Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Our most recent enhancements focus on helping you supercharge the start of your process – identifying the most critical regulatory change documents you need to review quickly and easily. 

We want to meet you where you work everyday. In addition to searching within the platform, you can now use our new Regulatory Insights Bot directly within Slack or other business communication tools to ask your questions.

We also continued enriching our regulatory coverage, most notably introducing new concepts, and new content and regulatory updates for legislations, regulations, banking, finance, securities, and telecommunications related matters across the globe  including Hungary, Luxembourg, Mexico, Vietnam, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Colombia, Cayman Islands, Qatar, South Africa, Singapore, India, Israel, and the United States.

Introducing’s Regulatory Insights Bot. Ask me a question today!

Our latest enhancement lets you use conversational AI to get regulatory insights or set up tasks and alerts.

You can use the Regulatory Insights bot by asking questions such as “show me recent enforcement actions reports” or “alert me when new rules are published in Europe that impact my company”.

Our Regulatory Insights Bot can be used directly within Slack or other chat solutions to make your life simpler no matter what you’re looking for.

The bot communicates with you and you’ll receive links to review relevant regulatory changes  that match your requirements.

The Regulatory Insights Bot  supports all document types, Agencies, Jurisdictions, Topics and Concepts that our platform has to offer.

To see the Regulatory Insights Bot in action, attend our product office hours on Thursday, April 27 at 10am Pacific or schedule a demo for a 1:1 overview. 


Integrate Concepts into regulatory review for a more efficient and focused process

Constructing the best possible search for key regulatory changes can be challenging. That’s why we continue to enhance our library of concepts. Concepts are automatically tagged on all documents available in our platform, allowing you to locate critical regulatory changes and associated documents related to specific topics with one click.

Our latest concepts focus on Corporate Banking, and include:

Concept NameDescription
Corporate Banking: Foreign Exchange SpotA foreign exchange spot transaction, also known as FX spot, is an agreement between two parties to buy one currency against selling another currency at an agreed price for settlement on the spot date.
Corporate Banking: Interest Rate SwapAn interest rate swap is a contractual arrangement be- tween two parties, often referred to as “counterparties”.
Corporate Banking: Multi-currency RemittanceThe remittance or transfer of money in more than one currency.
Corporate Banking: Account ServicesServices banks offer to their large corporate clients, usually publicly traded companies, on their day-to-day business.
Corporate Banking: Outright Forex ForwardAn outright forward, or currency forward, is a currency contract that locks in the exchange rate and a delivery date beyond the spot value date.
Corporate Banking: Foreign Exchange SwapA foreign exchange swap (also known as an FX swap) is an agreement to simultaneously borrow one currency and lend another at an initial date, then exchanging the amounts at maturity.
Corporate Banking: Debt Capital MarketsOffers capital raising services in the form of corporate bonds and government bonds on behalf of their clients. The clients served by the debt capital markets group are typically corporations and governmental entities.
Corporate Banking: Trade FinanceTools, techniques, and instruments that facilitate trade and protect both buyers and sellers from trade-related risks.

To use any of our concepts within a search, simply add the concept of interest to your basic or advanced search, and then add other attributes such as agencies, jurisdictions, or publication date to further narrow your results.

If our new corporate banking concepts apply to your business, don’t forget to select them in your Default Filters so they are automatically added to your search when you access the Timeline or conduct your own searches.

All concepts associated with regulatory changes  are listed in the Details right panel, giving you higher visibility to assess the potential impact of a regulatory change before you review the entire document. 


If you have ideas for new concepts that would benefit you, reach out to us at and we’ll work with you to further extend our concept capabilities.

For a list of all Concepts provided by, please check out our Concept documentation on

Speed up Regulatory Intelligence research: One Source for Regulatory Intelligence: Expanding Regulatory Coverage

We continued expansion of our regulatory coverage. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

Topic based expansion

  • Banking: related updates from Hungary, Luxembourg, Mexico, and Vietnam
  • Commerce: related updates from Quebec.
  • Regulations: related updates from New York.
  • Legislations: related updates from Ontario, Singapore, Louisiana, North Dakota, and West Virginia.
  • Finance: related updates from Australia, Switzerland, Colombia, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Qatar, South Africa, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Securities: related updates from India, Israel, Singapore, the North American Securities Administrators Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • Telecommunication: related updates from Canada.

Jurisdictional expansion: 

  • Australia: updates from the Australian Council of Financial Regulators (AUS-CFR).
  • Canada: updates from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (CAN-ONLA), and Quebec Autorité des marchés publics (CAN-QCAMP).
  • China: updates from the Financial Supervisory Commission of Taiwan (CHN-TFSC).
  • Colombia: updates from the Unidad Regulación Financiera Colombia (Financial Regulatory Unit) (COL-URF).
  • Cayman Islands: updates from the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CYM-CIMA).
  • Hungary: updates from the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) (HUN-MNB).
  • India: updates from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (IND-SEBI).
  • Israel: updates from the Israel Securities Authority (ISR-ISA).
  • Jersey: updates from the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JEY-FSC)
  • Luxembourg: updates from the Luxembourg Banker’s Association (LUX-ABBL).
  • Mexico: updates from the Mexican National Banking and Stock Commission (MEX-CNBV), and Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (MEX-CONDUSEF).
  • Switzerland: updates from the Financial Market Supervisory Authority of Switzerland (CH-FINMA)
  • Qatar: updates from the Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QAT-FMA)
  • Singapore: updates from the Singapore Parliament (SGP-PARL) and the Singapore Exchange Group (SGP-SGX).
  • Vietnam: updates from the State Bank of Vietnam (VNM-SBV).
  • South Africa: updates from Financial Intelligence Center of South Africa (ZAF-FIC).
  • United States: updates from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Louisiana Legislature (LA-LEG), North Dakota Legislative Assembly (ND-LA), New York City (NY-NYC), and West Virginia Legislature (WV-LEG).

Tip of the Month: Learn at your own pace using our Training Center

At, we try to keep things simple, but with so many capabilities, there’s a lot to learn. Whether you’re just starting out, or you’re an old hand who  needs information on a specific topic such as integrating with a partner solution, our Training Center is your one stop shop for information about our platform. 

To access the Training Center, click on the Question Mark icon on and select Training Center.


Once you’re in the Training Center, select the self-paced training that meets your needs, reach out for new user onboarding, or request professional services.


We also host monthly product team office hours. Join us for a lively discussion on alerts on April 27th at 10am Pacific. If you haven’t received your invitation, reach out to us at to get access.

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.