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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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NAVIGATION RSS Integration Guide offers support for RSS feeds and integrations through the developer platform.  You can use these links to review resulting documents in popular RSS reads or to integrate with many platforms you may use in your organization such as your GRC or document management system

This guide provides the steps necessary to start using’s RSS feeds.

  1. Create an RSS feed
  2. Setup integration
  3. Custom configurations

Create an RSS feed

To begin leveraging a curated view of content within your platform, you can create tailored searches and establish alerts. There are two ways to do this for Team Edition users:

Search & Create Alerts

You can create unlimited custom alerts to deliver curated sets of documents to your platform. Simply conduct a search, turn on the alert, and choose your preferred delivery method. 

Search: Using Default Filters automatically includes select Agencies, Jurisdictions, News & Premium Content and Topics. Add criteria, e.g.: Text or Document Type, to refine your search.

Advanced Search – Builder: You can further refine your search by using capabilities within the Advanced Search Builder to exclude documents with, for example, specific text, document types, or topics as well as combine AND, OR, and NOT within a single search. Access Advanced Search by selecting the toggle next to the search bar.

Add an Alert: Turn on alerts to leverage your search and receive new documents that meet the criteria within your platform.

Leverage your Alert RSS feed

Once you have established alerts, you can copy the alert RSS links, including the token specific to your integration, to your GRC, IRM or content management platform. You can then review documents that meet your alert criteria in near real time in either platform. Steps to retrieve the RSS link:

  1. Go to Notifications from the left-hand menu
  2. Click the vertical “more options” ellipsis icon for your established alert
  3. Click “View RSS Link” 


All RSS links for each Alert include a token specific to your integration, and the default attributes that define a document provided through RSS are based on RSS 2.0 element requirements. Additionally, also offers other document attributes as extended elements within the RSS feed. By default, the RSS feed will include any documents within a published date of 5 days.

These are the default document attributes provided with each RSS feed.

  • <link> = web URL
  • <guid isPermaLink=”false”> = document ID
  • <category> = document category
  • <dc:creator> = agency
  • <pubDate> = publication date
  • <jurisdiction> = jurisdiction
  • <category> = document category
  • <topic> = topic
  • <cfr> = cfr
  • <summary_text> = summary_text
  • <title> = title
  • <description> = full_text

The full list of document attributes available as extended elements can be found in’s Document Search Response Schema. Learn how to configure these attributes as elements in the next section.

Troubleshooting RSS:

  • Ensure the feed URL opens properly in the browser and doesn’t include any errors in the XML result 
    • This feed shows the same documents as the search results of the alert
  • Ensure that * is whitelisted for “https” on the server from which RSS requests are initiated
  • Make sure there are no “pre-validation” errors with the feed using this validator ( or any others: 
    • certain row/data validation issues shown by the validator can be ignored if the feed includes extended fields, i.e. “Undefined item element: jurisdiction”
  • Check extended/mapping fields to make sure they match the named attributes expected by the RSS requesting party (CAI.a -> GRC.b)

Configurations also offers configuration of the document attributes received through RSS. These configurations can be discussed and implemented during the integration process. The full list of configurable document attributes can be found in’s Document Search Response Schema.

  1. Once an alert is created in the application, work with the team to set-up the attribute configurations per your requirements and you will receive a new Configuration ID (UUID). 
    1. Your overall RSS feed can be configured to show a certain amount of documents and a specific published in past “X” days
    2. Additionally, the name and length of each default and extended elements can be configured
  2. Add the new Configuration ID (UUID) provided by the team at the end RSS link for the existing alert you created, as such:
    1. [RSS Link]&configuration_id=[x]
  3. You can then review documents that meet your alert criteria and configurations

Next Steps

Contact us to schedule a demo and discuss integration options in detail.

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