of Delaware | US-DE | US-DE | State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation |
100017 | State Bar of California | CA-SB | US-CA | Rule,Enforcement |
100015 | California Fair Political Practices Commission | CA-FPPC | US-CA | Rule,Notice,Amendment |
100014 | California Office of the Governor | CA-GOV | US-CA | News |
100013 | California Privacy Protection Agency | CA-PPA | US-CA | Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Statement,Impact Assessment,Guidance,Notice,Announcement,Supporting Document,Advisory Opinion,Comment |
100012 | California Department of Fair Employment & Housing | CA-DFEH | US-CA | Annual Report |
100011 | California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association | CA-LHGA | US-CA | FAQ,Agency Update |
100010 | California Department of Industrial Relations | CA-DIR | US-CA | Statistics,Bulletin,Guide,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,Instruction |
100008 | California Employment Development Department | CA-EDD | US-CA | Guide,Guideline,Press Release,Form,Publication,Instruction |
100007 | California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation | CA-DFPI | US-CA | Complaint,Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Guide,Opinion Letter,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,Agency Update |
100006 | Office of the Attorney General | CA-OAG | US-CA | Complaint,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Rulemaking,Consumer Alert,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Agency Update |
100005 | California State Legislature | CA-SL | US-CA | Bill,Statute,Annual Report,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation |
100004 | Department of Insurance | CA-CDI | US-CA | Complaint,Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Statement,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report,Amendment |
100003 | State of California | US-CA | US-CA | State Code Navigation,State Code,Act,Enforcement,News |
100002 | California Office of Administrative Law | CA-OAL | US-CA | Notice,Agency Update |
100000 | California Department of Business Oversight | CA-DBO | US-CA | Complaint,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,Suspension Order,Opinion Letter,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Notice,News,Agency Update |
30006 | Natural Resources Defense Council | NRDC | US | Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report |
30005 | Conference of State Bank Supervisors | CSBS | US | Speech,Press Release,Blog,Form,Policy Statement,Publication,News,Agency Update |
30004 | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board | PCAOB | US | Speech,FAQ,Guidance,Notice,Standard,News,Mainstream News |
30003 | Federal Housing Administration | FHA | US | Announcement,News,Handbook,Agency Update |
30002 | Freddie Mac | Freddie | US | Servicing Guide,Servicing Guide Navigation,Bulletin,Guide,Form,Guidance,News,Agency Update |
30001 | Fannie Mae | Fannie | US | Servicing Guide,Speech,Industry Guidance,Manual,Guide,Rate Filing,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Blog,Form,Guidance,News,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
15001 | Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission | COSO | US | Guidance,News |
10000 | Supreme Court of the United States | SCOTUS | US | Opinion |
9203 | Banco Central de Uruguay | URY-BCU | URY | News |
9099 | Center for Internet Security | CIS | US | Control Navigation,Control |
9098 | Cloud Security Alliance | CSA | US | Standard,Standard Navigation |
9097 | Committee on National Security Systems | CNSS | US | Standard,Standard Navigation |
9089 | Cyber Risk Institute | CRI | INT | Guide,Guidance,Guidance Navigation |
9088 | Egmont Group | INT-EG | INT | Bulletin,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Handbook |
9086 | Financial Accounting Standards Board | FASB | US | Statement,News,Agency Update |
9085 | International Financial Reporting Standards | INT-IFRS | INT | Investor Alert,Newsletter,Statement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Report,Standard,Announcement,Handbook,Agency Update,Amendment |
9084 | International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board | INT-IAASB | INT | News |
9083 | Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation | DTCC | US | Press Release,Statement of Policy,Guidance,Notice,Report |
9082 | Intercontinental Exchange | ICE-SRO | US | News,Agency Update |
9081 | The London Securities and Derivatives Exchange Limited | OMLX | US | Notice |
9079 | Pacific Exchange | PCX | US | Notice |
9072 | MBS Clearing Corporation | MBSCC | US | Notice |
9071 | The International Stock Exchange | TISE | US | Notice |
9070 | ISE Mercury Exchange | ISEMercury | US | Notice |
9068 | Government Securities Clearing Corporation | GSCC | US | Notice |
9067 | Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation | EMCC | US | Notice |
9063 | American Stock Exchange | AMEX | US | Notice |
9062 | NYSE National | NYSENAT | US | Notice |
9061 | NYSE MKT | NYSEMKT | US | Notice |
9060 | NYSE American | NYSEAMER | US | Notice |
9059 | Nasdaq MRX | MRX | US | Notice |
9057 | Nasdaq GEMX | GEMX | US | Notice |
9056 | MIAX Emerald | EMERALD | US | Notice |
9055 | MIAX Pearl | PEARL | US | Notice |
9054 | Long-Term Stock Exchange | LTSE | US | Notice |
9053 | LCH SA | LCH SA | US | Notice |
9052 | Investors Exchange | IEX | US | Notice |
9051 | NYSE Chicago | NYSECHX | US | Notice |
9050 | Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association | SIFMA | US | Amicus Brief,Speech,Whitepaper,Complaint,Statistics,Order,Press Release,Blog,Publication,Report,Testimony,News,Comment |
9049 | Cboe Exchange | CboeEx | US | Notice |
9048 | Cboe EDGX Exchange | CboeEDGX | US | Notice |
9047 | Cboe EDGA Exchange | CboeEDGA | US | Notice |
9046 | Cboe C2 Exchange | CboeC2Ex | US | Notice |
9045 | Cboe BZX Exchange | CboeBZX | US | Notice |
9044 | Cboe BYX Exchange | CboeBYX | US | Notice |
9043 | BOX Exchange | BOX | US | Notice |
9042 | Bats EDGX Exchange | BatsEDGX | US | Notice |
9041 | Bats EDGA Exchange | BatsEDGA | US | Notice |
9040 | Bats BZX Exchange | BatsBZX | US | Notice |
9039 | Bats BYX Exchange | BatsBYX | US | Notice |
9038 | Stock Clearing Corp of Philadelphia | SCCP | US | Notice |
9036 | Options Clearing Corp | OCC-SRO | US | Memorandum,Notice |
9035 | One Chicago | OC | US | Notice |
9033 | NYSE Arca | NYSE Arca | US | Letters to Credit Unions,Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update |
