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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


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SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


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Full List of Agency Sources

To filter by agencies, you have to use one of the Agency_IDs listed below in the Search Method API. This will filter your results to only include content related to the Agency_ID selected.

These are the agencies currently supported by our APIs:

Export CSV (last updated 03/25/25)
Agency_ID Name Short Name Jurisdiction Document Type / Category
800000003 Datatilsynet Denmark DNK-DTS DNK Guidance,Decision
800000002 Denmark Ministry of Business DNK-MOB DNK Circular,Proclamation,Guidance,Notice,Lawmaking,Executive Order
800000001 Financial Supervisory Authority of Denmark DNK-FSA DNK Press Release
700000002 Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto Finland FIN-TJT FIN Guidance,Decision
700000001 Finland Financial Supervisory Authority FIN-FSA FIN Press Release
640000003 Superintendencia General de Valores CRI-SUGEVAL CRI Consultation Paper,Guideline,Rule,Guidance
640000002 Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras CRI-SUGEF CRI Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Consultation,Publication,Notice,Resolution,Standard,Amendment
640000001 Consejo Nacional de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero CRI-CONASSIF CRI Press Release,Announcement
630000007 Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand THA-SEC THA Circular,Rule,Form
630000006 Thailand Ministry of Labour THA-MOL THA Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Announcement,News,Administrative Order
630000005 Bank of Thailand THA-BOT THA Circular,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement
630000004 Thailand Ministry of Finance THA-MOF THA Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement
630000003 Government of Thailand THA-GOV THA Act,Announcement,Decree,Administrative Order
630000002 Parliament of Thailand THA-PARL THA Guideline,Act,Rule,Announcement,Administrative Order
630000001 Thailand Revenue Department THA-RD THA Guide,News
620000007 Comisión para el Mercado Financiero CHL-CMF CHL Manual,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Resolution,Standard
620000006 Ministerio de Hacienda CHL-MH CHL Announcement,News
620000005 Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social CHL-MTPS CHL News
620000002 Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgo CHL-CCR CHL Press Release
620000001 Banco Central Chile CHL-BCC CHL Statistics,Circular,Letter,Discussion Paper,Publication
600000006 Data Protection Authority Belgium BEL-DPA BEL Guidance,News,Decision
600000004 Belgium Asset Managers Association BEL-BEAMA BEL News
600000003 Belgium Government BEL-GOV BEL News
600000002 National Bank of Belgium BEL-NB BEL Annual Report
600000001 Belgium Financial Services and Markets Authority BEL-FSMA BEL Consumer Alert,Press Release,News
590000001 Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov Slovenskej republiky SVK-UOOU SVK Guidance,Decision
500000002 Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten Sweden SWE-IMY SWE Decision
500000001 Sweden Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority) SWE-FI SWE Press Release
490000006 Poland Ministerstwo Finansów POL-MF POL Ordinance,Announcement
490000005 Poland Parliament POL-PARL POL Act,Rule
490000004 Poland Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych POL-UODO POL Guidance,Decision
490000003 Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego Polska POL-KNF POL Opinion,Consultation Paper,Checklist,Guideline,Letter,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Agency Update
490000002 Narodowy Bank Polski POL-NBP POL Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Press Release,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Position Paper,Agency Update
490000001 Warsaw Stock Exchange POL-GPW POL Newsletter,Press Release,Agency Update
470000001 Israel Securities Authority ISR-ISA ISR Proposed Rule,FAQ,Directive,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Rule,Guidance,Amendment
460000001 State Bank of Vietnam VNM-SBV VNM News
450000001 Jersey Financial Services Commission JEY-FSC JEY Statement,News,Agency Update
440000003 Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Justice) HUN-IM HUN Notice,Supporting Document
440000002 Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság Hungary HUN-NAIH HUN Guidance,Decision
440000001 Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) HUN-MNB HUN Working Paper,Manual,Statistics,Bulletin,Circular,Annual Report,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Decree,Handbook
400000011 Trust Business Association of the Republic of China CHN-TAROC CHN
400000010 Futures Trade Association of the Republic of China CHN-FTA CHN
400000009 Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation CHN-TCDCH CHN Rule
400000008 Taiwan Futures Exchange Co., Ltd. CHN-TAIFEX CHN Rule
400000007 Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association of the ROC CHN-SITCA CHN Letter,Rule,Supporting Document
400000006 Taiwan Stock Exchange CHN-TWSE CHN Rule,Guidance,Amendment
400000005 Taipei Exchange CHN-TPEX CHN Rule,Announcement,Amendment
400000004 Taiwan Ministry of Finance CHN-TMOF CHN Rule
400000003 Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs CHN-TMEA CHN Circular,Rule
400000002 Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission CHN-TFSC CHN Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation
400000001 Taiwan Legislative Yuan CHN-TLY CHN Act,Act Navigation
350000009 Corte Constitucional de Colombia (Constitutional Court of Colombia) COL-CC COL Guidance
350000008 Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (National Tax and Customs Directorate) COL-DIAN COL Circular,Agency Update
350000006 Banco de la República COL-BR COL Bulletin,Circular,Rulemaking
350000005 Unidad Regulación Financiera Colombia (Financial Regulatory Unit)) COL-URF COL Decree,Regulatory Agenda
350000004 Congress of Colombia COL-CON COL Law,Act
350000003 Financial Superintendency of Colombia COL-FS COL Circular,Annual Report,Press Release,Report
350000002 President of the Republic Colombia COL-POR COL News,Decree
350000001 Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia COL-MHSP COL News
300000012 Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones Bursátiles MEX-AMIB MEX
300000011 Secretaria De Hacienda Y Credito Publico MEX-SHCP MEX Manual,Circular,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order
300000010 Secretaria De Economia MEX-SE MEX Rule,Notice,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order
300000009 Comision Federal De Competencia Economica MEX-COFCE MEX Notice,Journal,Agency Update,Executive Order
300000008 Mexico Secretaria de Gobernacion MEX-SEGOB MEX Manual,Proposed Rule,Circular,Judgement,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Announcement,News,Journal,Decree,Agency Update,Executive Order
300000007 Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro MEX-CONSAR MEX Circular,Rule,Announcement
300000005 Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros MEX-CONDUSEF MEX Statute,Guideline,Press Release,Rule
300000004 Mexico Congress of the Union MEX-COU MEX Law
300000003 Central Bank of Mexico MEX-CB MEX Circular,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Journal
300000002 Mexican National Banking and Stock Commission MEX-CNBV MEX Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Supporting Document,Agency Update
300000001 Government of Mexico MEX-GOV MEX Rule,Decree
290000004 Korean Ministry of Government Legislation KOR-MOLEG KOR Act,Decree
290000003 Korean Financial Services Commission KOR-FSC KOR Speech,Guideline,Press Release,Rule
290000002 Korea Financial Investment Association KOR-KOFIA KOR Annual Report,Press Release,Agency Update
290000001 Financial Supervisory Service KOR-FSS KOR Speech,Press Release,Notice
280000002 Parliamentary Counsel Office New Zealand NZL-PCO NZL Act
280000001 Reserve Bank of New Zealand NZL-RB NZL Speech,Statistics,Bulletin,Guide,Annual Report,Letter,Fact Sheet,Report,News
270000014 Asset Management Association of China CHN-AMAC CHN Guideline,Rule,Announcement,Supporting Document
270000013 Cyberspace Administration of China CHN-CAC CHN Agency Update
270000012 China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection CHN-CCDI CHN Guideline
270000010 Bank of China CHN-BOC CHN Report,News
270000009 The People's Bank of China CHN-PBC CHN Opinion,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Report,Announcement,Regulatory Order,Administrative Order,Agency Update
270000008 State Administration of Foreign Exchange CHN-SAFE CHN Circular,Opinion,Checklist,Statistical Data Set,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Form,Implementation Plan,Notice,Announcement,News,Agency Update
270000007 National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China CHN-NPC CHN Speech,Law,Order,Act,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update
270000006 Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China CHN-MOFCOM CHN Rule
270000005 General Administration of Customs CHN-GAC CHN Order,Rule,Announcement
270000004 State Administration for Market Regulation of China CHN-SAMR CHN Rule
270000003 State Council of The People's Republic of China CHN-SC CHN Law,Press Release,Rule,Guidance
270000002 China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission CHN-CBIRC CHN Rule,News,Administrative Order
270000001 China Securities Regulatory Commission CHN-CSRC CHN Conference,Consultation,Guidance,News,Agency Update
260000002 Federal Customs Service of Russia RUS-FCS RUS News Release
260000001 Central Bank of Russia RUS-CBR RUS Speech,Press Release,News
250000023 Software Technology Parks of India(STPI) IND-STPI IND Notice
250000022 Employees' Provident Fund Organisation IND-EPFO IND Manual,Guideline,Act,Rule,Form,Instruction
250000021 Employees' State Insurance Corporation IND-ESIC IND Manual,Circular,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Letter,Rule,Form,Policy Statement,Notice,Instruction
250000020 Maharashtra Legislature IND-MHLA IND-MH Rulemaking,Act,Rule
250000019 Maharashtra Fire Services IND-MHFS IND-MH Circular,Administrative Order
250000018 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change IND-MOEF IND Guideline,Act,Rule,Notice,Administrative Letter
250000017 Food Safety and Standards Authority of India IND-FSSAI IND Directive,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Amendment
250000016 Institute of Company Secretaries of India IND-ICSI IND Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement
250000015 Maharashtra Pollution Control Board IND-MPCB IND Circular
250000014 Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India IND-MCA IND Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Regulatory Order
250000013 Ministry of Labour and Employment of India IND-MLE IND Circular,Press Release
250000012 Income Tax Department of India IND-ITD IND Circular,Notice
250000011 Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology IND-MEITY IND Guideline,Press Release,Rule
250000009 Parliament of India IND-PARL IND Bill,Act,Rule,Act Navigation
250000008 Telecommunication Engineering Centre IND-TEC IND Industry Guidance,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Guidance,Notice
250000007 Department of Economic Affairs IND-DEA IND Bill,Act,Rule,Guidance,Ordinance,Notice,Report,Lawmaking,Regulatory Order,Handbook,Agency Update
250000006 Bureau of Indian Standards IND-BIS IND Rulemaking,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Order
250000005 Department of Telecommunications of India IND-DOT IND Circular,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Guideline,Act,Letter,Research Publication,Rule,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Instruction,Regulatory Order
250000004 Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs IND-CBITC IND Circular,FAQ,Act,Rule,Form,Notice,Act Navigation,Instruction,Amendment
250000003 Directorate General of Foreign Trade IND-DGFT IND Handbook Navigation,Policy Navigation,Circular,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Policy Statement Navigation,Handbook
250000002 Reserve Bank of India IND-RBI IND Manual,FAQ,Guideline,Industry Letter,Press Release
250000001 Securities and Exchange Board of India IND-SEBI IND Circular,Consultation Paper,Press Release,Rule
240000001 Otoritas Jasa Keuangan IDN-OJK IDN Press Release
220000003 Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye TUR-DTO TUR Guide
220000002 Capital Markets Board of Turkey TUR-CMB TUR Announcement
210000011 Government of Prince Edward Island CAN-PEGOV CAN-PE News
210000008 Saudi Arabia Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development SAU-HRSD SAU Guide
210000007 Saudi Data & AI Authority SAU-SDAIA SAU Consultation Paper
210000005 Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) SAU-TDW SAU Guidance
210000004 Communications and Information Technology Commission SAU-CITC SAU Rule
210000003 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia SAU-KSA SAU Law
210000002 Capital Market Authority SAU-CMA SAU Circular,Guide,Press Release,Rule,Announcement,Instruction
210000001 Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority SAU-SAMA SAU Circular,Rule,News
200000001 Banco Central De La República Argentina ARG-BCRA ARG Annual Report,Research Publication,Report,News
110000004 Health and Safety Executive UK-HSE UK Press Release
90000004 Datenschutzbehörde Austria AUT-DSB AUT Guidance,Decision
90000003 Austian Alternative Investment Fund Managers Association AUT-AIFM AUT Publication
90000002 Austria National bank AUT-NB AUT Working Paper,Whitepaper,Statistics,Annual Report,Statement,Research Publication,Publication,Report
90000001 Financial Market Authority of Austria AUT-FMA AUT Press Release,Code Navigation
82000003 Ministerio de Trabajo DOM-MT DOM Resolution
82000002 Dirección General de Impuestos Internos DOM-DGII DOM Resolution
82000001 Presidencia de la República Dominicana DOM-PRD DOM Decree
81000006 Presidencia de la República del Perú PER-POR PER Law,Decree,Supporting Document
81000005 Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria PER-SUNAT PER Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Form,Publication,Report,Resolution,Announcement,Agency Update
81000004 Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores PER-SMV PER Circular,Law,Guide,Directive,Enforcement,Financial Sanction,Resolution,Standard,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document
81000003 Congreso de la República PER-CDR PER Law,Resolution,Decree
81000002 Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo PER-MTPE PER Manual,Statistics,Bulletin,Law,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guide,Directive,Meeting Minutes,Guideline,Publication,Notice,Report,Resolution,Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document
81000001 Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP PER-SBS PER Proposed Rule,Circular,Law,Directive,Letter,Newsletter,Notice,Resolution
71000006 Ministry of Labour & Social Protection KEN-MLSP KEN Rule,Notice
71000005 Kenya Revenue Authority KEN-KRA KEN Proposed Rule,Judgement,Guide,Guideline,Rule,Report,Publications
71000004 Government of Kenya KEN-GOV KEN Act,Rule,Notice
71000003 Central Bank of Kenya KEN-CBK KEN Circular
71000002 Capital Markets Authority of Kenya KEN-CMA KEN Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Report,Feedback Statement
71000001 Parliament of Kenya KEN-PARL KEN Bill,Circular,Act,Notice
65000002 Governor of Curaçao CUW-GOV CUW Decree
65000001 Parliament of Curaçao CUW-PARL CUW Statute
61000004 Parliament of Georgia GEO-PARL GEO Law,Act
61000003 National Bank of Georgia GEO-NBG GEO Law,Guideline,News,Decree
61000002 Georgia Revenue Service GEO-RS GEO News
61000001 Georgia Fair Labor Platform GEO-GFLP GEO News
60000003 Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the US Virgin Islands VIR-OLG US-VIR Press Release
60000002 US Virgin Islands Division of Banking, Insurance & Financial Regulation VIR-DBIF US-VIR Bulletin,FAQ,Form,Publication,Instruction
60000001 US Virgin Islands Legislature VIR-LEG US-VIR Bill,Statute,Act,Statute Navigation
59000004 Puerto Rico Department of Consumer Affairs PR-DCA US-PR Interpretive Statement,Rule,Administrative Order
59000003 Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly PR-LA US-PR Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
59000002 Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico PR-GOV US-PR Executive Order
59000001 Office of the Commissioner of Insurance of Puerto Rico PR-OCI US-PR Manual,Circular,Ruling,Rule,Instruction,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Administrative Order
58000001 Romania Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal ROU-ANPD ROU Enforcement Decision,Decision
57000001 Latvia Datu Valsts Inspekcija LVA-DSI LVA Guidance,Decision
56000001 Data Protection Authority of the Principality of Liechtenstein LIE-DPA LIE Guidance,Decision
55000001 Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů Czech CZE-UOOU CZE Guidance,Decision
54000001 Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection Cyprus CYP-CPDP CYP Decision
53000001 Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner Malta MLT-IDPC MLT Guidance,Decision
52000001 Andmekaitse Inspektsioon Estonia EST-AKI EST Guidance,Decision
51000006 Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários PRT-CMVM PRT Proposed Rule,Circular,Consultation Paper,Rule,Consultation,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Comment
51000005 Ministério das Finanças PRT-MOF PRT Law,Ordinance,Decree
51000004 Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões PRT-ASF PRT Announcement,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
51000003 Banco de Portugal PRT-BP PRT Notice,Report,Announcement,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
48000001 Qatar Financial Markets Authority QAT-FMA QAT Consultation
43000014 Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia ESP-CNMC ESP Rule,Decree
43000012 Ministerio de Economía, Comercio Y Empresa ESP-MECB ESP Decree
43000011 La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores ESP-CNMV ESP Manual,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Recommendation,Code,Decree,Instruction,Administrative Order,Agency Update,Comment,Amendment
43000010 Government of Spain ESP-GOV ESP Law,Directive,Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,Decree,Agency Update
43000009 Spain FinancialReg360 ESP-FINREG ESP Regulatory Alert
43000008 Agencia Española de Protección de Datos ESP-AEPD ESP Circular,Guide,Annual Report,Publication,Report,Code,Decision,Agency Update
43000007 Cortes Generales de Espana ESP-CG ESP Law,Rulemaking,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Decree
43000006 Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo ESP-MICT ESP Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
43000005 Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública ESP-MHFP ESP Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
43000004 Ministerio de Consumo ESP-MDC ESP Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
43000003 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación ESP-EXT ESP Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
43000002 Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital ESP-MAETD ESP Announcement,Decree,Regulatory Order,Agency Update
43000001 Bank of Spain ESP-BDE ESP Circular,Statement,Press Release,Publication,Announcement,Agency Update
42000002 Datatilsynet Norway NOR-DTS NOR Guidance,Decision
42000001 Norway Financial Regulatory Authority NOR-FRA NOR Circular,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Report,News
41000002 Hlutverk Persónuverndar Iceland ISL-PV ISL Guidance,Decision
41000001 Central Bank of Iceland ISL-CB ISL Statistics,News
40100001 Kanto Finance Bureau JP-KTFB JP-KT News
39100002 Bermuda Parliament BMU-PARL BMU Act,Rule,Rule Navigation,Act Navigation
39100001 Bermuda Monetary Authority BMU-MA BMU Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report
37000001 Eurasian Economic Commission EAEU-EEC EAEU News
36000012 Abu Dhabi Department of Energy ARE-ADDOE ARE News
36000011 Abu Dhabi Executive Council ARE-ADEC ARE Law
36000010 Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation ARE-MOHRE ARE
