Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Product Enhancements iMac

During February and March, we focused on integrating with your organization’s internal compliance processes, made updates within our Team and Pro Editions to help you review regulatory content earlier, search and compare regulatory changes more efficiently and expanded permissioning for obligations and workflows. In addition we’ve expanded our API endpoints, greatly extending capabilities within our developer API solution.

We also continued enriching and expanding our regulatory coverage, including: regulatory updates for banking, corporate affairs, commerce, data protection, employment, finance, legislations, mortgage, real estate, regulations, securities, state governance, and taxation. Our expanding global coverage includes Australia, Costa Rica, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, European Union, France, Georgia, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Simplify access, by logging in to straight from your company’s application portal solutions already provide a secure, easy to use login experience that supports both native and 3rd party Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems for user authentication (Single Sign On or SSO).

Users are able to use the “Corporate Login” link on the login screen and login using their organization’s IAM SSO and organizational credentials (also known as SP initiated SSO). We’ve now added support for accessing directly from your own company’s application portal (also known as IdP initiated SSO). To take advantage of this new capability, contact

Simplify mapping your internal policies to regulations using our new Management Hub capabilities

We’ve added a new feature to our Management Hub, enabling administrators in organizations using our “Bring Your Own Content” (BYOC) capability to permission their own organization’s documents within the platform. This supplements our existing Annotations, Obligations, Labels, and Workflow Management Hub functionality.

Accessing the Management Hub

The Management Hub allows you to group your organization’s information, including labels, annotations, obligations, workflows, and now “BYOC” documents into logical collections. Once you’ve organized these items, you can share the collections with specific individuals, and specify Edit / View permissions for the shared information. For example, you can create collections that are jurisdictional, line of business based, or topical and restrict access to the labels, annotations, obligations, workflows, and organization documents within these collections (View, Edit or both) to specific team members.

If you haven’t tried the Management Hub yet, the first step to leverage these capabilities is creating unique groups of labels, annotations, obligations, workflows or organization documents. If you only want to group one specific type of item, such as organization documents, don’t worry. Simply leave items you want to have available to all users in your organization in the default Public Folder and move other items into your new jurisdictional, line of business, or topical folders.

Management Hub: Adding Folders (Collections)

Once you’ve created your folders, you can share with the appropriate team and/or members, giving Edit or View permission.

Sharing Folders

Manage Organization Documents

Organizing your organization’s documents (using Compliance AI Bring Your Own Content) and sharing will ensure that different members of your organization have optimal access to this information. Those who need to access and review your organization’s documents can access documents using the View permission. Individuals who need to be able to edit key information such as publication date, author, or document type can View and Edit documents using the Edit permissions. If any of your documents should not be viewed by certain organization members, simply place the documents in a separate folder and make sure you do not provide View or Edit permission to those individuals.

Manage Organization Documents: Bulk Actions

Manage Organization Documents allows you to search for specific documents using all of the search attributes available in the solution. In addition, you can leverage the same bulk actions available in any search view, including adding documents to folders, emailing a link to the document, printing, adding a workflow to documents and adding labels.

Unique document viewing & editing experiences across your organization

View PermissionEdit Permission

How you allocate your organization’s documents across folders and how you choose to share folders will impact your members’ experience. As shown above, a member with Edit permission will be able to edit certain key document data, while a member with View permission will only be able to review the document. If you add sensitive documents, you can add the documents to a management hub folder shared with only a very limited group of members. Members without View or Edit permission will not be able to search for, view, or edit data related to “private” documents.

If your organization needs to maintain confidentiality across different parts of your enterprise with respect to documents you add using Bring Your Own Content, our new capabilities will help you ensure the right level of control.

For more information on Bring Your Own Content, contact to set up a meeting today.

New “Smart Import” simplifies your transition to Bring Your Own Content

In our latest “Bring Your Own Content” (BYOC) release, we’ve focused on streamlining the user initiated BYOC document import experience by introducing a smart import template. After you upload your documents for import into BYOC, you can download a custom template that enables you quickly map your documents to drop-down options, including document types, agencies, jurisdictions, topics and concepts plus your own labels and alerts when adding data for your documents. Using the smart template speeds up the mapping while ensuring you enter acceptable values and avoid encountering unexpected errors.