9032 | NYSE Amex (NYSE MKT) | NYSE Amex (NYSE MKT) | US | Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update |
9031 | NYSE Alternext (NYSE MKT) | NYSE Alternext (NYSE MKT) | US | Notice |
9030 | New York Stock Exchange | NYSE | US | Letters to Credit Unions,Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update |
9029 | National Stock Exchange | NSX | US | Notice |
9028 | National Securities Clearing Corp | NSCC | US | Notice |
9027 | National Futures Association | NFA | US | Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,News,Guidance Notice,Decision,Agency Update,Comment |
9026 | National Association of Securities Dealers (FINRA) | NASD (FINRA) | US | Enforcement,Notice |
9025 | NASDAQ | NASDAQ | US | Notice |
9024 | NASDAQ OMX PHLX | PHLX | US | Notice |
9023 | NASDAQ OMX BX | BX | US | Notice |
9022 | Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board | MSRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Press Release,Rule,Response,Guidance,Notice,Interpretive Letter,News,Lawmaking,Regulatory Order,Comment |
9021 | Miami International Stock Exchange | MIAX | US | Notice |
9020 | ISE Gemini Exchange | ISE Gemini | US | Notice |
9019 | International Securities Exchange | ISE | US | Notice |
9018 | ICE Clear Europe | ICEEU | US | Notice |
9017 | ICE Clear Credit | ICC-SRO | US | Notice |
9016 | Fixed Income Clearing Corp | FICC | US | Notice |
9015 | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority | FINRA | US | Exemptive Letter,Speech,Complaint,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Rule Navigation,Decision,Agency Update,Comment |
9014 | EDGX Exchange | EDGX | US | Notice |
9013 | EDGA Exchange | EDGA | US | Notice |
9012 | The Depository Trust Company | DTC | US | Notice |
9011 | Chicago Stock Exchange | CHX | US | Notice |
9010 | Chicago Mercantile Exchange | CME | US | Proposed Rule,Disciplinary Action,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update |
9009 | Chicago Board Options Exchange | CBOE | US | Notice |
9008 | CBOE Futures Exchange | CFE | US | Notice |
9007 | C2 Options Exchange | C2 | US | Notice |
9006 | BOX Options Exchange | BOX | US | Notice |
9005 | Boston Stock Exchange (BX) | BSE (BX) | US | Notice |
9004 | Boston Stock Exchange Clearing Corp | BSECC | US | Notice |
9003 | Chicago Board of Trade | CBOT | US | Notice |
9002 | BATS Y-Exchange | BYX | US | Notice |
9001 | BATS Exchange | BATS | US | Notice |
733 | Federal Chief Information Officers | CIO | US | N/A |
721 | American Council of Life Insurers | ACLI | US | Annual Report |
719 | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency | US-CISA | US | Proposed Rule,Guide,Guideline,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Risk Alert |
652 | United States Senate Committee on Finance | SCF | US | Letter,Statement,Press Release |
651 | United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | SCBHUA | US | Press Release |
631 | Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago | FHLBC | US | Servicing Guide,Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Notice,Announcement,News,Agency Update |
602 | United States House Committee on Financial Services | HCFS | US | Press Release |
601 | United States House Committee on Ways and Means | HCWM | US | Press Release |
593 | U.S. Preventive Services Task Force | USPSTF | US | Bulletin,Recommendation |
591 | Institute of Museum and Library Services | IMLS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
589 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEH | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
588 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
587 | Community Living Administration | ACL | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
586 | Natural Resources Revenue Office | ONRR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
585 | Fiscal Service | FS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
584 | First Responder Network Authority | FirstNet | US | Notice |
583 | Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council | Gulf Restoration Council | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
582 | Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission | Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission | US | Rule,Notice |
581 | Advocacy and Outreach Office | OAO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
579 | Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction | SIGAR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
578 | Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency | CIGIE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
576 | Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau | BSEE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
575 | Ocean Energy Management Bureau | BOEM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
574 | Financial Research Office | OFR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
573 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | CFPB | US | US Code,Examination Manual,Supervisory Report,Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Circular,Judgement,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Supervisory Guidance,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Decision,Agency Update,Termination Order,Comment |
568 | Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Bureau | BOEMRE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
566 | Administrative Conference of the United States | ACUS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
565 | Financial Stability Oversight Council | FSOC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
564 | Postal Rate Commission | PRC | US | Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
559 | Health Care Finance Administration | HCFA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
549 | Transportation Office | TO | US | Rule |
547 | Procurement and Property Management, Office of | OPPM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
543 | Interstate Commerce Commission | ICC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
539 | Federal Acquisition Regulation System | FAR | US | Rule,Regulatory Agenda |
538 | Executive Office of the President | EOP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Agency Update,Executive Order |
536 | Energy Policy and New Uses Office | OEPNU | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
530 | Workers Compensation Programs Office | OWCP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
529 | Women's Progress Commemoration Commission | WPCC | US | Notice |