36000009 Cabinet of United Arab Emirates ARE-CAB ARE Law,Rule,Guidance,Decree,Agency Update
36000008 UAE Ministry of Finance ARE-MOF ARE Manual,Circular,Law,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Rule,Form,Guidance,Decree,Handbook,Agency Update
36000007 Dubai Financial Services Authority ARE-DFSA ARE Consultation Paper,News
36000006 Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates ARE-CB ARE Statement,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Standard
36000005 Dubai Executive Council United Arab Emirates ARE-DEC ARE Law
36000004 Federal Supreme Council United Arab Emirates ARE-FSC ARE Law,Guide,Decree
36000003 Securities and Commodities Authority United Arab Emirates ARE-SCA ARE Circular,Rule,Guidance,Notice
36000002 Dubai International Financial Centre ARE-DIFC ARE Statement,Form,Guidance,Notice
36000001 Ministry of Justice United Arab Emirates ARE-MOJ ARE Law,Executive Order
34000015 Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore SGP-MTI SGP Speech,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report
34000014 Ministry of Finance Singapore SGP-MOF SGP Speech,Guide,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report,Supporting Document
34000013 Singapore Ministry of Law SGP-MOL SGP N/A
34000012 Energy Market Authority of Singapore SGP-EMA SGP Press Release
34000011 Cyber Security Agency of Singapore SGP-CSA SGP N/A
34000010 Attorney-General’s Chambers of the Republic of Singapore SGP-AGC SGP Press Release
34000009 Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore SGP-ACRA SGP Press Release
34000008 Singapore Exchange Group SGP-SGX SGP News
34000007 Parliament of Singapore SGP-PARL SGP Statute,Act,Press Release,Rule,Report,Act Navigation,Statute Navigation
34000006 Competition and Consumer Commission Singapore SGP-CCC SGP Bill,Industry Guidance,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Response,Consultation,Form,Feedback Statement,Decision
34000005 Ministry of Manpower Singapore SGP-MOM SGP Speech,Statistics,Press Release,Report,Announcement
34000004 Government of Singapore SGP-GOV SGP Speech,Final Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Act,Business Plan,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Supporting Document
34000003 Personal Data Protection Commission of Singapore SGP-PDPC SGP Announcement
34000002 Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore SGP-IRAS SGP Speech,Press Release,News,Agency Update
34000001 Monetary Authority of Singapore SGP-MAS SGP Speech,Bulletin,Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,News Release,Directive,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Statement of Policy,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Administrative Order,Agency Update
33100011 Financial Data Exchange EU-FinDatEx EU Statement,Consultation,Guidance,News
33100010 Publications Office of the European Union EU-PO EU Journal Navigation,Journal
33100009 European Data Protection Supervisor EU-EDPS EU Speech,Opinion,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Recommendation,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Agency Update,Comment
33100008 European Data Protection Board EU-EDPB EU Statistics,Opinion,FAQ,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Response,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Recommendation,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update,Comment
33100007 European Fund and Asset Management Association EU-EFAMA EU Annual Report,Press Release,Publication,Report
33100006 European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority EU-EIOPA EU Final Report,Guideline,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Regulatory Decision,Report,Standard,News,Instruction,Agency Update
33100005 European Council EU-EC EU Directive (EU),Financial Sanction
33100004 European Financial Reporting Advisory Group EU-EFRAG EU Final Report,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Letter,Research Publication,Statement of Policy,Event,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Comment
33100003 Europol EU-POL EU Press Release,News
33100002 European Parliament EU-PARL EU Final Report,Legislative Debate,Proposed Rule,Opinion,FAQ,Regulation (EU),Directive (EU) Navigation,Directive (EU),Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Corporate Document,Response,Decision (EU),Fact Sheet,Notice,Report,Resolution,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda,Enforcement Report,Amendment
33100001 European Central Bank EU-ECB EU Working Paper,Speech,Final Report,Statistics,Bulletin,Meeting Minutes,Guideline,Letter,Research Publication,Press Release,Corporate Document,Blog,Response,Decision (EU),Consultation,Correspondence,Event,Publication,Recommendation,Report,Supporting Document,Decision,Agency Update,Comment
33000021 Australian eSafety Commissioner AUS-ESAFECOM AUS Press Release
33000020 Australian Border Force AUS-ABF AUS Speech,Statement,Press Release
33000019 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission AUS-ACCC AUS Speech,Press Release,Enforcement,Guidance,Agency Update
33000018 Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade AUS-DFAT AUS News
33000017 Australian Energy Regulator AUS-AER AUS Guideline,News
33000016 Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner Australia AUS-OVIC AUS Research Publication
33000015 Australian Department of Home Affairs AUS-DHA AUS Market Conduct Examination Report,Guide,Guideline,Statement,Response,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,Standard,Announcement,Instruction,Agency Update
33000014 Australian Energy Market Operator AUS-AEMO AUS Standard
33000013 Australian Signals Directorate AUS-ASD AUS Manual,Standard
33000012 Australian Treasury AUS-TREAS AUS Final Report,Consultation Paper,International Treaty,Annual Report,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Policy Statement,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment
33000011 Reserve Bank of Australia AUS-RBA AUS Speech,Consultation Paper,Annual Report,Business Plan,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Publication,Report
33000010 Council of Financial Regulators AUS-CFR AUS Consultation Paper,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,Advice,Consultation,Policy Statement,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment
33000009 Australian Accounting Standards Board AUS-AASB AUS Standard
33000008 Parliament of Australia AUS-PARL AUS Act,Standard
33000007 Government of Australia AUS-GOV AUS Guide,Annual Report,Statement,Press Release,Guidance
33000006 Fair Work Commission Australia AUS-FWC AUS Guideline,Research Publication,Regulatory Decision,Report,News,Agency Update
33000005 Australian Taxation Office AUS-ATO AUS Speech,Press Release,Blog,Notice
33000004 Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre AUS-AUSTRAC AUS News
33000003 Australian Securities & Investments Commission AUS-ASIC AUS Speech,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Consultation Paper,Guide,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Response,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment
33000002 Office of the Australian Information Commissioner AUS-OAIC AUS Statement,Press Release,News,Agency Update
33000001 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority AUS-APRA AUS Speech,Statistics,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Corporate Document,Response,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News,Instruction
32000014 Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg LUX-JO LUX Notice,Standard
32000013 Administration des contributions directes Luxembourg LUX-ACD LUX Circular,International Treaty,FAQ,Newsletter,Memorandum of Understanding,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Supporting Document,Agency Update
32000012 Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry LUX-ALFI LUX Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Publication,Agency Update
32000011 Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données LUX-CNPD LUX Opinion,Guide,Guideline,Guidance,News,Decision
32000010 Cour Grand-Ducale Luxembourg LUX-CGD LUX Rule
32000009 Luxembourg Government LUX-GOV LUX Judgement,Rule
32000008 Luxembourg Constitutional Court LUX-CC LUX Judgement
32000007 Luxembourg Chambre des Députés LUX-CDD LUX Law,Act,Code Navigation,Code
32000006 Luxembourg Ministry of Finance LUX-MFIN LUX Press Release,News
32000004 Luxembourg Administration judiciaire LUX-AJ LUX Judgement,Press Release,News
32000003 Banque Centrale du Luxembourg LUX-BCL LUX Working Paper,Manual,Bulletin,Circular,Opinion,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Newsletter,Rule,Guidance,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Agency Update
32000002 The Luxembourg Banker's Association LUX-ABBL LUX Annual Report,Guideline,Position Paper
32000001 Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier LUX-CSSF LUX Whitepaper,Industry Guidance,Statistics,Circular,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Annual Report,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Event,Form,Guidance,Report,Standard,Agency Update
31000009 Hong Kong Legislative Council HKG-LC HKG Rule,Ordinance
31000008 Trade and Industry Department of Hong Kong HKG-TID HKG Rule,Notice
31000007 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority Hong Kong HKG-MPFA HKG Circular,Press Release,Blog,Agency Update
31000006 Labour Department Hong Kong HKG-LD HKG Press Release
31000005 Government of Hong Kong HKG-GOV HKG News
31000004 Inland Revenue Department Hong Kong HKG-IRD HKG Press Release
31000003 Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong HKG-PCPD HKG Press Release
31000002 Hong Kong Monetary Authority HKG-MA HKG Speech,Manual,Circular,Guideline,Press Release,Consultation
31000001 Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission HKG-SFC HKG Circular,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Response,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,News,Administrative Order
29000008 Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés du France FRA-CNIL FRA Guidance,Regulatory Decision,News,Decision
29000007 Association de la Gestion Financière (French Financial Management Association) FRA-AFG FRA News
29000006 Direction générale des Finances publiques FRA-BOFIP FRA Guidance,Guidance Navigation
29000005 Banque de France FRA-BDF FRA Press Release
29000004 Parliament of France FRA-PARL FRA Standard,Standard Navigation,Code Navigation,Code,Decree,Regulatory Order
29000003 Autorite de Controle Prudentiel et de Resolution FRA-ACPR FRA Working Paper,Speech,Annual Report,Research Publication,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Publication,Recommendation,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Decision,Agency Update
29000002 Government of France FRA-GOV FRA Supervisory Report,Statement,Press Release,News,Handbook
29000001 Autorite des Marches Financiers FRA-AMF FRA Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,News,Rule Navigation,Instruction,Regulatory Order,Position Paper
28000009 Italian Investment Management Association(Assogestioni) ITA-ASSOGESTIONI ITA Guide,Annual Report,Guidance,Report,Agency Update
28000008 Commissione Di Vigilanza Sui Fondi Pensione ITA-COVIP ITA Annual Report,Report
28000007 Parliament of Italy ITA-PARL ITA Law
28000006 Presidency of the Council of Ministers ITA-PCM ITA Decree
28000005 President of Republic of Italy ITA-POR ITA Decree
28000004 Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni ITA-IVASS ITA Statistics,Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Agency Update
28000003 Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ITA-GPDP ITA Opinion,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Injunction Order,Warning Notice,Consultation,Guidance,Resolution,News,Code,Decision,Agency Update
28000002 Bank of Italy ITA-BDI ITA Working Paper,Circular,Guideline,Newsletter,Rule,Guidance,News,Instruction,Agency Update
28000001 Commissione Nazionale Per Le Società e la Borsa ITA-CONSOB ITA Press Release
27000022 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Office for Information Security) DEU-BSI DEU Working Paper,Statistics,Guideline,Guidance,Publication,Report,Position Paper,Agency Update
27000021 Gesamtverband der Versicherer DEU-GDV DEU Newsletter
27000019 Unabhängiges Datenschutzzentrum Saarland DEU-UDS DEU Decision
27000018 Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen DEU-LDINRW DEU Decision
27000017 Der Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit DEU-HmbBfDI DEU Guidance,Decision
27000016 Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Baden-Württemberg DEU-BWDP DEU Decision
27000015 Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Akteneinsicht DEU-BLDA DEU Decision
27000014 Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit DEU-HBDI DEU Decision
27000013 Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit DEU-BBDI DEU Decision
27000012 Bundesverwaltungsgericht DEU-BVerwG DEU Judgement,Decision
27000011 Bundesverband Alternative Investments DEU-BAI DEU Newsletter,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment
27000010 Bundesgerichtshof DEU-BGH DEU Judgement,Decision
27000009 Bundesverfassungsgerichts (German Federal Constitutional Court) DEU-BVERFG DEU Judgement,Enforcement,Decision
27000008 Bundesministerium der Finanzen (German Finance Ministry) DEU-BMF DEU Rate Filing,Letter,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Publication,Regulatory Decision,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Agency Update
27000007 Deutscher Bundestag (German Parliament) DEU-BT DEU Act,Ordinance,Act Navigation,Lawmaking
27000006 Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft DEU-DK DEU Whitepaper,Press Release,Event,Report,Supporting Document,Comment
27000005 Bundesverband Deutscher Banken DEU-BVB DEU Whitepaper,Opinion,Guide,Press Release,Blog,Event,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Agency Update,Comment
27000004 Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz DEU-BMJ DEU Bill,Speech,Meeting Minutes,Press Release,Blog,News,Lawmaking,Agency Update,Comment
27000003 Verband der Auslandsbanken DEU-VAB DEU Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Feedback Statement,Comment
27000002 Bundesbank Germany DEU-BB DEU Speech,Final Report,Statistics,Circular,FAQ,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Event,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Notice,Report,Supporting Document,Agency Update,Comment
27000001 Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany DEU-BAFIN DEU Circular,Checklist,Guide,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Supporting Document,Comment
26000005 South Africa Reserve Bank ZAF-SARB ZAF Speech,Bulletin,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Form,Publication,Notice
26000004 Financial Intelligence Center of South Africa ZAF-FIC ZAF Circular,FAQ,Guidance
26000002 Parliament of the Republic of South Africa ZAF-PARL ZAF Act
26000001 South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority ZAF-FSCA ZAF Enforcement Order,Press Release,Civil Money Penalty
25000009 Superintendência de Seguros Privados BRA-SUSEP BRA Circular,Form,Notice,Agency Update
25000008 Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais BRA-ANBIMA BRA Manual,Circular,FAQ,Enforcement,Guidance,Recommendation,Announcement,Code
25000006 Receita Federal BRA-RF BRA Manual,Bulletin,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report
25000005 Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar BRA-PREVIC BRA Speech,Manual,Opinion,FAQ,Guide,Consultation,Ordinance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Instruction,Agency Update
25000004 National Congress of Brazil BRA-NC BRA Law,Act
25000003 Presidency of the Republic of Brazil BRA-POB BRA Decree,Amendment
25000002 Comissão de Valores Mobiliários BRA-CVM BRA Annual Report,Enforcement,Guidance,Ordinance,Notice,Report,News
25000001 Banco Central do Brasil BRA-BCB BRA Meeting Minutes,Press Release,Report,Instruction
24000009 Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate) NLD-MEZ NLD Rule,Amendment
24000008 Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten) NLD-CBCSM NLD Statute,Guideline,Press Release,Rule
24000007 Sociale Verzekeringsbank NLD-SV NLD Rule,Decree
24000006 Ministerie van Financiën NLD-MF NLD Act,Rule,Advice,Announcement,Decree,Amendment
24000005 Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens NLD-AP NLD Blog,Guidance,News,Decision
24000004 Eumedion Corporate Governance Forum NLD-ECGF NLD Manual,Policy Paper,Annual Report,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Response,Publication,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Comment
24000003 Netherlands Government NLD-GOV NLD Law,Act,Decree
24000002 De Netherlandsche Bank NLD-DNB NLD Speech,Bulletin,FAQ,Act,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Decree,Feedback Statement
24000001 Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets NLD-AFM NLD Speech,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Response,Enforcement,Publication,Report,News,Position Paper,Feedback Statement,Decision,Administrative Letter
23020001 Consumer Affairs Victoria AUSVIC-CAV AUS-VIC Press Release,Notice,News
23010003 New South Wales Legislation AUS-NSWL AUS-NSW Determination,Act,Rule,Implementation Plan,Notice,Regulatory Order
23010001 Revenue New South Wales AUS-NSWR AUS-NSW FAQ,Newsletter,Press Release,Event,Announcement,News
23000003 Nevis Ministry of Finance KNA-MOF KNA Rule
23000002 The National Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA-NA KNA Law,Act,Rule
23000001 Nevis Financial Services Regulatory Commission KNA-NFSRC KNA Rule
22000006 Ministerio de Economia Y Finanzas PAN-MEF PAN Decree
22000005 Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias PAN-MCI PAN Decree
22000004 Ministerio de la Presidencia PAN-MP PAN Decree
22000003 La Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá PAN-SSRP PAN Circular
22000002 Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores de Panamá PAN-SMV PAN Circular,Notice,Resolution,Announcement
22000001 National Assembly of Panama PAN-NA PAN Law,Act
21300003 Office of the Superintendent of Securities Nunavut CAN-NUOSS CAN-NU National Instrument,Multilateral Instrument,Policy Statement,Notice
21300002 Nunavut Legislative Assembly CAN-NULEG CAN-NU Bill,Statute,Notice,Statute Navigation
21300001 Government of Nunavut CAN-NUGOV CAN-NU News
21200002 Government of New Brunswick CAN-NBGOV CAN-NB News
21200001 Financial and Consumer Services Commission New Brunswick CAN-NBFCSC CAN-NB News
21100003 Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories CAN-NTLA CAN-NT Act,Rule,Rule Navigation,Act Navigation
21100002 Municipal and Community Affairs Northwest Territories CAN-NTMCA CAN-NT Bulletin,Guide,Form
21100001 Government of Northwest Territories of Canada CAN-NTGOV CAN-NT Speech,Final Report,Bulletin,Annual Report,Guideline,Act,Business Plan,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Guidance,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update
21000001 The Barbados Parliament BRB-BP BRB Act
20900005 Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan CAN-SKLA CAN-SK Act,Rule,Act Navigation
20900004 Saskatchewan Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation SK-CUDGC CAN-SK Directive,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Guideline,Guidance,Publication,Standard
20900003 Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan CAN-SKIC CAN-SK Bulletin
20900002 Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority CAN-SKFCAA CAN-SK Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Act,Consent Order,Letter,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Decision
20900001 Government of Saskatchewan CAN-SKGOV CAN-SK News
20800005 Nova Scotia Legislature CAN-NSLEG CAN-NS Statute,Act
20800003 Government of Nova Scotia CAN-NSGOV CAN-NS News
20800002 Nova Scotia Securities Commission CAN-NSSC CAN-NS Press Release
20800001 Nova Scotia Finance and Treasury Board CAN-NSFTB CAN-NS Bulletin,FAQ,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Report,News
20700005 Yukon Legislative Assembly CAN-YTLA CAN-YT Statute,Statute Navigation
20700004 Yukon Superintendent of Securities CAN-YTSOS CAN-YT National Instrument,Rule,Form,Policy Statement,Administrative Order
20700003 Superintendent of Insurance Yukon CAN-YTSOI CAN-YT Bulletin
20700002 Government of Yukon CAN-YTGOV CAN-YT Final Report,Guideline,Act,Rule,Notice,Report,Standard,News