How it works: The smart template includes easy to follow instructions for preparing your data. Picking from the document type, agency, jurisdiction, topic, concept, label and alert filters ensures you include only acceptable values in your spreadsheet. In addition, the smart template includes multiple data columns for attributes for which multiple values are acceptable including topics, concepts, labels, alerts and related documents, allowing you to enter multiple values without special formatting. Simply follow the instructions and enter the required data fields for your document, using smart filters to pick acceptable values and then upload your prepared data to complete the process. Remember that the File Name is the key to match the data to your uploaded documents, so it’s important not to edit that column in your spreadsheet.

Special Handling for Topics and Concepts: If you enter topic and concept data for documents either within your upload or by selecting values in the upload wizard, will honor your selection(s). If you leave these fields blank, will tag your documents with topics and concepts automatically.

BYOC Lite Smart Template

Comparing versions became easier: “Diffing” feature is now available for offline analysis 

Hopefully you’ve all been able to leverage the ability to compare documents within the same docket, such as proposed rules and rules, compare different versions of the same document and choose two related documents and compare using the diffing feature. While the feature is great for online review, we’ve added a new Print option to allow those of you who like to review changes offline to work according to your preferences.

Simply access the Docket or Versions tab on the right panel where available or use the diff’ing icon to compare two related documents and click on the print icon to print the comparison view to PDF.

Printing Comparable Documents

API: Organize your documents using API endpoints

End Points Include:

  • GET the list of Folders: This method retrieves a comprehensive list of folders and their subfolders, making navigating and exploring your folder structure easy. You can search for folders based on criteria such as created_from, created_to, name, updated_from, and updated_to.
  • GET Details of a folder: Access detailed information about a specific folder or subfolder, including document counts, parent, and permissions.
  • GET Path information of a Folder or subfolder: Explore the hierarchical structure of folders and subfolders to understand their relationships better.
  • POST Copy a Folder or subfolder: Seamlessly make a copy of folders or subfolders, including all documents in the original folder.
  • GET Get a Document Folder by ID: This method retrieves details of a document folder or subfolder based on its unique identifier.
  • PATCH Update a Folder: Modify existing folder attributes, such as name.
  • POST Create a subfolder: Easily create a new subfolder within a parent folder to organize documents efficiently and maintain a structured file system.
  • PATCH Update a subfolder: Update attributes of a subfolder, such as name.
  • POST Add Documents to a Folder or Subfolder: Streamline document management by quickly adding documents to specific folders or subfolders.
  • GET Get a number of documents: This method obtains the number of folders in which a particular document is saved.

For more details and comprehensive documentation, please visit API documentation.

Folder API is available in both API documentation formats: Swagger and IO.

Speed up regulatory research using one source for Intelligence: Expanding Coverage

We continued expansion of our regulatory coverage. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