528 | Women's Business Enterprise Interagency Committee | WBEIC | US | Notice |
525 | Western Area Power Administration | WAPA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
524 | Wage and Hour Division | WHD | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
523 | Victims of Crime Office | OVC | US | Notice |
521 | Veterans Employment and Training Service | VETS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
520 | Veterans Affairs Department | VA | US | Manual,Proposed Rule,Circular,Guide,Rule,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update |
519 | Valles Caldera Trust | VCNP | US | Notice |
518 | Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission | URMCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
515 | United States Sentencing Commission | USSC | US | Notice |
513 | United States Mint | USMINT | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
512 | United States Marshals Service | USMS | US | Notice |
511 | United States Institute of Peace | USIP | US | Notice |
510 | United States Information Agency | USIA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
509 | United States Enrichment Corporation | USEC | US | Rule,Notice |
507 | U.S. Attorney's Office | US-AO | US | Press Release,News |
506 | Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | USUHS | US | Notice |
505 | U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission | USCC | US | Notice |
504 | U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission | TDRC | US | Notice |
503 | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement | ICE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
502 | U.S. House of Representatives | HOUSE | US | Notice |
501 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection | USCBP | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Ruling,Directive,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,Regulatory Agenda,Decision,Handbook,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update |
499 | U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services | USCIS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
498 | Twenty-First Century Workforce Commission | TFCWC | US | Notice |
497 | Treasury Department | TREAS | US | Proposed Rule,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
496 | Travel and Tourism Administration | USTTA | US | Rule |
495 | Transportation Statistics Bureau | BTS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
494 | Transportation Security Administration | TSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
492 | Transportation Department | DOT | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
491 | Trade Representative, Office of United States | USTR | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,Statute,International Treaty,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Event,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Agency Update |
490 | Trade and Development Agency | USTDA | US | Notice |
489 | Thrift Supervision Office | OTS | US | Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
488 | Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board | TDPOB | US | Rule,Notice |
487 | The White House | WH | US | Speech,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Notice,Executive Order |
486 | Tennessee Valley Authority | TVA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
484 | Technology Administration | TA | US | Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
482 | Susquehanna River Basin Commission | SRBC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
481 | Surface Transportation Board | STB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
480 | Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office | OSM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
479 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | SAMHSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
478 | The Appraisal Foundation | AF | US | Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release |
477 | State Justice Institute | SJI | US | Notice |
476 | State Department | DOS | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Notice,Agency Update |
475 | Special Trustee for American Indians Office | OST | US | Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
474 | Special Inspector General For Iraq Reconstruction | SIGIR | US | Rule,Notice |
473 | Special Counsel Office | OSC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
472 | Southwestern Power Administration | SWPA | US | Notice |
471 | Southeastern Power Administration | SEPA | US | Notice |
470 | Social Security Administration | SSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
469 | Smithsonian Institution | SI | US | Notice |
468 | Small Business Administration | SBA | US | Proposed Rule,Guide,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
467 | Selective Service System | SSS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
466 | Securities and Exchange Commission | SEC | US | Exemptive order,Speech,Complaint,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Rulemaking,Final Order,FAQ,Order,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,No Action Letter,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Correspondence,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Testimony,Announcement,Interpretive Letter,News,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Risk Alert,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment |
465 | Secret Service | USSS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
464 | Science and Technology Policy Office | OSTP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
462 | Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation | SLSDC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
460 | Rural Utilities Service | RUS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
459 | Rural Telephone Bank | RTB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
458 | Rural Housing Service | RHS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
457 | Rural Housing and Community Development Service | RHCDS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
456 | Rural Business-Cooperative Service | RBS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
454 | Risk Management Agency | RMA | US | Notice |
452 | Resolution Trust Corporation | RTC | US | Rule,Notice |
451 | Research and Special Programs Administration | RSPA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