20700001 Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board CAN-WCHSB CAN-YT News
20600002 Digital Government and Service NL CAN-NLDGS CAN-NL Bulletin,Memorandum,Annual Report,Form,Report,News,Agency Update
20600001 Government of Newfoundland and Labrador CAN-NLGOV CAN-NL Final Report,Investor Alert,Bulletin,Circular,Statute,Guideline,Rule,Notice,News
20500005 Office of the Superintendent Pension Commission Manitoba CAN-MBOSPC CAN-MB Bulletin,News
20500004 Insurance Council of Manitoba CAN-MBIC CAN-MB Bulletin,Checklist,Annual Report,Handbook
20500003 Consumer Protection Office of Manitoba CAN-MBCPO CAN-MB Consumer Alert
20500002 Government of Manitoba CAN-MBGOV CAN-MB Bulletin,News
20500001 Manitoba Securities Commission CAN-MSC CAN-MB News
20400009 Real Estate Council Alberta CAN-RECA CAN-AB Bulletin,Agency Update
20400008 Alberta Energy Regulator CAN-AER CAN-AB Bulletin,Directive,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Announcement,News,Guidance Notice
20400007 Ministry of Service Alberta CAN-ABMSA CAN-AB Decision
20400006 Government of Alberta CAN-ABGOV CAN-AB News
20400005 Superintendent of Insurance of Alberta CAN-ABSI CAN-AB Bulletin,Enforcement Notice,Form
20400004 Alberta Insurance Council CAN-AIC CAN-AB News
20400003 Alberta Treasury Board and Finance CAN-ABTBF CAN-AB Statistics,Circular,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Publication,Notice,Report
20400002 Legislative Assembly of Alberta CAN-ABLA CAN-AB Bill,Statute,Act
20400001 Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta CAN-OIPCAB CAN-AB Breach Notification Decision,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report,Agency Update
20300005 Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General CAN-BCPSSG CAN-BC Annual Report,Business Plan,News
20300004 British Columbia Consumer Protection Authority (Canada) CAN-BCCPA CAN-BC Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Business Plan,Enforcement,Publication,Report,Decision,Agency Update
20300003 Insurance Council British Columbia CAN-BCIC CAN-BC Guideline,Guidance,Notice,News
20300002 Legislative Assembly of British Columbia CAN-BCLA CAN-BC Bill,Statute,Statute Navigation
20300001 Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia CAN-OIPCBC CAN-BC Guidance
20200011 Gouvernement du Québec (Government of Quebec) CAN-QCGOV CAN-QC Rulemaking,Rule,Consultation,Notice,Decree,Regulatory Order
20200010 Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec CAN-OACIQ CAN-QC FAQ,Guideline,News
20200009 Quebec Autorité des Marchés Publics CAN-QCAMP CAN-QC Speech,Annual Report,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report,Announcement,News,Administrative Order,Agency Update
20200008 Autorité des marchés financiers Quebec CAN-QCAMF CAN-QC Speech,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Comment
20200007 Office Québécois de la Langue Française Quebec CAN-QCOQLF CAN-QC News,Agency Update
20200006 Revenu Quebec CAN-QCRQ CAN-QC Press Release,News
20200005 Office de la Protection du Consommateur CAN-QCOPC CAN-QC News,Agency Update
20200004 Canadian Depository For Securities CAN-CDS CAN Press Release
20200003 Retraite Quebec CAN-QCR CAN-QC Final Report,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,News
20200002 Commission d'acces a l'information du Quebec CAN-QCCAI CAN-QC Press Release
20200001 National Assembly of Québec CAN-QCNA CAN-QC Bill,Act,Introduced Bill,Rule,Resolution,News,Act Navigation
20100009 Ontario Government CAN-ONGOV CAN-ON Journal
20100008 Financial Services Commission of Ontario CAN-ONFSC CAN-ON News
20100005 Ontario Energy Board CAN-OEB CAN-ON Final Report,Bulletin,Guide,Directive,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Code,Instruction,Handbook,Administrative Order
20100004 Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery CAN-ONMPBSD CAN-ON Statement,News
20100003 Accessibility Directorate of Ontario CAN-ONAD CAN-ON Guidance
20100002 Legislative Assembly of Ontario CAN-ONLA CAN-ON Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
20100001 Toronto Stock Exchange CAN-TSX CAN-ON News
20000003 Office of the Prime Minister of The Bahamas BHS-OPM BHS Executive Order
20000002 Parliament of The Bahamas BHS-POB BHS Act
20000001 Bahamas Financial Services Board BHS-BFSB BHS Rule,Enforcement,Guidance
19000006 Department of Personal Data Protection (PDP) MYS-PDP MYS Guide,Rule,Guidance,Notice
19000004 Parliament of Malaysia MYS-POM MYS Act
19000003 Bank Negara Malaysia MYS-BNM MYS Guideline,Press Release,Notice,Announcement,Agency Update
19000002 Securities Commission Malaysia MYS-SC MYS Circular,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Act,Rule,Guidance,Ordinance
19000001 Labuan International Business and Financial Centre MYS-LIBFC MYS Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Form
18000006 Irish Association of Investment Managers IRL-IAIM IRL Response,Publication,Feedback Statement
18000005 Irish Funds Industry Association IRL-FIA IRL Statistics,Guide,Annual Report,Publication
18000004 The Irish Revenue IRL-REV IRL Manual,News
18000003 Irish Data Protection Commission IRL-DPC IRL Guidance,News,Decision
18000002 Central Bank of Ireland IRL-CBI IRL Speech,Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Settlement Agreement,Press Release,Blog,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Code Navigation,Code,Feedback Statement,Comment
18000001 The Oireachtas IRL-OIR IRL Act,Rule
17000006 Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly CYM-LA CYM Law,Act,Introduced Bill
17000005 Cayman Islands Ombudsman CYM-OMB CYM Statistics,Annual Report,Guideline,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,Guidance Notice
17000004 Cabinet of the Cayman Islands CYM-CAB CYM Act,Rule,Ordinance
17000003 Financial Reporting Authority Cayman Islands CYM-FRA CYM Industry Guidance,Enforcement Notice,Annual Report,Letter,Form,Guidance,Notice,Guidance Notice
17000002 Department for International Tax Cooperation CYM-DITC CYM International Treaty,FAQ,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Handbook
17000001 Cayman Islands Monetary Authority CYM-CIMA CYM Investor Alert,Circular,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Feedback Statement,Agency Update
16000003 Customs and Excise Division of Isle of Man IM-CED IM Enforcement Notice,Guidance
16000002 Financial Services Authority of Isle of Man IM-FSA IM Guide,Act,Rule,Report,Executive Order
16000001 Legislative Council of the Isle of Man IM-LC IM Bill,Act
15000015 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry JP-METI JP Speech,News Release,Annual Report,Guideline,Statement,Guidance,Report,News
15000014 Ministry of Finance Japan JP-MOF JP Speech,Newsletter,Statement,Fact Sheet,Publication,Report,Agency Update
15000013 Japan Investment Advisers Association JP-JIAA JP Guideline,Rule,Announcement
15000012 Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association JP-T2FIFA JP Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Guidance
15000011 Japan Securities Clearing Corporation JP-SCC JP Guidance,News,Supporting Document,Agency Update
15000010 Japan National Diet JP-ND JP Act,Act Navigation
15000009 National Police Agency Japan JP-NPA JP Manual
15000008 Government of Japan JP-GOV JP News
15000007 Japan Securities Dealers Association JP-SDA JP FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Statement,Business Plan,Rule,Response,Fact Sheet,Report,Agency Update,Comment
15000006 Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare Japan JP-MHLW JP Final Report,Circular,Research Publication,Report,News
15000005 Financial Futures Association of Japan JP-FFAJ JP Guideline,Rule,Report,Agency Update
15000004 Personal Information Protection Commission JP-PPC JP Final Report,Act,Statement,Rule,News
15000003 Japanese Financial Services Agency JP-FSA JP Speech,Manual,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Conference,Press Release,Guidance,Ordinance,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Comment
15000002 Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission of Japan JP-SESC JP Press Release
15000001 Ministry of Justice JP-MOJ JP Order,Guideline,Act,Rule,Ordinance,Notice,Executive Order
14000062 Canadian Payments Association CAN-CPA CAN Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Instruction
14000061 Canadian Investor Protection Fund CAN-CIPF CAN Guide,Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Policy Statement,Publication,Agency Update
14000060 Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization CAN-CIRO CAN Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Guide,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Rule,Response,Consultation,Form,Publication,Report,News,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment
14000056 Investment Industry Association of Canada CAN-IIAC CAN Newsletter,Blog
14000055 Global Affairs Canada CAN-GAC CAN Speech,Statement,News,Agency Update
14000054 Statistics Canada CAN-SC CAN Report,News
14000053 Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations CAN-CISRO CAN FAQ,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Report,News,Comment
14000052 Competition Bureau Canada CAN-CBC CAN Response,Consultation,Notice,News
14000051 Canada Department of Finance CAN-DOF CAN Speech,Final Report,Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Statement,Press Release,Consultation,Notice,Report,News,Lawmaking,Agency Update
14000050 Canadian Bankers Association CAN-CBA CAN Statistics,Guidance,News,Agency Update
14000048 Auditing and Assurance Standards Board CAN-AASB CAN Agency Update
14000047 OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance CAN-OLHI CAN Annual Report,News,Agency Update
14000046 Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages CAN-OCOL CAN News
14000045 Canadian Public Accountability Board CAN-CPAB CAN News
14000044 Employment and Social Development Canada CAN-ESDC CAN Speech,Statement,Press Release,Guidance,Announcement,News
14000043 Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada CAN-OCL CAN Annual Report,Consultation,Report,News,Enforcement Report
14000042 Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators CAN-CCIR CAN Consultation Paper,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Announcement,Supporting Document,Position Paper,Comment
14000041 Financial Reporting & Assurance Standards Canada CAN-FRAS CAN Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Supervisory Guidance,Research Publication,Consultation,News
14000040 Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association CAN-CLHIA CAN News
14000039 Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada CAN-OSB CAN Enforcement Notice,Consultation,Report,News
14000038 Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments CAN-OBSI CAN Final Report,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Guide,Annual Report,Response,Consultation,Report,Announcement,News,Agency Update,Comment
14000037 Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission CAN-CRTC CAN Speech,Bulletin,Enforcement Notice,Policy Statement,Notice,News,Decision,Administrative Order
14000036 Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation CAN-CDCC CAN Notice
14000035 Elections Canada CAN-EC CAN Press Release,News
14000032 Canadian Human Rights Commission CAN-CHRC CAN Speech,Statement,News
14000031 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation CAN-CMHC CAN Speech,Notice,News
14000030 Canadian Securities Exchange CAN-CSE CAN Notice,News
14000029 British Columbia Financial Services Authority CAN-BCFSA CAN-BC Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Notice,Report,News,Advisory Opinion
14000028 Alberta Securities Commission CAN-ASC CAN-AB Regulatory Alert,News
14000027 Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario CAN-FSRAO CAN-ON Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Newsletter,Enforcement,Notice,Report,Announcement,News
14000026 Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada CAN-MFDA CAN Bulletin,Statement,Report,News
14000025 British Columbia Securities Commission CAN-BCSC CAN-BC News,Agency Update
14000024 Canada Revenue Agency CAN-CRA CAN Speech,Statement,Press Release,News
14000023 Royal Canadian Mounted Police CAN-RCMP CAN News
14000022 The Montreal Exchange CAN-TMX CAN Circular
14000021 Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada CAN-FINTRAC CAN Industry Guidance,Interpretive Statement,Industry Letter,Form,Guidance,News
14000020 Canadian Securities Administrators CAN-CSA CAN Proposed Rule,Consultation Paper,Notice,News
14000019 Ontario Securities Commission CAN-OSC CAN-ON Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Consultation Paper,Guide,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Memorandum of Understanding,National Instrument,Rule,Response,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Multilateral Instrument,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Order,Decision,Administrative Order,Comment,Amendment
14000018 Autorite des Marches Financiers CAN-AMF CAN News
14000017 Parliament of Canada CAN-PARL CAN Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Act Navigation,Amended Bill
14000016 Government of Canada CAN-GOV CAN Speech,Proclamation,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Notice,News,Rule Navigation,Regulatory Order
14000015 Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation CAN-CDIC CAN Speech,News,Agency Update
14000014 Financial Consumer Agency of Canada CAN-FCAC CAN Speech,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Form,Report,News,Decision
14000013 Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada CAN-IIROC CAN Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Letter,Response,Enforcement,Consultation,Notice,News,Guidance Notice,Agency Update,Comment
14000012 Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions CAN-OSFI CAN Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Ruling,Guide,Memorandum,Guideline,Industry Letter,Letter,Statement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Instruction,Supporting Document,Agency Update
14000011 Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada CAN-OPC CAN Speech,Bulletin,Opinion,FAQ,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Response,Advice,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Commissioner's Order,Agency Update,Comment
14000010 Canadian Legal Information Institutes CAN-CANLII CAN Act,Rule,Agency Update
14000002 Bank of Canada CAN-BOC CAN Speech,Statement,Press Release,Announcement,News,Agency Update
13000006 SIX Swiss Exchange CH-SIX CH Notice,Agency Update
13000005 Switzerland Asset Management Association CH-AMA CH Circular,FAQ,Guideline,Press Release,Fact Sheet
13000004 State Secretariat for Economic Affairs CH-SECO CH Press Release
13000003 Federal Tax Administration CH-FTA CH Circular,Press Release
13000002 Federal Council CH-FC CH Act,Press Release
13000001 Financial Market Supervisory Authority of Switzerland CH-FINMA CH Speech,Circular,Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Risk Alert,Enforcement Report,Agency Update
12100000 European Commission EU-COM EU Bill,Speech,Whitepaper,Policy Paper,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Regulation (EU),Directive (EU),Advisory Letter,Meeting Minutes,Supervisory Guidance,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Response,Decision (EU),Impact Assessment,Consultation,Event,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Policy Statement,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Announcement,News,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment,Amendment
12000025 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development INT-OECD INT Press Release,Guidance
12000023 World Wide Web Consortium INT-W3C INT Guideline,Press Release,Blog,Event,Recommendation,Standard,News,Agency Update
12000022 International Swaps and Derivatives Association INT-ISDA INT Speech,Whitepaper,Letter,Statement,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Comment
12000021 East African Community INT-EAC INT Directive
12000020 Herbert Smith Freehills INT-HSF INT Agency Update
12000019 ICE Futures U.S. ICE-FUS US Enforcement,Notice
12000018 Intercontinental Exchange Futures Europe ICE-FEU EU Circular,Corporate Document
12000017 Intercontinental Exchange NGX Canada Inc. ICE-NGX CAN Notice
12000016 Intercontinental Exchange - Clear Credit ICE-CC US Circular
12000015 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. - Clear US ICE-CUS US Notice
12000014 International Monetary Fund INT-IMF INT News
12000013 North American Electric Reliability Corporation INT-NERC INT FAQ,Form,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Report,Standard
12000012 United Nations Security Council INT-UNSC INT Agency Update
12000011 North American Securities Administrators Association INT-NASAA INT Rulemaking,FAQ,Guideline,Act,Rule,Statement of Policy,News,Comment
12000009 Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication INT-SWIFT INT Press Release,News
12000008 Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council INT-PCI INT Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Press Release,Blog,Form,Guidance,Report,Standard,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update
12000007 European Securities and Markets Authority EU-ESMA EU Speech,Final Report,Investor Alert,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Enforcement,Warning Notice,Advice,Publication,Notice,Report,Standard,News,Publications,Decision,Agency Update
12000006 Financial Stability Board INT-FSB INT Consultation,News,Agency Update
12000005 The Wolfsberg Group INT-TWG INT Statement,Guidance,Standard,News,Agency Update
12000004 International Organization of Securities Commissions INT-IOSCO INT Working Paper,Speech,Final Report,Annual Report,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Consultation,Publication,Report,Agency Update,Comment
12000003 European Banking Authority EU-EBA EU Speech,Proposed Rule,Opinion,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Response,Discussion Paper,Warning Notice,Publication,Recommendation,Report,News,Decision,Comment
12000002 Financial Action Task Force INT-FATF INT Speech,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Recommendation,Report
12000001 Bank for International Settlements INT-BIS INT Working Paper,Speech,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Research Publication,Press Release,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Event,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News,Agency Update
11000080 National Cyber Security Centre UK UK-NCSC UK Guidance,Guidance Navigation
11000010 London Stock Exchange UK-LSE UK Rule,Response,Notice,Standard,Announcement
11000009 Financial Ombudsman Service UK-FOS UK News
11000008 Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of UK UK-FCDO UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Statistics,Guide,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report
11000007 Financial Reporting Council of UK UK-FRC UK Corporate Report,Bill,Final Report,Audit,Statistics,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Letter,Statement,Business Plan,Research Publication,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Enforcement Report,Decision,Handbook,Administrative Letter,Comment
11000006 UK Parliament UK-PARL UK Bill,Speech,Legislative Debate,Policy Paper,Statistics,Statute,Memorandum,Annual Report,Guideline,Act,Letter,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Impact Assessment,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Report,News,Agency Update
11000005 Government of UK UK-GOV UK Guidance,Agency Update
11000004 House of Assembly of the British Virgin Islands VGB-HA UK-VGB Statute,Act,Rule,Ordinance,Policy Statement,Notice
11000003 Lending Standards Board UK-LSB UK News
11000002 Prudential Regulation Authority UK-PRA UK Supervisory Statement,Administration Instrument,Prudential Regulation,Regulatory Digest,Handbook Navigation,Final Notice,Consultation Paper,FAQ,Annual Report,Letter,Statement,Business Plan,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Response,Discussion Paper,Statement of Policy,Consultation,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Handbook,Agency Update
11000001 Bank of England UK-BOE UK Working Paper,Policy Paper,Statistics,Bulletin,Consultation Paper,Meeting Minutes,Conference,Blog,Correspondence,Event,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update
10500001 Senedd Cymru WLS-SC WLS Act
10400001 Northern Island Assembly NIR-NIA NIR Act