  • Banking: related updates from China, Georgia, Kenya, Netherlands, Thailand, and United States.
  • Commerce: related updates from Denmark. 
  • Corporate Affairs: related updates from India.
  • Data Protection: related updates from the European Union, India, Luxembourg, and the United States.
  • Employment: related updates from Kenya, Thailand, India and Italy. 
  • Finance: related updates from Australia, Canada (Saskatchewan, Quebec), Chile, Japan, Kenya, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States (New York). 
  • Legislations: related updates from Hungary, Italy, France and the United States. 
  • Mortgage: related updates from the United States. 
  • Real Estate: related updates from Canada (Alberta).
  • Regulations: related updates from the European Union, China, Costa Rica, Netherlands, and the United States (Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin).
  • Securities: related updates from Canada (Ontario).
  • State Governance: related updates from the United States (New York).
  • Taxation: related updates from Kenya, India, Ireland and the United States (Virginia).
  • Australia: updates from the Australian Treasury [AUS-TREAS].
  • Costa Rica: updates from the Superintendencia General de Valores [CRI-SUGEVAL]. 
  • Canada: updates from the Canadian Securities Exchange [CAN-CSE], Autorité des marchés financiers Québec [CAN-QCAMF], Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority [CAN-SKFCAA], Real Estate Council Alberta [CAN-RECA], Investment Industry Association of Canada [CAN-IIAC], and Ontario Securities Commission [CAN-OSC]. 
  • Chile: updates from Comisión para el Mercado Financiero [CHL-CMF]. 
  • China: updates from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission [CHN-CBIRC], State Administration of Foreign Exchange [CHN-SAFE], Taipei Exchange [CHN-TPEX], Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association of the ROC [CHN-SITCA], Taiwan Stock Exchange [CHN-TWSE], Taiwan Futures Exchange Co., Ltd. [CHN-TAIFEX], Futures Trade Association of the Republic of China [CHN-FTA], Trust Business Association of the Republic of China [CHN-TAROC], Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission [CHN-TFSC].
  • Denmark: updates from Denmark Ministry of Business [DNK-MOB] and Danish Parliament [DNK-PARL].
  • European Union: related updates from European Data Protection Supervisor [EU-EDPS] and European Commission [EU-COM].
  • France: related updates from the Parliament of France [FRA-PARL].
  • Georgia: related updates from the National Bank of Georgia [GEO-NBG] and Parliament of Georgia [GEO-PARL]. 
  • Hungary: related updates from Igazságügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Justice) [HUN-IM]. 
  • India: related updates from Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology [IND-MEITY], Ministry of Labour and Employment of India [IND-MLE], Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India [IND-MCA], and Income Tax Department of India [IND-ITD]. 
  • Ireland: related updates from The Irish Revenue [IRL-REV]. 
  • Italy: related updates from Commissione Di Vigilanza Sui Fondi Pensione [ITA-COVIP] and Parliament of Italy [ITA-PARL]. 
  • Japan: related updates from the Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association [JP-T2FIFA] and Japan Investment Advisers Association [JP-JIAA]. 
  • Kenya: updates from the Kenya Revenue Authority [KEN-KRA], Parliament of Kenya [KEN-PARL], Government of Kenya [KEN-GOV], Ministry of Labour & Social Protection [KEN-MLSP] and Capital Markets Authority of Kenya [KEN-CMA].
  • Luxembourg: related updates from the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données [LUX-CNPD].
  • Netherlands: related updates from the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten [NLD-CBCSM] and Ministerie van Financiën [NLD-MF].
  • Norway [New Addition]: related updates from the Norway Financial Regulatory Authority [NOR-FRA]. 
  • Thailand: updates from the Bank of Thailand [THA-BOT] and Thailand Ministry of Labour [THA-MOL].
  • United Kingdom: related updates from the Financial Ombudsman Service [UK-FOS].
  • United States: updates from the United States Congress [US-CONGRESS], Federal Reserve System [FRS], U.S. Attorney’s Office [US-AO], Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], Fannie Mae [Fannie], Appraisal Foundation [AF], American Bankers Association, National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], Wisconsin Supreme Court [WI-SC], Minnesota Supreme Court [MN-SC], Supreme Court of New Mexico [NM-SC], Supreme Court of Montana [MT-SC], Iowa Supreme Court [IA-SC], Supreme Court of Missouri [MO-SC], Illinois Secretary of State [IL-SOS], Department of Financial Services [NY-DFS], Colorado Supreme Court [CO-SC], Kansas Supreme Court [KS-SC] and Virginia Department of Taxation [VA-DOT]. 

Tip of the Month: Need to maintain labels across document versions? Let our Label Service Connector do the work for you.

Labeling documents is an easy and convenient way to enrich documents with information you can share across your organization. For example, you might want to add controls, topics, or even project names to ensure that you and your colleagues can find the most critical documents for your research needs.

The only trouble is, labels are static while regulatory documents change. If you’re a Team Edition or Service Connector Edition user, you’re in luck. Our special labeling service connector automatically adds labels from prior versions of a regulatory document to newer versions as soon as they are available on the platform!

If you are interested in having us implement this capability for your organization, reach out to us at and we’ll put our bot to work for you.

Label Version 1 …… and let the Service Connector do the rest

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.

compliance artificial intelligence

regtech compliance solutions