450 | Research and Innovative Technology Administration | RITA | US | Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
449 | Regulatory Information Service Center | RISC | US | Proposed Rule,Notice |
448 | Refugee Resettlement Office | ORR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
447 | Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board | RATB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
446 | Reclamation Bureau | BOR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
445 | Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration | RUF | US | Notice |
444 | Railroad Retirement Board | RRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
442 | Public Health Service | PHS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
441 | Public Debt Bureau | BPD | US | Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
440 | Prospective Payment Assessment Commission | ProPAC | US | Notice |
439 | Program Support Center | PSC | US | Notice |
438 | Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board | PCLOB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
437 | Prisons Bureau | BOP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
436 | Presidio Trust | PT | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
430 | President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board | PCCIP | US | Notice |
428 | President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency | PCIE | US | Notice |
417 | Presidential Documents | PRES | US | Executive Order |
413 | Presidential Commission on Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces | PCAWAF | US | Rule |
412 | Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses | PACGW | US | Notice |
410 | Postal Service | USPS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
409 | Postal Regulatory Commission | PRC-Reg | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
408 | Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration | PHMSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
407 | Physician Payment Review Commission | PPRC | US | Notice |
406 | Personnel Management Office | OPM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
405 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | PBGC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
404 | Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration | PWBA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
403 | Peace Corps | PC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
402 | Patent and Trademark Office | PTO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
401 | Parole Commission | USPC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
400 | Panama Canal Commission | PCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
399 | Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council | PACIFIC | US | Notice |
397 | Overseas Private Investment Corporation | OPIC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
396 | Ounce of Prevention Council | COP | US | Notice |
395 | Operations Office | OO | US | Proposed Rule |
394 | Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust | OCNMT | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
390 | Office of National Drug Control Policy | ONDCP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
389 | Office of Motor Carrier Safety | OMCS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
388 | Ocean Policy Commission | OPC | US | Notice |
387 | Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission | OSHRC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
386 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | OSHA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Standard,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
385 | Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board | NWTRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
383 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
381 | Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission | NILRWC | US | Rule |
380 | Northeast Dairy Compact Commission | NDCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
379 | Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation | NEIGHBOR | US | Notice |
378 | Navy Department | USN | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
377 | Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office | ONHIR | US | Rule,Notice |
376 | Natural Resources Conservation Service | NRCS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
375 | National Women's Business Council | NWBC | US | Notice |
374 | National Transportation Safety Board | NTSB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
373 | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | NTIA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
372 | National Technical Information Service | NTIS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
370 | National Skill Standards Board | NSSB | US | Notice |
368 | National Security Council | NSC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
367 | National Security Agency/Central Security Service | NSA/CSS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
366 | National Science Foundation | NSF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
365 | National Railroad Passenger Corporation | AMTRAK | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
364 | National Prison Rape Elimination Commission | NPREC | US | Notice |
363 | National Partnership for Reinventing Government | NPR | US | Notice |
362 | National Park Service | NPS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
361 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
359 | National Nuclear Security Administration | NNSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
358 | National Nanotechnology Coordination Office | NNCO | US | Notice |
357 | National Mediation Board | NMB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
356 | National Library of Medicine | NLM | US | Notice |
355 | National Labor Relations Board | NLRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
354 | National Intelligence, Office of the National Director | ODNI | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
353 | National Institutes of Health | NIH | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
352 | National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST | US | Proposed Rule,Research Publication,Rule,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,Report,Standard,Standard Navigation,News,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update |