10300001 Scottish Parliament SCT-PARL SCT Act
10200001 British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission VGB-FSC UK-VGB Statistics,Rulemaking,Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Statement,Press Release,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,News,Enforcement Report
10000096 UK Gambling Commission UK-GAMBCOM UK Speech,News
10000077 Monitor UK-MONITOR UK Form,Guidance,Agency Update
10000076 Health and Social Care Information Centre UK-HSCIC UK Agency Update
10000075 Infrastructure UK UK-IUK UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation,Guidance,Agency Update
10000074 Highways Agency UK-HA UK Guide
10000073 UK Trade & Investment UK-TI UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Guidance
10000072 Department of Energy & Climate Change UK-DOECC UK Consultation
10000071 Department for Business, Innovation & Skills UK-DFBIS UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Report
10000070 Competition Commission UK-CC UK Corporate Report,Consultation
10000068 Welsh Government UK-WALES UK Policy Paper,Report
10000067 UK Export Finance UK-EF UK Policy Paper,Consultation,Notice
10000066 The Water Services Regulation Authority UK-OFWAT UK Corporate Report,Guidance
10000065 The Scottish Government UK-SCOT UK Policy Paper,Statistics,Correspondence,Publication,Report,News
10000064 Serious Fraud Office UK-SFO UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Impact Assessment
10000063 Royal Mint UK-RM UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper
10000061 Ofgem UK-OFGEM UK Corporate Report,Guidance
10000060 Office of the Secretary of State for Wales UK-OSSW UK Policy Paper,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Report,News
10000059 Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies UK-ORCIC UK Consultation,Guidance
10000058 Office of Rail and Road UK-ORR UK Corporate Report,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance
10000057 Office of Fair Trading UK-OOFT UK Corporate Report,Consultation,Guidance
10000056 Office for National Statistics UK-ONS UK Guidance
10000055 Office for Budget Responsibility UK-OFBR UK Policy Paper,Correspondence,Guidance,News
10000054 United Kingdom Office of Communications UK-OFCOM UK Corporate Report,Guidance,News
10000053 Northern Ireland Office UK-NIO UK Policy Paper,Report,News
10000050 National Crime Agency UK-NCA UK Policy Paper,Statistics,Annual Report,Statement,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News
10000049 Ministry of Justice UK-MJ UK Policy Paper,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Publication,Report,Agency Update
10000048 Homes England UK-HEN UK Policy Paper,Publication
10000046 Groceries Code Adjudicator UK-GCA UK Policy Paper,Guidance
10000045 Government Office for Science UK-GOFS UK Corporate Report,News
10000044 Government Digital Service UK-GDS UK Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Guidance,Agency Update
10000042 Efficiency and Reform Group UK-ERG UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper
10000041 Joint Money Laundering Steering Group UK-JMLSG UK Corporate Report,Guidance,Agency Update
10000040 Competition and Markets Authority UK-CMA UK Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update
10000039 National Infrastructure Commission UK-NIC UK Policy Paper,Consultation,Correspondence
10000037 The Crown Estate UK-TCS UK Corporate Report
10000036 Payments Systems Regulator UK-PSR UK News
10000035 Internal Audit Profession UK-IAP UK Corporate Report,Guidance
10000033 Department for Exiting the European Union UK-DFETEU UK Policy Paper,Correspondence
10000032 Financial Services Trade and Investment Board UK-FSTIB UK Corporate Report
10000031 Department for Education UK-DFE UK Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update
10000030 Office of Tax Simplification UK-OTS UK Corporate Report,Research Publication,Press Release,Correspondence,Guidance,Agency Update
10000029 Valuation Office Agency UK-VOA UK Policy Paper,Consultation
10000028 Office for Civil Society UK-OFCS UK Policy Paper,Press Release,Consultation,Guidance,Publication
10000027 Big Lottery Fund UK-BLF UK Policy Paper
10000026 Department for Work and Pensions UK-DWP UK Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Publication,Notice,News,Agency Update
10000025 Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland UK-OSSS UK Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Correspondence,Publication,Report,News
10000024 UK Government Investments UK-GI UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Publication,News
10000023 UK Financial Investments Limited UK-FIL UK Corporate Report
10000022 UK Debt Management Office UK-DMO UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper
10000021 Infrastructure and Projects Authority UK-IPA UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update
10000020 Department of Health and Social Care UK-DOHSC UK Speech,Policy Paper,Statistics,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update
10000019 Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs UK-DEFRA UK Policy Paper,Statistical Data Set,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update
10000018 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government UK-MHCLG UK Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update
10000017 Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy UK-DBEIS UK Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update
10000016 Export Control Joint Unit UK-ECJU UK Guidance
10000015 Government Economic Service UK-GES UK Guidance
10000014 HM Revenue & Customs UK-HMRC UK Corporate Report,Speech,Industry Guidance,Manual,Policy Paper,Statistics,International Treaty,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Handbook,Agency Update
10000013 Civil Service UK-CS UK Guidance
10000012 Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport UK-DDCMS UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News
10000011 Department for International Development UK-DFID UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Press Release,Consultation,Guidance,News,Agency Update
10000010 Department for International Trade UK-DOIT UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Guide,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,News
10000009 Ministry of Defence UK-MOD UK Policy Paper,Press Release,Guidance,Agency Update
10000008 Home Office UK-HO UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,News,Agency Update
10000007 Foreign & Commonwealth Office UK-FCO UK Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,News,Agency Update
10000006 Department for Transport UK-DOT UK Policy Paper,Guide,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Correspondence,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update
10000005 Cabinet Office UK-CO UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Research Publication,Press Release,Consultation,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Agency Update
10000004 Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation UK-OFSI UK Corporate Report,Policy Paper,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Response,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Guidance Notice,Agency Update
10000003 HM Treasury UK-HMT UK Corporate Report,Speech,Policy Paper,Statistics,Rulemaking,Consultation Paper,International Treaty,Guide,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Impact Assessment,Consultation,Correspondence,Financial Sanction,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Standard,News,Instruction,Agency Update
10000002 Information Commissioner's Office UK-ICO UK Speech,Audit,Statement,Blog,Enforcement,Guidance,Report,News,Decision,Agency Update
10000001 Financial Conduct Authority UK-FCA UK Corporate Report,Handbook Navigation,Supervisory Report,Finalised Guidance,Speech,Final Notice,Policy Paper,Statistics,Consultation Paper,Enforcement Notice,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Business Plan,Research Publication,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Corporate Document,Blog,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Impact Assessment,Warning Notice,Consultation,Correspondence,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,News,Feedback Statement,Decision,Handbook,Agency Update
8000001 Guam Legislature GU-LEG US-GU Public Law
7000002 Department of Commerce CNMI-DOC US-CNMI Proposed Rule
7000001 Department of Finance CNMI-DOF US-CNMI Proposed Rule
7000000 Organization org US N/A
6000006 Arkansas State Board of Collection Agencies AR-SBCA US-AR Administrative Order
6000005 Arkansas Securities Department AR-SD US-AR Opinion Letter,Settlement Agreement,Act,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Comment
6000004 Arkansas State Bank Department AR-SBD US-AR News
6000003 Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration AR-DFA US-AR Memorandum,Notice,Announcement,News
6000002 Arkansas Insurance Department AR-ID US-AR Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Report,News,Administrative Order,Administrative Letter
6000001 Arkansas General Assembly AR-GA US-AR Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
5900003 Department of Health NJ-DOH US-NJ Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule
5900002 New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance NJ-DOBI US-NJ Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Report,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update
5900001 New Jersey Legislature NJ-LEG US-NJ Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
5900000 State of New Jersey US-NJ US-NJ Rule,Rule Navigation
5800004 Wyoming Division of Banking WY-DOB US-WY Proposed Rule,Opinion,Ruling,Memorandum,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement
5800003 Wyoming Secretary of State WY-SOS US-WY Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule
5800002 Wyoming Insurance Department WY-DOI US-WY Bulletin,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Enforcement
5800001 Wyoming State Legislature WY-LEG US-WY Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
5800000 State of Wyoming US-WY US-WY Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Rule Navigation
5700005 Supreme Court of New Mexico NM-SC US-NM Rule
5700003 New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department NM-RLD US-NM Rulemaking,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Letter,Press Release,Regulatory Alert,Guidance,News,Enforcement Report
5700002 New Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance NM-OSI US-NM Bulletin,Press Release,Announcement,News
5700001 New Mexico Legislature NM-LEG US-NM Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
5700000 State of New Mexico US-NM US-NM Bill,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Rule Navigation
5600005 Louisiana Office of the Financial Institutions LA-OFI US-LA Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Opinion,Rulemaking,Policy Statement,Notice
5600004 Louisiana Workforce Commission LA-LWC US-LA Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,Report,News
5600003 Louisiana Department of Revenue LA-DOR US-LA Budget,Manual,Statistics,Annual Report,Newsletter,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Announcement,News,Lawmaking
5600002 Louisiana Department of Insurance LA-LDI US-LA Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Form,Guidance,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Instruction
5600001 Louisiana State Legislature LA-LEG US-LA Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
5600000 State of Louisiana US-LA US-LA Rule,Rule Navigation
4600007 Kansas Supreme Court KS-SC US-KS Proposed Rule,Guideline,Rule,Administrative Order
4600006 State Bank Commissioner of Kansas KS-OSBC US-KS FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Guidance,Administrative Order
4600005 Kansas Department of Labor KS-DOL US-KS FAQ,News Release,Agency Update
4600004 Kansas Department of Revenue KS-DOR US-KS FAQ,Ruling,Press Release,Notice
4600003 Kansas Department of Health and Environment KS-DHE US-KS Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Guideline,Newsletter,Form,Guidance,Publication,News
4600002 Kansas Insurance Department KS-ID US-KS Bulletin,Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Cease and Desist,Rule,Civil Money Penalty,News
4600001 Kansas State Legislature KS-SL US-KS Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Press Release,Statute Navigation
4600000 State of Kansas US-KS US-KS Rule,Rule Navigation
4500008 Georgia Secretary of State GA-SOS US-GA Bulletin
4500007 Georgia Office of the Governor GA-GOV US-GA Executive Order
4500006 Georgia Department of Labor GA-DOL US-GA Emergency Rule,FAQ,News Release,Guide,Letter,Newsletter,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,Instruction,Handbook,Agency Update
4500005 Georgia Department of Public Health GA-DPH US-GA Rulemaking,Enforcement Order,Press Release
4500004 Georgia Department of Revenue GA-DOR US-GA Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,FAQ,Ruling,Guide,Advisory Letter,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Report,Instruction,Executive Order
4500003 Georgia Office of Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire GA-OCI US-GA Company Filing,Bulletin,Directive,Press Release,Rule,Form,Ordinance,News,Instruction
4500002 Department of Banking and Finance GA-DBF US-GA Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Rulemaking,Ruling,Press Release,Rule
4500001 General Assembly GA-GA US-GA Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
4500000 State of Georgia US-GA US-GA Rule,Rule Navigation
4400008 Ohio Division of Securities OH-DOS US-OH Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Termination Order
4400007 Ohio Division of Financial Institutions OH-DFI US-OH Guidance
4400006 Department of Job and Family Services OH-DJFS US-OH News
4400005 Department of Taxation Ohio OH-DOT US-OH Guidance,News
4400004 Department of Commerce OH-DOC US-OH Proposed Rule,Checklist,Consumer Alert,Notice,News
4400003 Department of Insurance OH-ODI US-OH Bulletin,Consumer Alert,Press Release,Notice,News
4400002 Legislative Service Commission OH-LSC US-OH State Code Navigation,State Code
4400001 General Assembly OH-GA US-OH Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation,Agency Update
4400000 State of Ohio US-OH US-OH Rule,Rule Navigation
4300007 Department of Revenue AK-DOR US-AK FAQ,Checklist,Letter,Press Release,Notice,Report,Instruction,Supporting Document
4300006 Office of the Governor AK-GOV US-AK Rule,Supporting Document
4300005 Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development AK-DOLWD US-AK Bulletin
4300004 Division of Insurance AK-DOI US-AK Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order
4300003 Alaska State Legislature AK-SL US-AK Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
4300002 Division of Banking and Securities AK-DBS US-AK Final Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,News
4300001 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development AK-DOC US-AK Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Letter,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document
4300000 State of Alaska US-AK US-AK Rule,Rule Navigation
4200004 Rhode Island Banking Division RI-BD US-RI Bulletin
4200003 Rhode Island Insurance DIvision RI-ID US-RI Bulletin,FAQ,Consumer Alert
4200002 Rhode Island General Assembly RI-GA US-RI Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
4200001 Department of Business Regulation RI-DBR US-RI Proposed Rule,Enforcement
4200000 State of Rhode Island US-RI US-RI Statute,Rule,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation
4100008 Department of Taxation Hawaii HI-DOT US-HI Guide,Form,Instruction
4100006 Hawaii Department of Health HI-DOH US-HI Rulemaking,Rule
4100005 Division of Insurance HI-DOI US-HI Judgement,Enforcement Order,Letter,Enforcement,Form,Motion,Notice,Instruction
4100004 State Legislature HI-SL US-HI Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
4100003 Division of Financial Institutions HI-DFI US-HI News
4100002 Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs HI-DCCA US-HI Proposed Rule,FAQ,Annual Report,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Report,News
4100001 Business Registration Division - Securities HI-BRDS US-HI Enforcement
4100000 State of Hawaii US-HI US-HI Rule,Rule Navigation
4000008 Maryland State Attorney General MD-OAG US-MD News
4000007 City of Baltimore, Maryland MD-BAL US-MD Rule,Rule Navigation
4000006 Comptroller of Maryland MD-COMP US-MD Press Release,News
4000005 Maryland Health Benefit Exchange MD-HBE US-MD Audit,Manual,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Publication,Report,Instruction
4000004 Maryland Department of Health MD-DOH US-MD Press Release
4000003 Maryland Insurance Administration MD-IA US-MD Company Filing,Industry Guidance,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Memorandum,Form,News,Enforcement Report,Comment
4000002 Maryland General Assembly MD-GA US-MD Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
4000001 Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation MD-DLLR US-MD Final Order,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update,Termination Order
4000000 State of Maryland US-MD US-MD Rule,Rule Navigation
3900007 West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources WV-DHHR US-WV Letter,Guidance
3900006 WorkForce West Virginia WV-WF US-WV Policy Statement,News,Guidance Notice
3900004 West Virginia Department of Tax WV-DOT US-WV Notice
3900003 West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner WV-OIC US-WV Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Consumer Alert,Form,Guidance,Emergency Order
3900002 West Virginia Legislature WV-LEG US-WV Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3900001 Division of Financial Institutions WV-DFI US-WV Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Enforcement
3900000 State of West Virginia US-WV US-WV Rule,Rule Navigation
3800005 Department of Revenue MS-DOR US-MS Bulletin,Notice
3800004 Mississippi Department of Employment Security MS-MDES US-MS Press Release
3800003 Mississippi Insurance Department MS-MID US-MS Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,Termination Order
3800002 Mississippi Legislature MS-LEG US-MS Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
3800001 Department of Banking and Consumer Finance MS-DBCF US-MS Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement,Guidance,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,Mainstream News
3800000 State of Mississippi US-MS US-MS Rule,Rule Navigation
3700002 Vermont General Assembly VT-GA US-VT Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
3700001 Department of Financial Regulation VT-DFR US-VT Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement
3700000 State of Vermont US-VT US-VT Rule,Rule Navigation
3600006 Office of the Maine Attorney General ME-AG US-ME News
3600005 Maine Bureau of Financial Institutions ME-BFI US-ME Bulletin,FAQ,Ruling,Annual Report,Press Release,Notice,Report
3600004 Maine Bureau of Insurance ME-BOI US-ME Bulletin,Press Release
3600003 State of Maine Legislature ME-LEG US-ME Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3600002 Department of Professional and Financial Regulation ME-DPFR US-ME Complaint,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Final Order,FAQ,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Guideline,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Decision,Statute Navigation,Agency Update
3600001 Office of Securities ME-OS US-ME Enforcement,Agency Update
3600000 State of Maine US-ME US-ME State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
3500009 Alabama Office of Information Technology AL-OIT US-AL Risk Alert
3500008 Alabama Securities Commission AL-ASC US-AL Investor Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,News
3500007 Office of the Governor of Alabama AL-GOV US-AL Proclamation,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,News,Executive Order
3500006 Alabama Department of Revenue AL-DOR US-AL Ruling,Memorandum,Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Executive Order
3500005 Alabama Department of Labor AL-DOL US-AL News
3500003 Alabama Department of Insurance AL-DOI US-AL Bulletin,Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,News,Termination Order