351 | National Institute of Justice | NIJ | US | Notice |
350 | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | NIFA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
349 | National Institute of Corrections | NIC | US | Notice |
348 | National Institute for Literacy | NIL | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
347 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
345 | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | NHTSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
344 | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | NGA | US | Rule |
343 | National Gambling Impact Study Commission | NGISC | US | Notice |
342 | National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities | ARTS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
341 | National Education Goals Panel | NEGP | US | Notice |
340 | National Economic Council | NEC | US | Notice |
336 | National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council | NCPPCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
335 | National Credit Union Administration | NCUA | US | Letters to Credit Unions,Speech,Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Supervisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Regulatory Agenda,Risk Alert,Administrative Order,Agency Update,Termination Order |
334 | National Counterintelligence Center | NCTC | US | Rule,Notice |
331 | National Council on Disability | NCD | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
329 | National Communications System | NCS | US | Notice |
326 | National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education | NCCHE | US | Notice |
320 | National Commission on Libraries and Information Science | NCLIS | US | Rule,Notice |
317 | National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform | NCFRR | US | Notice |
308 | National Capital Planning Commission | NCPC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
307 | National Bipartisan Commission on Future of Medicare | NBCFM | US | Notice |
306 | National Biological Service | NBS | US | Notice |
305 | National Bankruptcy Review Commission | NBRC | US | Notice |
304 | National Archives and Records Administration | NARA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
303 | National Agricultural Statistics Service | NASS | US | Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
302 | National Agricultural Library | NAL | US | Notice |
301 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | NASA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
296 | Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation | Udall Foundation | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
294 | Monetary Offices | MONOF | US | Rule |
293 | Mississippi River Commission | MISS | US | Notice |
291 | Minority Business Development Agency | MBDA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
290 | Mines Bureau | USBM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
289 | Minerals Management Service | MMS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
288 | Mine Safety and Health Administration | MSHA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
287 | Millennium Challenge Corporation | MCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
285 | Merit Systems Protection Board | MSPB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
284 | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | MedPAC | US | Notice |
282 | Maritime Administration | MARAD | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
281 | Marine Mammal Commission | MMC | US | Notice |
280 | Management and Budget Office | OMB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
278 | Local Television Loan Guarantee Board | LTLGB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
277 | Library of Congress | LOC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
276 | Legal Services Corporation | LSC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
275 | Land Management Bureau | BLM | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
274 | Labor-Management Standards Office | LMSO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
272 | Labor Statistics Bureau | BLS | US | Notice |
271 | Labor Department | DOL | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
270 | Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Office | OJJDP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
269 | Justice Programs Office | OJP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
268 | Justice Department | DOJ | US | Speech,Complaint,Final Report,Manual,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Opinion,FAQ,Order,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Injunction Order,Correspondence,Guidance,Motion,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update |
267 | Judicial Review Commission on Foreign Asset Control | JRCFAC | US | Notice |
266 | Judicial Conference of the United States | USJC | US | Notice |
265 | Joint Board for Enrollment of Actuaries | JBEA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
263 | James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation | JMF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
262 | International Trade Commission | ITC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News |
261 | International Trade Administration | ITA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
259 | International Investment Office | IIO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
258 | International Development Cooperation Agency | IDCA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
256 | International Broadcasting Board | IBB | US | Rule,Notice |
255 | International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico | IBWC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
254 | Internal Revenue Service | IRS | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Ruling,Determination,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda |
253 | Interior Department | DOI | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
252 | Intergovernmental Relations Advisory Commission | ACIR | US | Rule,Notice |
250 | Inter-American Foundation | IAF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
246 | Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development | IAIA | US | Notice |
245 | Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department | OIG | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
243 | Information Security Oversight Office | ISOO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
241 | Industry and Security Bureau | BIS | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,Enforcement Order,Press Release,Rule,Notice,News,Lawmaking,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
238 | Indian Trust Transition Office | OITT | US | Notice |
237 | Indian Health Service | IHS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
235 | Indian Arts and Crafts Board | IACB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
234 | Indian Affairs Bureau | BIA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
232 | Immigration and Naturalization Service | INS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
228 | Housing and Urban Development Department | HUD | US | Mortgagee Letter,Proposed Rule,FAQ,Checklist,Guide,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update |
227 | Homeland Security Department | DHS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
225 | Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | ACHP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
223 | Hearings and Appeals Office, Interior Department | DOI OHA | US | Notice |
222 | Health Resources and Services Administration | HRSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
221 | Health and Human Services Department | HHS | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guide,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation |
220 | Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation | HST | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
218 | Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration | GIPSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
217 | Government Publishing Office | GPO | US | Notice |
216 | Government National Mortgage Association | GinnieMae | US | Bulletin,Memorandum,Press Release,Rule,Notice |
215 | Government Ethics Office | OGE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
213 | Government Accountability Office | GAO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
212 | Geological Survey | USGS | US | Notice |
210 | General Services Administration | GSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation |
209 | Forest Service | USFS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
208 | Foreign-Trade Zones Board | FTZB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
204 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | FCSC | US | Rule,Notice |
203 | Foreign Assets Control Office | OFAC | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Determination,Directive,Proclamation,Interpretive Statement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Notice,Report,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update,Executive Order |
202 | Foreign Agricultural Service | FAS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
201 | Food Safety and Inspection Service | FSIS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
200 | Food and Nutrition Service | FNS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
199 | Food and Drug Administration | FDA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
198 | Food and Consumer Service | FCS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
197 | Fish and Wildlife Service | FWS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
196 | Bureau of the Fiscal Service | BFS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
195 | Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission | FINCIC | US | Notice |
194 | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network | FINCEN | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Guide,Advisory Letter,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update,Comment |
193 | Federal Transit Administration | FTA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
192 | Federal Trade Commission | FTC | US | Amicus Brief,Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Advisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Event,Guidance,Motion,Policy Statement,Notice,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Agency Update,Comment |
190 | Federal Service Impasses Panel | FSIP | US | Notice |
189 | Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | FRTIB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
188 | Federal Reserve System | FRS | US | SR Letter,Examination Manual,Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Manual,Proposed Rule,Statistics,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Guide,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Supervisory Letter,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Cease and Desist,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Policy Statement Navigation,Agency Update,Comment |
187 | Federal Register, Administrative Committee | ACFR | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Rule,Report,Agency Update |
186 | Federal Register Office | REGISTER | US | CFR Navigation,CFR,Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
185 | Federal Railroad Administration | FRA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
184 | Federal Procurement Policy Office | OFPP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
183 | Federal Prison Industries | FPI | US | Proposed Rule,Notice |
182 | Federal Pay, Advisory Committee | FPAC | US | Rule |
181 | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration | FMCSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
180 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | MSHFRC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
179 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | FMCS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
178 | Federal Maritime Commission | FMC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
177 | Federal Law Enforcement Training Center | FLETC | US | Rule,Notice |
176 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | FLRA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
175 | Federal Housing Finance Board | FHFB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
174 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | FHFA | US | Examination Manual,Speech,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Statement,Rule,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda |
173 | Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office | OFHEO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
170 | Federal Highway Administration | FHWA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