3500002 Alabama Legislature AL-AL US-AL Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3500001 State Banking Department AL-SBD US-AL Revocation Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Notice
3500000 State of Alabama US-AL US-AL Statute,Rule,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation
3400005 New Hampshire Bureau of Securities NH-BOS US-NH Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Injunction Order,Motion,Notice
3400004 New Hampshire Employment Security NH-ES US-NH Press Release
3400003 New Hampshire Insurance Department NH-ID US-NH Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Fact Sheet,Motion,Decision
3400002 General Court of New Hampshire NH-GC US-NH Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
3400001 Banking Department NH-BD US-NH Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Newsletter,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice,Announcement,Agency Update
3400000 State of New Hampshire US-NH US-NH State Code Navigation,State Code
3300013 Supreme Court of Arizona AZ-SC US-AZ Rule
3300012 Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions AZ-DIFI US-AZ Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Guide,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Regulatory Agenda
3300011 Industrial Commission of Arizona AZ-ICA US-AZ Guideline,Agency Update
3300010 Office of the Governor of Arizona AZ-GOV US-AZ Executive Order
3300009 Arizona Department of Revenue AZ-DOR US-AZ Ruling,Guidance,Notice,News
3300008 Arizona Department of Economic Security AZ-DES US-AZ Press Release
3300006 Arizona Department of Health Services AZ-DHS US-AZ Bill,Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Guidance,Policy Statement,Report,News,Executive Order
3300005 Arizona Department of Insurance AZ-DOI US-AZ Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Guide,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Report,Civil Money Penalty,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment
3300004 Arizona State Legislature AZ-SL US-AZ Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3300003 Department of Financial Institutions AZ-DFI US-AZ Enforcement
3300001 Securities Division AZ-SD US-AZ Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Notice,News
3300000 State of Arizona US-AZ US-AZ State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
3200005 Idaho Department of Labor ID-DOL US-ID Rulemaking,Guide,Rule,Form,Publication,Report
3200004 Idaho State Tax Commission ID-STC US-ID News,Decision
3200003 Idaho Department of Insurance ID-DOI US-ID Complaint,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty,News,Decision
3200002 Idaho Legislature ID-LEG US-ID Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3200001 Department of Finance ID-DOF US-ID Complaint,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,FAQ,News Release,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Risk Alert,Administrative Order,Termination Order
3200000 State of Idaho US-ID US-ID State Code Navigation,State Code
3100013 Supreme Court of Montana MT-SC US-MT Rule
3100010 Montana Secretary of State MT-SOS US-MT Rulemaking
3100009 Montana Department of Labor & Industry MT-DLI US-MT Rulemaking
3100008 Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services MT-DPHHS US-MT Rulemaking
3100007 Montana Department of Revenue MT-DOR US-MT Rulemaking
3100006 Montana Office of Governor MT-GOV US-MT Rulemaking
3100005 Montana Department of Commerce MT-DOC US-MT Rulemaking
3100004 Montana State Legislature MT-SL US-MT Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
3100003 Commissioner of Securities and Insurance MT-CSI US-MT Judgement,Final Order,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Motion,Report,News,Decision
3100002 Department of Administration MT-DOA US-MT Rulemaking,Ruling
3100001 Division of Banking and Financial Institutions MT-DBFI US-MT Memorandum,Proclamation,Annual Report,Statement,News
3100000 State of Montana US-MT US-MT State Code Navigation,State Code
3000008 South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office SC-RFA US-SC Memorandum
3000007 South Carolina Bar Foundation SC-BF US-SC Guide,Rule,Form
3000005 South Carolina Office of the Commissioner of Banking SC-COB US-SC Opinion,Guidance,Policy Statement
3000004 South Carolina Legislature SC-LEG US-SC Statute,Statute Navigation
3000003 South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce SC-DEW US-SC News
3000002 South Carolina Department of Insurance SC-DOI US-SC Bulletin,Enforcement Order,Enforcement,Administrative Order
3000001 South Carolina General Assembly SC-GA US-SC Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Agency Update
3000000 State of South Carolina US-SC US-SC State Code Navigation,State Code
2900002 South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation SD-DLR US-SD Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,Memorandum,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,News
2900001 South Dakota Legislature SD-LEG US-SD Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2900000 State of South Dakota US-SD US-SD State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
2800004 North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions ND-DFI US-ND Bulletin,Newsletter,Enforcement,Guidance,Report,Agency Update
2800003 North Dakota Insurance Department ND-ID US-ND Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,News
2800002 North Dakota Legislative Assembly ND-LA US-ND Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2800001 Securities Department ND-SD US-ND Revocation Order,Suspension Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Civil Money Penalty
2800000 State of North Dakota US-ND US-ND State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
2700007 DC Department of Licensing & Consumer Protection DC-DLCP US-DC News
2700006 Government of the District of Columbia DC-GOV US-DC Enforcement Order
2700004 DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority DC-HBX US-DC Company Filing,Manual,Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Newsletter,Press Release,Event,Form,Guidance,Recommendation,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
2700003 Department of Health DC DC-DOH US-DC Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,News
2700002 Council of the District of Columbia DC-COU US-DC Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2700001 Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking DC-DISB US-DC Complaint,Company Filing,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Emergency Rule,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,FAQ,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Motion,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Guidance Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Executive Order
2700000 District of Columbia US-DC US-DC State Code Navigation,State Code,Manual,Statute,Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation,Statute Navigation,Agency Update
2600006 Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet KY-FAC US-KY Rate Filing,Guidance
2600005 Kentucky Career Center Division of Unemployment Insurance KY-KCC US-KY Annual Report,News,Decision
2600004 Kentucky Department of Revenue KY-DOR US-KY Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Newsletter,Press Release,Report,News
2600003 Kentucky Department of Insurance KY-DOI US-KY Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Advisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,Advisory Opinion
2600002 Kentucky General Assembly KY-GA US-KY Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2600001 Department of Financial Institutions KY-DFI US-KY Judgement,Final Order,Suspension Order,Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Injunction Order,News
2600000 State of Kentucky US-KY US-KY State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
2500011 City of Shakopee MN-SHKP US-MN
2500009 Minnesota Supreme Court MN-SC US-MN Rule
2500007 Minnesota Workers' Compensation Insurers Association MN-WCIA US-MN Circular,Newsletter,Blog
2500006 Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development MN-DEED US-MN Press Release
2500005 Minnesota Department of Revenue MN-DOR US-MN Bulletin,FAQ,News Release,Form,Instruction,Agency Update
2500004 Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry MN-DLI US-MN News
2500003 Minnesota State Legislature MN-SL US-MN Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2500002 Office of the Revisor of Statutes MN-ORS US-MN Statute,Statute Navigation
2500001 Commerce Department MN-CD US-MN Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,News Release,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update
2500000 State of Minnesota US-MN US-MN State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
2400005 Oklahoma Secretary Of State OK-SOS US-OK
2400004 Oklahoma Banking Department OK-BD US-OK Memorandum,Form,Guidance
2400003 Oklahoma Insurance Department OK-OID US-OK Bulletin,Final Order,FAQ,Checklist,Guide,Enforcement Order,Annual Report,Consent Order,Form,Guidance,Notice,Emergency Order
2400002 Oklahoma Legislature OK-LEG US-OK Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
2400000 State of Oklahoma US-OK US-OK State Code Navigation,State Code,Executive Order Navigation,Rule,Rule Navigation,Executive Order
2300005 Nebraska Department of Revenue NE-DOR US-NE FAQ,News Release,Ruling,Enforcement,Form,Guidance
2300004 Nebraska Department of Labor NE-DOL US-NE Press Release
2300003 Nebraska Department of Insurance NE-DOI US-NE Disciplinary Action,Annual Report,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Newsletter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update
2300002 Nebraska Unicameral Legislature NE-LEG US-NE Bill,Statute,Law,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation,Agency Update
2300001 Department of Banking and Finance NE-DBF US-NE Enforcement,Agency Update
2300000 State of Nebraska US-NE US-NE State Code Navigation,State Code
2200006 Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau MI-CSCL US-MI Rulemaking,Final Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist
2200004 Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity MI-LEO US-MI News
2200003 Michigan Department of Treasury MI-DOT US-MI Press Release,Notice,News
2200002 Michigan Legislature MI-ML US-MI Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
2200001 Department of Insurance and Financial Services MI-DIFS US-MI Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Final Order,Suspension Order,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Report,Decision,Agency Update
2200000 State of Michigan US-MI US-MI State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
2100006 Wisconsin Supreme Court WI-SC US-WI Rule
2100003 Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance WI-OCI US-WI Bulletin,Press Release
2100002 Wisconsin Legislature WI-LEG US-WI Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation,Amendment
2100001 Department of Financial Institutions WI-DFI US-WI Revocation Order,Consent Order,Enforcement
2100000 State of Wisconsin US-WI US-WI State Code Navigation,State Code
2000004 Department of Labor & Workforce Development TN-DLWD US-TN News
2000003 Department of Commerce and Insurance TN-DCI US-TN Complaint,Bulletin,Opinion,Final Order,Enforcement Notice,Memorandum,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Motion,Enforcement Report
2000002 Tennessee General Assembly TN-GA US-TN Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
2000001 Department of Financial Institutions TN-DFI US-TN Bulletin,Final Order,Order,Memorandum,Enforcement,Announcement,News
2000000 State of Tennessee US-TN US-TN State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1900006 Utah Department of Commerce UT-CD US-UT News
1900005 Utah Department of Financial Institutions UT-DFI US-UT News
1900004 Utah State Tax Commission UT-STC US-UT Bulletin,Notice,News
1900003 Utah Department of Workforce Services UT-DWS US-UT Press Release,Notice
1900002 Utah Insurance Department UT-ID US-UT Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,News,Administrative Letter
1900001 Utah State Legislature UT-SL US-UT Bill,Statute,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
1900000 State of Utah US-UT US-UT State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1800009 Iowa Supreme Court IA-SC US-IA Rule,Regulatory Order
1800008 Iowa Workforce Development IA-IWD US-IA Guidance
1800007 Iowa Department of Revenue IA-DOR US-IA FAQ,News Release,Enforcement,Guidance
1800006 Iowa Office of the Governor IA-GOV US-IA Press Release
1800005 Iowa Division of Credit Unions IA-DCU US-IA Proposed Rule,Rule
1800004 Iowa Division of Banking IA-DOB US-IA Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Rule,Guidance,Agency Update
1800003 Iowa Insurance Division IA-IID US-IA Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Settlement Agreement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Decision
1800001 Iowa Legislature IA-LEG US-IA Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1800000 State of Iowa US-IA US-IA State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1700008 Indiana Securities Division IN-SD US-IN Regulatory Alert,Statement of Policy,Administrative Order,Agency Update
1700007 Indiana Secretary of State IN-SOS US-IN Press Release
1700006 Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau IN-ICRB US-IN Rate Filing
1700005 Indiana Department of Revenue IN-DOR US-IN Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Letter,Rule,Notice,Report
1700004 Department of Workforce Development IN-DWD US-IN Press Release
1700003 Indiana Department of Financial Institutions IN-DFI US-IN Final Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Supervisory Guidance,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Guidance
1700002 General Assembly IN-GA US-IN Bill,Statute,Act,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1700001 Department of Insurance IN-DOI US-IN Bulletin,Enforcement
1700000 State of Indiana US-IN US-IN State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1600013 State of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings FL-DOAH US-FL Final Order,Statement
1600012 The Florida Bar Foundation FL-BF US-FL Rule
1600011 North Carolina State Bar NC-SB US-NC FAQ,Handbook
1600010 North Carolina Supreme Court NC-SC US-NC Rule
1600009 North Carolina Securities Division NC-SD US-NC News
1600007 North Carolina Division of Employment Security NC-DES US-NC Press Release,Decision
1600005 North Carolina Department of Revenue NC-DOR US-NC Memorandum,Press Release,Notice,Agency Update
1600004 North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services NC-DHHS US-NC Newsletter,Press Release,Guidance,Report
1600003 North Carolina Department of Insurance NC-DOI US-NC Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Guideline,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Agency Update
1600002 North Carolina General Assembly NC-GA US-NC Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1600001 Commissioner of Banks NC-COB US-NC FAQ,Press Release,Enforcement,Notice
1600000 State of North Carolina US-NC US-NC State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule
1500015 Legal Services Corporation of Virginia VA-LSCV US-VA Guide,Rule,Form
1500014 Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services VA-DACS US-VA Press Release
1500013 Virginia Bureau of Insurance VA-BOI US-VA Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Rule
1500012 Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services VA-DCJS US-VA Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking
1500011 Virginia Board of Accountancy VA-BOA US-VA N/A
1500010 Supreme Court of Virginia VA-SC US-VA Opinion,Order
1500009 Virginia Department of Labor and Industry VA-DOLI US-VA Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule
1500008 Virginia Department of Treasury VA-TRS US-VA Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Rule
1500007 Virginia Bureau of Financial Institutions VA-BFI US-VA Bulletin
1500006 Virginia Employment Commission VA-VEC US-VA Press Release,Report,News
1500004 Virginia Department of Taxation VA-DOT US-VA Bulletin,Rulemaking,Ruling,Rule,Guidance,News,Advisory Opinion
1500003 Virginia Department of Health VA-DOH US-VA Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rule,News
1500002 Virginia General Assembly VA-GA US-VA Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1500001 State Corporation Commission VA-SCC US-VA Company Filing,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Checklist,Rate Filing,Statement,Rule,Enforcement,Form,News,Administrative Order,Administrative Letter
1500000 Commonwealth of Virginia US-VA US-VA State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1400009 Supreme Court of Missouri MO-SC US-MO Rule
1400008 Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance MO-DCI US-MO Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule
1400007 General Assembly MO-GA US-MO Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1400006 Securities Division MO-SD US-MO Enforcement,News
1400005 Secretary of State MO-SOS US-MO Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Agency Update
1400004 Division of Credit Unions MO-DCU US-MO News
1400003 Department of Insurance MO-DOI US-MO Bulletin,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Enforcement,News
1400002 Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration MO-DIFIPR US-MO News
1400001 Division of Finance MO-DOF US-MO Bulletin,News
1400000 State of Missouri US-MO US-MO State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1300015 Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency PA-HFA US-PA Notice
1300014 Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board PA-EHB US-PA Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
1300013 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection PA-DEP US-PA Statement of Policy,Notice
1300010 Department of Labor and Industry PA-DLI US-PA Final Order,Enforcement,News
1300008 Pennsylvania Department of Revenue PA-DOR US-PA Proposed Rule,Notice,News
1300007 Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority PA-PENNIE US-PA Audit,Statistics,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Guideline,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Regulatory Agenda,Administrative Order
1300006 Governor of Pennsylvania PA-GOV US-PA Proclamation,Statement,Press Release,News,Executive Order
1300005 Pennsylvania Department of Health PA-DOH US-PA Company Filing,FAQ,Memorandum,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Statement of Policy,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,Agency Update
1300004 Pennsylvania Insurance Department PA-PID US-PA Company Filing,Manual,Proposed Rule,Market Conduct Examination Report,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Rate Filing,Annual Report,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report
1300003 Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General PA-OAG US-PA Press Release
1300002 General Assembly PA-GA US-PA Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
1300001 Department of Banking and Securities PA-DBS US-PA Bulletin,Consumer Alert,Newsletter,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update
1300000 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania US-PA US-PA State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1200014 Illinois Secretary of State IL-SOS US-IL Rulemaking
1200013 Supreme Court of Illinois IL-SC US-IL Announcement,Administrative Order
1200012 City of Lake Forest, Illinois IL-LF US-IL Rule,Rule Navigation
1200011 Cook County, Illinois IL-COOK US-IL Ordinance
1200010 Chicago Business Affairs and Consumer Protection IL-CBACP US-IL News
1200009 Illinois Department of Labor IL-DOL US-IL News
1200006 Illinois Department of Employment Security IL-IDES US-IL Announcement,News
1200005 Illinois Department of Revenue IL-DOR US-IL Press Release,Regulatory Alert,News
1200004 Department of Public Health IL-DPH US-IL Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Memorandum,Annual Report,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,News
1200003 General Assembly IL-GA US-IL Bill,Statute,Public Act,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
1200002 Department of Insurance IL-DOI US-IL Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Enforcement Order,Enforcement,Form,Agency Update
1200001 Department of Financial and Professional Regulation IL-DFPR US-IL Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Enforcement,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,Interpretive Letter,News,Termination Order