168 | Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council | FFIEC | US | Examination Manual,Manual,Proposed Rule,Meeting Minutes,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Instruction,Handbook,Agency Update |
167 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | FERC | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
166 | Federal Emergency Management Agency | FEMA | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rule,Event,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
165 | Federal Election Commission | FEC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
164 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | FDIC | US | Examination Manual,Financial Institution Letter,Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Manual,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guide,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Guideline,Act,Letter,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Statement of Policy,Correspondence,Event,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update,Termination Order |
163 | Federal Crop Insurance Corporation | FCIC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
162 | Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office | OFCCP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
161 | Federal Communications Commission | FCC | US | Final Notice,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Ruling,Memorandum,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Enforcement Report |
160 | Federal Bureau of Investigation | FBI | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Policy Statement Navigation |
159 | Federal Aviation Administration | FAA | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
158 | Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board | FASAB | US | Notice |
157 | Farm Service Agency | FSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
156 | Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation | FCSIC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
154 | Farm Credit Administration | FCA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
153 | Family Assistance Office | OFA | US | Rule |
151 | Export-Import Bank | EIB/USEIB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
150 | Export Administration Bureau | EAB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
149 | Executive Office for Immigration Review | EOIR | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
148 | Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency | ECIE | US | Notice |
147 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | EEOC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
145 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
144 | Environment Office, Energy Department | EOED | Notice | |
143 | Engraving and Printing Bureau | BEP | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
142 | Engineers Corps | COE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
140 | Energy Research Office | OER | US | Notice |
138 | Energy Information Administration | EIA | US | Notice |
137 | Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office | DOE-EEREO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
136 | Energy Department | DOE | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
134 | Employment Standards Administration | DOL-ESA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
133 | Employment and Training Administration | ETA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
132 | Employees Compensation Appeals Board | ECAB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule |
131 | Employee Benefits Security Administration | EBSA | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Supervisory Guidance,Rule,Guidance,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Agency Update |
130 | Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board | US-ESGLB | US | Rule,Notice |
129 | Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board | US-EOGLB | US | Rule,Notice |
128 | Electronic Commerce Advisory Commission | eCOMMERCE | US | Notice |
127 | Election Assistance Commission | EAC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
126 | Education Department | ED | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
124 | Economics and Statistics Administration | ECSA | US | Notice |
123 | Economic Research Service | ERS | US | Rule,Notice |
120 | Economic Development Administration | EDA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
119 | Economic Analysis Staff | EAS | US | Rule |
118 | Economic Analysis Bureau | BEA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Standard,Regulatory Agenda |
116 | Drug Enforcement Administration | DEA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
115 | Disability Employment Policy Office | ODEP | US | Notice |
113 | Denali Commission | DC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
112 | Delaware River Basin Commission | DRBC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
110 | Defense Special Weapons Agency | DSWA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
109 | Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | DNFSB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
107 | Defense Logistics Agency | DLA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
106 | Defense Investigative Service | DIS | US | Proposed Rule |
105 | Defense Intelligence Agency | DIA | US | Notice |
104 | Defense Information Systems Agency | DISA | US | Notice |
103 | Department of Defense | DOD | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Publication,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update |
101 | Defense Contract Audit Agency | DCAA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
99 | Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission | BRAC | US | Notice |
97 | Defense Acquisition Regulations System | DARS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
95 | Crime and Security in U.S. Seaports, Interagency Commission | CSUSS | US | Guide,Notice |
94 | Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia | CSOSA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
92 | Council on Environmental Quality | CEQ | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
91 | Corporation for National and Community Service | CORP/CNCS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
88 | Copyright Royalty Board | LOC-CRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
87 | Copyright Office, Library of Congress | COLC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
86 | Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention | CCJJDP | US | Notice |
85 | Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service | CSREES | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
84 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | CPSC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
81 | Congressional Budget Office | CBO | US | Notice |
80 | Comptroller of the Currency | OCC | US | Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Suspension Order,FAQ,Guide,Settlement Agreement,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update,Comment |
79 | Competitiveness Policy Council | CPC | US | Notice |
78 | Community Development Financial Institutions Fund | CDFI | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
77 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTC | US | Complaint,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Interpretive Letter,News,Rule Certification,Industry Filing,Rule Navigation,Lawmaking,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document,Agency Update |
76 | Commodity Credit Corporation | CCC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
75 | Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements | CITA | US | Notice |
74 | Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled | CPPBSD | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
71 | Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry | CFUSA | US | Notice |
69 | Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement | CAFLE | US | Notice |
68 | Commission on Structural Alternatives for the Federal Courts of Appeals | CSAFCA | US | Notice |
67 | Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States | CROMF | US | Notice |
65 | Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy | CPRGS | US | Notice |
61 | Commission on Immigration Reform | CIR | US | Notice |
57 | Commission of Fine Arts | CFA | US | Rule,Notice |
55 | Commercial Space Transportation Office | AST | US | Notice |
54 | Commerce Department | DOC | US | Speech,Proposed Rule,FAQ,Proclamation,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update |
53 | Coast Guard | USCG | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
52 | Civil Rights Commission | CRC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
49 | Children and Families Administration | ACF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
48 | Child Support Enforcement Office | CSEO | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
47 | Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board | CSB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
46 | Central Intelligence Agency | CIA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
45 | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | CMS | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Guidance Notice,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document |
44 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | CDC | US | Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion |
43 | Census Monitoring Board | CMB | US | Notice |
42 | Census Bureau | USBC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
41 | Broadcasting Board of Governors | BBG | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
40 | Bonneville Power Administration | BPA | US | Notice |
39 | Board of Directors of the Hope for Homeowners Program | HOPE | US | Rule,Notice |
36 | Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation | BGSEEF | US | Notice |
34 | Unique Identification Authority of India | IND-UIDAI | IND | Circular,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Amendment |
33 | Assassination Records Review Board | ARRB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
32 | Army Department | USA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
31 | Arms Control and Disarmament Agency | ACDA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
30 | Armed Forces Retirement Home | AFRH | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
29 | Arctic Research Commission | ARCTIC | US | Notice |
28 | Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board | ATBCB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
27 | Architect of the Capitol | AOC | US | Notice |
26 | Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission | APPAL | US | Notice |
25 | Appalachian Regional Commission | ARC | US | Rule |
24 | Antitrust Modernization Commission | AMC | US | Notice |
23 | Antitrust Division | ANTITRUST | US | Notice |
22 | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | APHIS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
21 | Amtrak Reform Council | AMTRAK-ARC | US | Notice |
20 | American Battle Monuments Commission | ABMC | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
19 | Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau | ATF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
18 | Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau | TTB | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
17 | Alaska Power Administration | APA | US | Notice |
16 | United States Congress | US-CONGRESS | US | US Public Law Navigation,US Code,US Public Law,US Code Navigation,Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Amended Bill |
15 | Air Transportation Stabilization Board | ATSB | US | Rule |
14 | Air Quality National Commission | NCAQ | US | Rule |
13 | Air Force Department | USAF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
12 | Agriculture Department | USDA | US | Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Newsletter,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook |
10 | Agricultural Research Service | ARS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
9 | Agricultural Marketing Service | AMS | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
8 | Aging Administration | AOA | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
7 | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry | ATSDR | US | Notice |
6 | Agency for International Development | USAID | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
5 | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | AHRQ | US | Notice,Regulatory Agenda |
4 | African Development Foundation | USADF | US | Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice |
3 | Administrative Office of United States Courts | AO | US | Notice |
2 | Administration Office, Executive Office of the President | OA | US | Rule,Regulatory Agenda |
1 | Rural Development, Agriculture Department | USDA-RD | US | Newsletter |