1200000 State of Illinois US-IL US-IL State Code Navigation,State Code
1100006 Washington State Department of Licensing WA-DOL US-WA News
1100005 Washington State Department of Health WA-DOH US-WA Proposed Rule,Newsletter,Rule,Form,Guidance,News
1100004 Washington Office of the Attorney General WA-AG US-WA News
1100003 Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner WA-OIC US-WA Company Filing,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,FAQ,Order,Advisory Letter,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Event,Form,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,News,Termination Order,Comment
1100002 Washington State Legislature WA-SL US-WA Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
1100001 Department of Financial Institutions WA-DFI US-WA Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Final Order,Order,Interpretive Statement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,No Action Letter,Rule,Enforcement,Policy Statement,Interpretive Letter,Agency Update
1100000 State of Washington US-WA US-WA State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
1000007 Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association NV-LHGA US-NV Memorandum,Business Plan,Notice
1000006 Nevada Securities Division NV-SD US-NV N/A
1000005 Nevada Department of Employment Training and Rehabilitation NV-DETR US-NV Rulemaking,Press Release,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
1000004 Nevada Division of Insurance NV-DOI US-NV Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Motion,Notice,Comment
1000002 Nevada Legislature NV-LEG US-NV Bill,Proposed Rule,Statute,Enrolled And Enacted Bill,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Rule,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
1000001 Financial Institutions Division NV-FID US-NV Opinion,Rulemaking,Ruling,Guide,Meeting Minutes,Enforcement,Form,Notice,Supporting Document
1000000 State of Nevada US-NV US-NV State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
900186 Oregon State Legislature OR-SL US-OR Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
900185 Division of Financial Regulation OR-DFR US-OR State Code,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rulemaking,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Report,News,Agency Update
900178 Oregon Health Authority OR-OHA US-OR Rulemaking,Event,News
900000 State of Oregon US-OR US-OR State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
800009 Connecticut Office of the Governor CT-GOV US-CT Press Release
800008 Connecticut Department of Revenue Servcies CT-DRS US-CT Ruling,Guidance,Publication,Announcement
800006 Department of Public Health CT-DPH US-CT Statistics,Guide,Statistical Data Set,Directive,Enforcement Order,Letter,Newsletter,Press Release,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Publication,Report,Regulatory Order,Agency Update,Executive Order
800005 Connecticut General Assembly CT-GA US-CT Bill,Act,Introduced Bill
800004 Department of Consumer Protection CT-DCP US-CT Emergency Rule,Rule
800003 Insurance Department CT-CID US-CT Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,Suspension Order,Memorandum,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Letter,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Regulatory Decision,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,News,Commissioner's Order,Decision,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment
800002 Securities and Business Investments Division CT-SBID US-CT News
800001 Department of Banking CT-DOB US-CT Bulletin,Enforcement,Notice,News,Agency Update
800000 State of Connecticut US-CT US-CT State Code Navigation,State Code,Statute,Statute Navigation
709101 General Assembly CO-GA US-CO Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
707505 Colorado Secretary of State CO-SOS US-CO News Release
703508 Colorado State Treasurer CO-TREAS US-CO Press Release
701100 Department of Labor and Employment CO-DLE US-CO State Code,Proposed Rule,Opinion,Rulemaking,Guide,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Report,Agency Update
701020 Colorado Attorney General CO-AG US-CO Press Release,Rule,Form,Agency Update
700704 Division of Securities CO-DOS US-CO State Code,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Announcement,Decision
700703 Division of Financial Services CO-DFS US-CO State Code,Proposed Rule,Rule
700702 Division of Insurance CO-DOI US-CO State Code,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Disciplinary Action,Bulletin,Emergency Rule,Judgement,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Notice,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Motion
700701 Division of Banking CO-DOB US-CO State Code,Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rule
700200 Department of Revenue CO-DOR US-CO State Code,Agency Update
700080 Colorado Supreme Court CO-SC US-CO Rule
700000 State of Colorado US-CO US-CO State Code Navigation,State Code
600971 Massachusetts Legislature MA-ML US-MA Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
600830 Massachussetts Department of Revenue MA-DOR US-MA State Code,Circular,Guide,Form,Guidance,Instruction
600798 Massachusetts Securities Division MA-SD US-MA Complaint,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Consent Order,Enforcement,Notice,News,Comment
600220 Massachussetts Department of Public Utilities MA-DPU US-MA Press Release
600211 Massachussetts Division of Insurance MA-DOI US-MA Bulletin,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Event,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Agency Update
600209 Massachusetts Division of Banks MA-DOB US-MA Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Opinion,Final Order,Suspension Order,Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report
600201 Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation MA-OCABR US-MA Industry Guidance,Newsletter,Press Release,Enforcement,Form,Report,News
600105 Massachussetts Department of Public Health MA-DPH US-MA State Code,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Comment
600000 State of Massachusetts US-MA US-MA State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
500080 Florida Commission on Human Relations FL-CHR US-FL News
500078 Florida Attorney General FL-AG US-FL News
500077 Office of Insurance Regulation FL-OIR US-FL Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Press Release,Enforcement
500076 Office of Financial Regulation FL-OFR US-FL Proclamation,Guideline,Event,Form,News
500069 Department of Financial Services FL-DFS US-FL Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Final Order,Suspension Order,Enforcement Order,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Notice,News
500056 Florida Legislature FL-FL US-FL Bill Analysis,Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Statute Navigation
500027 Office of the Governor of Florida FL-GOV US-FL News
500012 Department of Revenue FL-DOR US-FL Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Press Release,Form,Instruction
500003 Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services FL-DIAAS US-FL Enforcement
500000 State of Florida US-FL US-FL State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
400023 New York Independent System Operator NY-NYISO US-NY Manual,Rule
400022 New York City Council NY-NYCC US-NY Act
400021 New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection NYC-DCWP US-NY Proposed Rule,Rule
400020 New York Department of Public Service NY-DPS US-NY Complaint,Ruling,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Contract,Tariff,Petition,Transcript,Correspondence,Guidance,Implementation Plan,Motion,Regulatory Filing,Notice,Report,Resolution,Testimony,Regulatory Order,Supporting Document,Comment
400018 New York State Reliability Council NY-SRC US-NY Manual,Guideline,Rule,Guidance
400017 City of Yonkers, New york NY-YONK US-NY Rule
400016 City of Buffalo, New York NY-BUF US-NY Rule,Rule Navigation
400015 New York Consumer and Worker Protection NY-DCWP US-NY Press Release
400014 New York Department of Health NY-DOH US-NY Publication,Notice
400013 Office of the Mayor of New York City NY-MAY US-NY News
400012 New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board NY-CIRB US-NY Rate Filing
400011 Governor of New York NY-GOV US-NY Statement,Press Release,News,Agency Update,Executive Order
400010 New York Department of Taxation and Finance NY-DTF US-NY Press Release
400009 New York Department of State NY-DOS US-NY Press Release,State Register
400008 New York Workers' Compensation Board NY-WCB US-NY Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Guideline,Rule,Regulatory Agenda
400007 New York Attorney General NY-AG US-NY Settlement Agreement,Letter,Press Release,Court Filing,Decision
400006 New York Department of Labor NY-DOL US-NY Opinion Letter,Guideline,Press Release,Publication,Notice
400005 NYC 311 NYC-311 US-NY Guidance
400004 New York Credit Union Administration NY-CUA US-NY Enforcement,Form,Agency Update
400003 New York City NY-NYC US-NY Rule,Rule Navigation,Code Navigation
400002 New York State Legislature NY-SL US-NY Bill,Statute,Act,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
400001 Department of Financial Services NY-DFS US-NY Industry Guidance,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Circular,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Industry Letter,Consent Order,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update,Executive Order,Comment
400000 State of New York US-NY US-NY State Code Navigation,State Code,Statute,Guidance,Statute Navigation
380004 Ministry of Finance & National Economy BHR-MFNE BHR Rule
380003 Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism BHR-MOIC BHR Rule,Guidance,Rule Navigation,Regulatory Order
380002 Bahrain National Assembly BHR-NA BHR Law,Decree
380001 Central Bank of Bahrain BHR-CBB BHR Speech,Statistics,Bulletin,Circular,Directive,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Consultation,Guidance,Publication,Report,Standard,Standard Navigation,Announcement,News,Rule Navigation,Feedback Statement,Enforcement Report,Handbook
300013 Texas Veterans Land Board TX-TVLB US-TX Bulletin
300012 City of Austin, Texas TX-AUT US-TX Rule
300011 Texas Secretary of State TX-SOS US-TX Proposed Rule,Rule,Form
300010 Comptroller of Texas TX-COMP US-TX News Release
300009 Texas Workforce Commission TX-TWC US-TX Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule
300008 Texas Attorney General TX-AG US-TX Amicus Brief,Complaint,Judgement,Opinion,Enforcement Notice,Settlement Agreement,Letter,Press Release,Enforcement,Financial Sanction,Motion,News,Agency Update
300007 Texas Department of Insurance TX-TDI US-TX Proposed Rule,Emergency Rule,Consent Order,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Supporting Document
300006 Texas Legislature TX-TL US-TX Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Statute Navigation
300005 Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner TX-OCCC US-TX Final Order,Rule,Enforcement,Notice
300004 Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending TX-DSML US-TX Form,Notice,News
300003 Finance Commission TX-FC US-TX News
300002 State Securities Board TX-SSB US-TX Proposed Rule,Revocation Order,Suspension Order,News Release,Enforcement Notice,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Rule,Enforcement,Civil Money Penalty
300001 Department of Banking TX-DOB US-TX Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Final Order,Order,Supervisory Guidance,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Enforcement,News
300000 State of Texas US-TX US-TX State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule
200005 Delaware Division of Revenue DE-DOR US-DE Press Release
200004 Delaware Office of the Governor DE-GOV US-DE Administrative Order
200003 Delaware Health and Social Services DE-HSS US-DE FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Newsletter,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report
200002 Delaware General Assembly DE-GA US-DE Bill,Statute,Act,Engrossed Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
200001 Department of Insurance DE-DOI US-DE Bill,Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Market Conduct Examination Report,Emergency Rule,Rulemaking,Rate Filing,Guideline,Rule,Enforcement,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Agency Update
200000 State of Delaware US-DE US-DE State Code Navigation,State Code,Rule,Rule Navigation
100017 State Bar of California CA-SB US-CA Rule,Enforcement
100015 California Fair Political Practices Commission CA-FPPC US-CA Rule,Notice,Amendment
100014 California Office of the Governor CA-GOV US-CA News
100013 California Privacy Protection Agency CA-PPA US-CA Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Interpretive Statement,Statement,Impact Assessment,Guidance,Notice,Announcement,Supporting Document,Advisory Opinion,Comment
100012 California Department of Fair Employment & Housing CA-DFEH US-CA Annual Report
100011 California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association CA-LHGA US-CA FAQ,Agency Update
100010 California Department of Industrial Relations CA-DIR US-CA Statistics,Bulletin,Guide,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,Instruction
100008 California Employment Development Department CA-EDD US-CA Guide,Guideline,Press Release,Form,Publication,Instruction
100007 California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation CA-DFPI US-CA Complaint,Proposed Rule,Statistics,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Guide,Opinion Letter,Annual Report,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Form,Publication,Notice,Report,Agency Update
100006 Office of the Attorney General CA-OAG US-CA Complaint,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Rulemaking,Consumer Alert,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Notice,Agency Update
100005 California State Legislature CA-SL US-CA Bill,Statute,Annual Report,Act,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Amended Bill,Statute Navigation
100004 Department of Insurance CA-CDI US-CA Complaint,Manual,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Rate Filing,Enforcement Order,Consumer Alert,Statement,Press Release,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Enforcement Report,Amendment
100003 State of California US-CA US-CA State Code Navigation,State Code,Act,Enforcement,News
100002 California Office of Administrative Law CA-OAL US-CA Notice,Agency Update
100000 California Department of Business Oversight CA-DBO US-CA Complaint,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Revocation Order,Rulemaking,Final Order,Suspension Order,Opinion Letter,Settlement Agreement,Consent Order,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Notice,News,Agency Update
30006 Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC US Press Release,Fact Sheet,Report
30005 Conference of State Bank Supervisors CSBS US Speech,Press Release,Blog,Form,Policy Statement,Publication,News,Agency Update
30004 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board PCAOB US Speech,FAQ,Guidance,Notice,Standard,News,Mainstream News
30003 Federal Housing Administration FHA US Announcement,News,Handbook,Agency Update
30002 Freddie Mac Freddie US Servicing Guide,Servicing Guide Navigation,Bulletin,Guide,Form,Guidance,News,Agency Update
30001 Fannie Mae Fannie US Servicing Guide,Speech,Industry Guidance,Manual,Guide,Rate Filing,Guideline,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,Press Release,Blog,Form,Guidance,News,Supporting Document,Agency Update
15001 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission COSO US Guidance,News
10000 Supreme Court of the United States SCOTUS US Opinion
9203 Banco Central de Uruguay URY-BCU URY News
9099 Center for Internet Security CIS US Control Navigation,Control
9098 Cloud Security Alliance CSA US Standard,Standard Navigation
9097 Committee on National Security Systems CNSS US Standard,Standard Navigation
9089 Cyber Risk Institute CRI INT Guide,Guidance,Guidance Navigation
9088 Egmont Group INT-EG INT Bulletin,Annual Report,Newsletter,Statement,Guidance,Publication,Report,News,Handbook
9086 Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB US Statement,News,Agency Update
9085 International Financial Reporting Standards INT-IFRS INT Investor Alert,Newsletter,Statement,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Report,Standard,Announcement,Handbook,Agency Update,Amendment
9084 International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board INT-IAASB INT News
9083 Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation DTCC US Press Release,Statement of Policy,Guidance,Notice,Report
9082 Intercontinental Exchange ICE-SRO US News,Agency Update
9081 The London Securities and Derivatives Exchange Limited OMLX US Notice
9079 Pacific Exchange PCX US Notice
9072 MBS Clearing Corporation MBSCC US Notice
9071 The International Stock Exchange TISE US Notice
9070 ISE Mercury Exchange ISEMercury US Notice
9068 Government Securities Clearing Corporation GSCC US Notice
9067 Emerging Markets Clearing Corporation EMCC US Notice
9063 American Stock Exchange AMEX US Notice
9062 NYSE National NYSENAT US Notice
9060 NYSE American NYSEAMER US Notice
9059 Nasdaq MRX MRX US Notice
9057 Nasdaq GEMX GEMX US Notice
9056 MIAX Emerald EMERALD US Notice
9055 MIAX Pearl PEARL US Notice
9054 Long-Term Stock Exchange LTSE US Notice
9053 LCH SA LCH SA US Notice
9052 Investors Exchange IEX US Notice
9051 NYSE Chicago NYSECHX US Notice
9050 Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association SIFMA US Amicus Brief,Speech,Whitepaper,Complaint,Statistics,Order,Press Release,Blog,Publication,Report,Testimony,News,Comment
9049 Cboe Exchange CboeEx US Notice
9048 Cboe EDGX Exchange CboeEDGX US Notice
9047 Cboe EDGA Exchange CboeEDGA US Notice
9046 Cboe C2 Exchange CboeC2Ex US Notice
9045 Cboe BZX Exchange CboeBZX US Notice
9044 Cboe BYX Exchange CboeBYX US Notice
9043 BOX Exchange BOX US Notice
9042 Bats EDGX Exchange BatsEDGX US Notice
9041 Bats EDGA Exchange BatsEDGA US Notice
9040 Bats BZX Exchange BatsBZX US Notice
9039 Bats BYX Exchange BatsBYX US Notice
9038 Stock Clearing Corp of Philadelphia SCCP US Notice
9036 Options Clearing Corp OCC-SRO US Memorandum,Notice
9035 One Chicago OC US Notice
9033 NYSE Arca NYSE Arca US Letters to Credit Unions,Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update
9032 NYSE Amex (NYSE MKT) NYSE Amex (NYSE MKT) US Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update
9031 NYSE Alternext (NYSE MKT) NYSE Alternext (NYSE MKT) US Notice
9030 New York Stock Exchange NYSE US Letters to Credit Unions,Enforcement,Notice,Agency Update
9029 National Stock Exchange NSX US Notice
9028 National Securities Clearing Corp NSCC US Notice
9027 National Futures Association NFA US Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,News,Guidance Notice,Decision,Agency Update,Comment
9026 National Association of Securities Dealers (FINRA) NASD (FINRA) US Enforcement,Notice
9022 Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board MSRB US Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Suspension Order,Press Release,Rule,Response,Guidance,Notice,Interpretive Letter,News,Lawmaking,Regulatory Order,Comment
9021 Miami International Stock Exchange MIAX US Notice
9020 ISE Gemini Exchange ISE Gemini US Notice
9019 International Securities Exchange ISE US Notice
9018 ICE Clear Europe ICEEU US Notice
9017 ICE Clear Credit ICC-SRO US Notice
9016 Fixed Income Clearing Corp FICC US Notice
9015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA US Exemptive Letter,Speech,Complaint,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Checklist,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Discussion Paper,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Rule Navigation,Decision,Agency Update,Comment
9014 EDGX Exchange EDGX US Notice
9013 EDGA Exchange EDGA US Notice
9012 The Depository Trust Company DTC US Notice
9011 Chicago Stock Exchange CHX US Notice
9010 Chicago Mercantile Exchange CME US Proposed Rule,Disciplinary Action,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Report,News,Agency Update
9009 Chicago Board Options Exchange CBOE US Notice
9008 CBOE Futures Exchange CFE US Notice
9007 C2 Options Exchange C2 US Notice
9006 BOX Options Exchange BOX US Notice
9005 Boston Stock Exchange (BX) BSE (BX) US Notice
9004 Boston Stock Exchange Clearing Corp BSECC US Notice
9003 Chicago Board of Trade CBOT US Notice
9002 BATS Y-Exchange BYX US Notice
9001 BATS Exchange BATS US Notice
733 Federal Chief Information Officers CIO US N/A
721 American Council of Life Insurers ACLI US Annual Report
719 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency US-CISA US Proposed Rule,Guide,Guideline,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Recommendation,Notice,Report,Risk Alert
652 United States Senate Committee on Finance SCF US Letter,Statement,Press Release
651 United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs SCBHUA US Press Release
631 Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago FHLBC US Servicing Guide,Manual,Bulletin,FAQ,Letter,Press Release,Guidance,Notice,Announcement,News,Agency Update
602 United States House Committee on Financial Services HCFS US Press Release
601 United States House Committee on Ways and Means HCWM US Press Release
593 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force USPSTF US Bulletin,Recommendation
591 Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
589 National Endowment for the Humanities NEH US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
588 National Endowment for the Arts NEA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
587 Community Living Administration ACL US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
586 Natural Resources Revenue Office ONRR US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
585 Fiscal Service FS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
584 First Responder Network Authority FirstNet US Notice
583 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Gulf Restoration Council US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
582 Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission US Rule,Notice
581 Advocacy and Outreach Office OAO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
579 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction SIGAR US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
578 Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency CIGIE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
576 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau BSEE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
575 Ocean Energy Management Bureau BOEM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
574 Financial Research Office OFR US Proposed Rule,Rule
573 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB US US Code,Examination Manual,Supervisory Report,Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Circular,Judgement,Opinion,Rulemaking,FAQ,Supervisory Guidance,Enforcement Order,Settlement Agreement,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Letter,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Injunction Order,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Decision,Agency Update,Termination Order,Comment
568 Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Bureau BOEMRE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
566 Administrative Conference of the United States ACUS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
565 Financial Stability Oversight Council FSOC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
564 Postal Rate Commission PRC US Notice,Regulatory Agenda
559 Health Care Finance Administration HCFA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
549 Transportation Office TO US Rule
547 Procurement and Property Management, Office of OPPM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
543 Interstate Commerce Commission ICC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
539 Federal Acquisition Regulation System FAR US Rule,Regulatory Agenda
538 Executive Office of the President EOP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Agency Update,Executive Order
536 Energy Policy and New Uses Office OEPNU US Proposed Rule,Rule
530 Workers Compensation Programs Office OWCP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
529 Women's Progress Commemoration Commission WPCC US Notice
528 Women's Business Enterprise Interagency Committee WBEIC US Notice
525 Western Area Power Administration WAPA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
524 Wage and Hour Division WHD US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
523 Victims of Crime Office OVC US Notice
521 Veterans Employment and Training Service VETS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
520 Veterans Affairs Department VA US Manual,Proposed Rule,Circular,Guide,Rule,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update
519 Valles Caldera Trust VCNP US Notice
518 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission URMCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
515 United States Sentencing Commission USSC US Notice
513 United States Mint USMINT US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
512 United States Marshals Service USMS US Notice
511 United States Institute of Peace USIP US Notice
510 United States Information Agency USIA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
509 United States Enrichment Corporation USEC US Rule,Notice
507 U.S. Attorney's Office US-AO US Press Release,News
506 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences USUHS US Notice
505 U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission USCC US Notice
504 U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission TDRC US Notice
503 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
502 U.S. House of Representatives HOUSE US Notice
501 U.S. Customs and Border Protection USCBP US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Opinion,Ruling,Directive,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,Regulatory Agenda,Decision,Handbook,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update
499 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
498 Twenty-First Century Workforce Commission TFCWC US Notice
497 Treasury Department TREAS US Proposed Rule,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Statement,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
496 Travel and Tourism Administration USTTA US Rule
495 Transportation Statistics Bureau BTS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
494 Transportation Security Administration TSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
492 Transportation Department DOT US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
491 Trade Representative, Office of United States USTR US Speech,Proposed Rule,Statute,International Treaty,FAQ,Meeting Minutes,Annual Report,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Event,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Agency Update
490 Trade and Development Agency USTDA US Notice
489 Thrift Supervision Office OTS US Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
488 Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board TDPOB US Rule,Notice
487 The White House WH US Speech,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Notice,Executive Order
486 Tennessee Valley Authority TVA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
484 Technology Administration TA US Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
482 Susquehanna River Basin Commission SRBC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
481 Surface Transportation Board STB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
480 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office OSM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
479 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
478 The Appraisal Foundation AF US Annual Report,Newsletter,Press Release
477 State Justice Institute SJI US Notice
476 State Department DOS US Speech,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Notice,Agency Update
475 Special Trustee for American Indians Office OST US Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
474 Special Inspector General For Iraq Reconstruction SIGIR US Rule,Notice
473 Special Counsel Office OSC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
472 Southwestern Power Administration SWPA US Notice
471 Southeastern Power Administration SEPA US Notice
470 Social Security Administration SSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
469 Smithsonian Institution SI US Notice
468 Small Business Administration SBA US Proposed Rule,Guide,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
467 Selective Service System SSS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
466 Securities and Exchange Commission SEC US Exemptive order,Speech,Complaint,Investor Alert,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Judgement,Rulemaking,Final Order,FAQ,Order,Interpretive Statement,Letter,Statement,Research Publication,No Action Letter,Press Release,Rule,Response,Enforcement,Correspondence,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Testimony,Announcement,Interpretive Letter,News,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Risk Alert,Enforcement Report,Agency Update,Comment
465 Secret Service USSS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
464 Science and Technology Policy Office OSTP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
462 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation SLSDC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
460 Rural Utilities Service RUS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
459 Rural Telephone Bank RTB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
458 Rural Housing Service RHS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
457 Rural Housing and Community Development Service RHCDS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
456 Rural Business-Cooperative Service RBS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
454 Risk Management Agency RMA US Notice
452 Resolution Trust Corporation RTC US Rule,Notice
451 Research and Special Programs Administration RSPA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
450 Research and Innovative Technology Administration RITA US Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
449 Regulatory Information Service Center RISC US Proposed Rule,Notice
448 Refugee Resettlement Office ORR US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
447 Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board RATB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
446 Reclamation Bureau BOR US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
445 Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug Administration RUF US Notice
444 Railroad Retirement Board RRB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
442 Public Health Service PHS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
441 Public Debt Bureau BPD US Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
440 Prospective Payment Assessment Commission ProPAC US Notice
439 Program Support Center PSC US Notice
438 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board PCLOB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
437 Prisons Bureau BOP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
436 Presidio Trust PT US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
430 President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board PCCIP US Notice
428 President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency PCIE US Notice
417 Presidential Documents PRES US Executive Order
413 Presidential Commission on Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces PCAWAF US Rule
412 Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses PACGW US Notice
410 Postal Service USPS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
409 Postal Regulatory Commission PRC-Reg US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
408 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
407 Physician Payment Review Commission PPRC US Notice
406 Personnel Management Office OPM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
405 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation PBGC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
404 Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration PWBA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
403 Peace Corps PC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
402 Patent and Trademark Office PTO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
401 Parole Commission USPC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
400 Panama Canal Commission PCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
399 Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council PACIFIC US Notice
397 Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPIC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
396 Ounce of Prevention Council COP US Notice
395 Operations Office OO US Proposed Rule
394 Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust OCNMT US Proposed Rule,Rule
390 Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDCP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
389 Office of Motor Carrier Safety OMCS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
388 Ocean Policy Commission OPC US Notice
387 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission OSHRC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
386 Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Standard,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
385 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board NWTRB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
383 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
381 Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission NILRWC US Rule
380 Northeast Dairy Compact Commission NDCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
379 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation NEIGHBOR US Notice
378 Navy Department USN US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
377 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office ONHIR US Rule,Notice
376 Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
375 National Women's Business Council NWBC US Notice
374 National Transportation Safety Board NTSB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
373 National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
372 National Technical Information Service NTIS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
370 National Skill Standards Board NSSB US Notice
368 National Security Council NSC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
367 National Security Agency/Central Security Service NSA/CSS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
366 National Science Foundation NSF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
365 National Railroad Passenger Corporation AMTRAK US Proposed Rule,Rule
364 National Prison Rape Elimination Commission NPREC US Notice
363 National Partnership for Reinventing Government NPR US Notice
362 National Park Service NPS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
361 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
359 National Nuclear Security Administration NNSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
358 National Nanotechnology Coordination Office NNCO US Notice
357 National Mediation Board NMB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
356 National Library of Medicine NLM US Notice
355 National Labor Relations Board NLRB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
354 National Intelligence, Office of the National Director ODNI US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
353 National Institutes of Health NIH US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
352 National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST US Proposed Rule,Research Publication,Rule,Discussion Paper,Consultation,Guidance,Notice,Report,Standard,Standard Navigation,News,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update
351 National Institute of Justice NIJ US Notice
350 National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
349 National Institute of Corrections NIC US Notice
348 National Institute for Literacy NIL US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
347 National Indian Gaming Commission NIGC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
345 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
344 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA US Rule
343 National Gambling Impact Study Commission NGISC US Notice
342 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities ARTS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
341 National Education Goals Panel NEGP US Notice
340 National Economic Council NEC US Notice
336 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council NCPPCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
335 National Credit Union Administration NCUA US Letters to Credit Unions,Speech,Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Supervisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Notice,Civil Money Penalty,Regulatory Agenda,Risk Alert,Administrative Order,Agency Update,Termination Order
334 National Counterintelligence Center NCTC US Rule,Notice
331 National Council on Disability NCD US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
329 National Communications System NCS US Notice
326 National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education NCCHE US Notice
320 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science NCLIS US Rule,Notice
317 National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform NCFRR US Notice
308 National Capital Planning Commission NCPC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
307 National Bipartisan Commission on Future of Medicare NBCFM US Notice
306 National Biological Service NBS US Notice
305 National Bankruptcy Review Commission NBRC US Notice
304 National Archives and Records Administration NARA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
303 National Agricultural Statistics Service NASS US Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
302 National Agricultural Library NAL US Notice
301 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
296 Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Udall Foundation US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
294 Monetary Offices MONOF US Rule
293 Mississippi River Commission MISS US Notice
291 Minority Business Development Agency MBDA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
290 Mines Bureau USBM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
289 Minerals Management Service MMS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
288 Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
287 Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
285 Merit Systems Protection Board MSPB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
284 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission MedPAC US Notice
282 Maritime Administration MARAD US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
281 Marine Mammal Commission MMC US Notice
280 Management and Budget Office OMB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
278 Local Television Loan Guarantee Board LTLGB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
277 Library of Congress LOC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
276 Legal Services Corporation LSC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
275 Land Management Bureau BLM US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
274 Labor-Management Standards Office LMSO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
272 Labor Statistics Bureau BLS US Notice
271 Labor Department DOL US Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
270 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Office OJJDP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
269 Justice Programs Office OJP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
268 Justice Department DOJ US Speech,Complaint,Final Report,Manual,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Opinion,FAQ,Order,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Impact Assessment,Injunction Order,Correspondence,Guidance,Motion,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document,Enforcement Report,Agency Update
267 Judicial Review Commission on Foreign Asset Control JRCFAC US Notice
266 Judicial Conference of the United States USJC US Notice
265 Joint Board for Enrollment of Actuaries JBEA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
263 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation JMF US Proposed Rule,Rule
262 International Trade Commission ITC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Report,News
261 International Trade Administration ITA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
259 International Investment Office IIO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
258 International Development Cooperation Agency IDCA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
256 International Broadcasting Board IBB US Rule,Notice
255 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico IBWC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
254 Internal Revenue Service IRS US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Ruling,Determination,Rule,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda
253 Interior Department DOI US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
252 Intergovernmental Relations Advisory Commission ACIR US Rule,Notice
250 Inter-American Foundation IAF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
246 Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development IAIA US Notice
245 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department OIG US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
243 Information Security Oversight Office ISOO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
241 Industry and Security Bureau BIS US Speech,Proposed Rule,Enforcement Order,Press Release,Rule,Notice,News,Lawmaking,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
238 Indian Trust Transition Office OITT US Notice
237 Indian Health Service IHS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
235 Indian Arts and Crafts Board IACB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
234 Indian Affairs Bureau BIA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
232 Immigration and Naturalization Service INS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
228 Housing and Urban Development Department HUD US Mortgagee Letter,Proposed Rule,FAQ,Checklist,Guide,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update
227 Homeland Security Department DHS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
225 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACHP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
223 Hearings and Appeals Office, Interior Department DOI OHA US Notice
222 Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
221 Health and Human Services Department HHS US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guide,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation
220 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation HST US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
218 Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration GIPSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
217 Government Publishing Office GPO US Notice
216 Government National Mortgage Association GinnieMae US Bulletin,Memorandum,Press Release,Rule,Notice
215 Government Ethics Office OGE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
213 Government Accountability Office GAO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
212 Geological Survey USGS US Notice
210 General Services Administration GSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation
209 Forest Service USFS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
208 Foreign-Trade Zones Board FTZB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
204 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission FCSC US Rule,Notice
203 Foreign Assets Control Office OFAC US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Determination,Directive,Proclamation,Interpretive Statement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Financial Sanction,Guidance,Notice,Report,Civil Money Penalty,Agency Update,Executive Order
202 Foreign Agricultural Service FAS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
201 Food Safety and Inspection Service FSIS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
200 Food and Nutrition Service FNS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
199 Food and Drug Administration FDA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
198 Food and Consumer Service FCS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
197 Fish and Wildlife Service FWS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
196 Bureau of the Fiscal Service BFS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
195 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission FINCIC US Notice
194 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FINCEN US Speech,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Guide,Advisory Letter,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update,Comment
193 Federal Transit Administration FTA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
192 Federal Trade Commission FTC US Amicus Brief,Speech,Complaint,Proposed Rule,Advisory Letter,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Memorandum of Understanding,Rule,Blog,Enforcement,Event,Guidance,Motion,Policy Statement,Notice,Testimony,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Agency Update,Comment
190 Federal Service Impasses Panel FSIP US Notice
189 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board FRTIB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
188 Federal Reserve System FRS US SR Letter,Examination Manual,Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Manual,Proposed Rule,Statistics,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Guide,Meeting Minutes,Memorandum,Supervisory Guidance,Settlement Agreement,Guideline,Interpretive Statement,Supervisory Letter,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Cease and Desist,Research Publication,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Policy Statement Navigation,Agency Update,Comment
187 Federal Register, Administrative Committee ACFR US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Rule,Report,Agency Update
186 Federal Register Office REGISTER US CFR Navigation,CFR,Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
185 Federal Railroad Administration FRA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
184 Federal Procurement Policy Office OFPP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
183 Federal Prison Industries FPI US Proposed Rule,Notice
182 Federal Pay, Advisory Committee FPAC US Rule
181 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
180 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission MSHFRC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
179 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMCS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
178 Federal Maritime Commission FMC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
177 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center FLETC US Rule,Notice
176 Federal Labor Relations Authority FLRA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
175 Federal Housing Finance Board FHFB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
174 Federal Housing Finance Agency FHFA US Examination Manual,Speech,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Statement,Rule,Guidance,Publication,Notice,Announcement,News,Regulatory Agenda
173 Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office OFHEO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
170 Federal Highway Administration FHWA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
168 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council FFIEC US Examination Manual,Manual,Proposed Rule,Meeting Minutes,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Notice,News,Instruction,Handbook,Agency Update
167 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Rule,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
166 Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Rule,Event,Guidance,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
165 Federal Election Commission FEC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
164 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC US Examination Manual,Financial Institution Letter,Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Manual,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,FAQ,Guide,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Guideline,Act,Letter,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Statement of Policy,Correspondence,Event,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Policy Statement,Publication,Notice,Report,Testimony,Announcement,Civil Money Penalty,News,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update,Termination Order
163 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation FCIC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
162 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office OFCCP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
161 Federal Communications Commission FCC US Final Notice,Proposed Rule,Rulemaking,Ruling,Memorandum,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Rule,Enforcement,Fact Sheet,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Regulatory Order,Enforcement Report
160 Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI US Proposed Rule,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Policy Statement Navigation
159 Federal Aviation Administration FAA US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guideline,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
158 Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board FASAB US Notice
157 Farm Service Agency FSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
156 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation FCSIC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
154 Farm Credit Administration FCA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
153 Family Assistance Office OFA US Rule
151 Export-Import Bank EIB/USEIB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
150 Export Administration Bureau EAB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
149 Executive Office for Immigration Review EOIR US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
148 Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency ECIE US Notice
147 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
145 Environmental Protection Agency EPA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
144 Environment Office, Energy Department EOED Notice
143 Engraving and Printing Bureau BEP US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
142 Engineers Corps COE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
140 Energy Research Office OER US Notice
138 Energy Information Administration EIA US Notice
137 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office DOE-EEREO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
136 Energy Department DOE US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
134 Employment Standards Administration DOL-ESA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
133 Employment and Training Administration ETA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
132 Employees Compensation Appeals Board ECAB US Proposed Rule,Rule
131 Employee Benefits Security Administration EBSA US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,FAQ,Advisory Letter,Supervisory Guidance,Rule,Guidance,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion,Agency Update
130 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board US-ESGLB US Rule,Notice
129 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board US-EOGLB US Rule,Notice
128 Electronic Commerce Advisory Commission eCOMMERCE US Notice
127 Election Assistance Commission EAC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
126 Education Department ED US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
124 Economics and Statistics Administration ECSA US Notice
123 Economic Research Service ERS US Rule,Notice
120 Economic Development Administration EDA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
119 Economic Analysis Staff EAS US Rule
118 Economic Analysis Bureau BEA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Standard,Regulatory Agenda
116 Drug Enforcement Administration DEA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
115 Disability Employment Policy Office ODEP US Notice
113 Denali Commission DC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
112 Delaware River Basin Commission DRBC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
110 Defense Special Weapons Agency DSWA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
109 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DNFSB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
107 Defense Logistics Agency DLA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
106 Defense Investigative Service DIS US Proposed Rule
105 Defense Intelligence Agency DIA US Notice
104 Defense Information Systems Agency DISA US Notice
103 Department of Defense DOD US Speech,Proposed Rule,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Publication,Notice,News,Regulatory Agenda,Guidance Navigation,Agency Update
101 Defense Contract Audit Agency DCAA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
99 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission BRAC US Notice
97 Defense Acquisition Regulations System DARS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
95 Crime and Security in U.S. Seaports, Interagency Commission CSUSS US Guide,Notice
94 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia CSOSA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
92 Council on Environmental Quality CEQ US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
91 Corporation for National and Community Service CORP/CNCS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
88 Copyright Royalty Board LOC-CRB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
87 Copyright Office, Library of Congress COLC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
86 Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention CCJJDP US Notice
85 Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service CSREES US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
84 Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
81 Congressional Budget Office CBO US Notice
80 Comptroller of the Currency OCC US Speech,Investor Alert,Prohibition Order,Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Suspension Order,FAQ,Guide,Settlement Agreement,Consumer Alert,Consent Order,Statement,Cease and Desist,Press Release,Rule,Regulatory Alert,Enforcement,Guidance,Notice,Report,Testimony,Civil Money Penalty,News,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook,Agency Update,Comment
79 Competitiveness Policy Council CPC US Notice
78 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund CDFI US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
77 Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC US Complaint,Proposed Rule,Judgement,Rulemaking,FAQ,Order,Advisory Letter,Memorandum,Consent Order,Letter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Enforcement,Guidance,Policy Statement,Notice,Report,Interpretive Letter,News,Rule Certification,Industry Filing,Rule Navigation,Lawmaking,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document,Agency Update
76 Commodity Credit Corporation CCC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
75 Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements CITA US Notice
74 Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled CPPBSD US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
71 Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry CFUSA US Notice
69 Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement CAFLE US Notice
68 Commission on Structural Alternatives for the Federal Courts of Appeals CSAFCA US Notice
67 Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States CROMF US Notice
65 Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy CPRGS US Notice
61 Commission on Immigration Reform CIR US Notice
57 Commission of Fine Arts CFA US Rule,Notice
55 Commercial Space Transportation Office AST US Notice
54 Commerce Department DOC US Speech,Proposed Rule,FAQ,Proclamation,Press Release,Rule,Blog,Fact Sheet,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Agency Update
53 Coast Guard USCG US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
52 Civil Rights Commission CRC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
49 Children and Families Administration ACF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
48 Child Support Enforcement Office CSEO US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
47 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board CSB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
46 Central Intelligence Agency CIA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
45 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,FAQ,Guide,Memorandum,Guideline,Letter,Press Release,Rule,Consultation,Fact Sheet,Form,Guidance,Notice,Report,News,Guidance Notice,Instruction,Regulatory Agenda,Supporting Document
44 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC US Proposed Rule,FAQ,Guideline,Newsletter,Statement,Press Release,Rule,Guidance,Recommendation,Notice,Report,News,Regulatory Agenda,Advisory Opinion
43 Census Monitoring Board CMB US Notice
42 Census Bureau USBC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
41 Broadcasting Board of Governors BBG US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
40 Bonneville Power Administration BPA US Notice
39 Board of Directors of the Hope for Homeowners Program HOPE US Rule,Notice
36 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation BGSEEF US Notice
34 Unique Identification Authority of India IND-UIDAI IND Circular,Rule,Policy Statement,Notice,Amendment
33 Assassination Records Review Board ARRB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
32 Army Department USA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
31 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACDA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
30 Armed Forces Retirement Home AFRH US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
29 Arctic Research Commission ARCTIC US Notice
28 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board ATBCB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
27 Architect of the Capitol AOC US Notice
26 Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission APPAL US Notice
25 Appalachian Regional Commission ARC US Rule
24 Antitrust Modernization Commission AMC US Notice
23 Antitrust Division ANTITRUST US Notice
22 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service APHIS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
21 Amtrak Reform Council AMTRAK-ARC US Notice
20 American Battle Monuments Commission ABMC US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
19 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau ATF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
18 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau TTB US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
17 Alaska Power Administration APA US Notice
16 United States Congress US-CONGRESS US US Public Law Navigation,US Code,US Public Law,US Code Navigation,Bill,Act,Engrossed Bill,Enrolled Bill,Introduced Bill,Lawmaking,Amended Bill
15 Air Transportation Stabilization Board ATSB US Rule
14 Air Quality National Commission NCAQ US Rule
13 Air Force Department USAF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
12 Agriculture Department USDA US Proposed Rule,Bulletin,Newsletter,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda,Handbook
10 Agricultural Research Service ARS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
9 Agricultural Marketing Service AMS US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
8 Aging Administration AOA US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice,Regulatory Agenda
7 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR US Notice
6 Agency for International Development USAID US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
5 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ US Notice,Regulatory Agenda
4 African Development Foundation USADF US Proposed Rule,Rule,Notice
3 Administrative Office of United States Courts AO US Notice
2 Administration Office, Executive Office of the President OA US Rule,Regulatory Agenda
1 Rural Development, Agriculture Department USDA-RD US Newsletter