Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Product Enhancements iMac

During October we added interactive Swagger documentation to our developer API solution, for key َAPI end points. Swagger is a popular approach to API documentation providing standardized machine-readable information about APIs. We expect this change improves the usability of our API. 

We also continued enriching and expanding our regulatory coverage, including: regulatory updates for legislations, banking, corporate governance, federal governance, payments, data protection, employment, finance, insurance, utilities, taxation, ESG and securities. Our expanding global coverage includes Brazil, Chile, China, Canada, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Columbia, Hungary, Luxembourg, France, Peru (New Addition), Thailand (New Addition), and the United States.

Swagger-Formatted API documentation 

The Document Search API documentation is now available in Swagger format. You’ll have access to detailed information about endpoints, request parameters, response schemas, and examples, making it easier to understand and use our API effectively.

Similar to our previous invocation methods, this API documentation also supports OAuth for enhanced security and user control. Here’s a quick overview of the endpoints and schemas included in this improvement:


  • Search Documents (GET) & Search Documents POST (POST): Easily search for documents with intuitive query options.
  • Pre-Filtered Content (GET): Access pre-filtered content effortlessly.
  • Get PDF (GET): Retrieve PDF representations of documents with ease.
  • Diffing (POST): Perform document diffing operations with this endpoint.
  • Suggestion (GET): Request document-related suggestions effortlessly.
  • Note (GET): Manage document notes efficiently.
  • References Search (GET): Find document references seamlessly.
  • Agencies, Jurisdictions, Topics, Regulations, Acts, Document Type, Concepts, Languages (GET): Access valuable information about agencies, jurisdictions, topics.


  • Document, Agency, Jurisdiction, Topic, Concept, Language, Regulation, Act, Document_type, Note, Error: Gain insight into the structure and format of data related to various aspects of documents and regulatory information.


To get started with the new Swagger Document Search API, access the Developer API site and select “Swagger – OAuth 2.0 – Document Search API“. You’ll find detailed guides, examples, and OAuth setup instructions to facilitate your integration. To explore this API, simply request a key for your existing application or create a new one and subscribe to “OAuth – Developer Edition – 50RPC-12CPD – Swagger” API plan. Once your request is approved, you can leverage this API to its fullest potential.


SCIM API Documentation in Swagger format 

Our SCIM API documentation is now available in Swagger format. You’ll have access to detailed information about endpoints, request parameters, response schemas, and examples, making it easier to understand and use our API effectively.

In line with our previous API invocation methods, this API also supports OAuth for enhanced security and user control. Here’s a quick overview of the endpoints and schemas available in this release:


  • Get SCIM Users (GET) & Create User (POST): Easily retrieve and create user data.
  • Get SCIM User by ID (GET) & Update User (PUT): Access and update user information.
  • Patch SCIM User (PATCH): Perform partial updates to user profiles efficiently.
  • Get SCIM Resource Types (GET) & Get Resource Type by Type (GET): Explore resource types effortlessly.
  • Get SCIM Schemas (GET) & Get Schema by Type (GET): Obtain schema information with ease.
  • Get SCIM Service Provider Configs (GET): Retrieve service provider configurations seamlessly.


  • CreateUserRequest: Streamline the user creation process.
  • UpdateUserRequest: Make precise updates to user profiles.
  • PatchUserRequest: Efficiently apply partial updates to user data.
  • Error: Understand error responses for smooth troubleshooting.


To get started with our new SCIM Swagger API documentation, access our Developer API site and select “Swagger – SCIM API“. You’ll find detailed guides, examples, and OAuth setup instructions to facilitate your integration. To explore this API, simply request a key for your existing application or create a new one and subscribe to “SCIM Swagger – 10 CPD” API plan. Once your request is approved, you can leverage this API to its fullest potential.


For further information or support please contact our support team at

Speed up regulatory research using one source for Intelligence: Expanding Coverage

We continued expansion of our regulatory coverage. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

  • Banking: related updates from Chile, Peru, Hungary, Canada, Thailand, Italy, United States (Georgia and Alabama). 
  • Corporate Governance: related updates from Columbia. 
  • Data Protection: related updates from Spain, Italy.
  • Employment: related updates from Peru, Chile. 
  • ESG: related updates from Germany. 
  • Federal Governance: related updates from Canada.
  • Finance: related updates from Chile, Poland, Brazil, France. 
  • Insurance: related updates from Brazil, Canada.
  • Legislations: related updates from Portugal. 
  • Payments: related updates from Poland. 
  • Securities: related updates from China, Poland, Spain, Canada (Ontario).
  • Taxation: related updates from Thailand, Peru, Brazil. 
  • Utilities: related updates from the United States. 
  • Brazil: updates from the Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais [BRA-ANBIMA], Receita Federal do Brasil [BRA-RF] and Superintendência de Seguros Privados [BRA-SUSEP].
  • Canada: updates from the Statistics Canada [CAN-SC], Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments [CAN-OBSI], Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators [CAN-CCIR], Ontario Securities Commission [CAN-OSC]. 
  • Chile: updates from the Superintendencia de Pensiones [CHL-SP], Banco Central de Chile [CHL-BCC], and Ministerio de Hacienda [CHL-MH].
  • China: updates from the Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association [CHN-SITCA]
  • Columbia: updates from the Superintendencia de Sociedades [COL-SS].
  • France: updates from the Parliament of France [FRA-PARL] and Autorité des marchés financiers [FRA-AMF]. 
  • Germany: updates from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority [DEU-BAFIN]. 
  • Hungary: updates from the Hungarian National Bank [HUN-MNB].
  • Italy: updates from the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali [ITA-GPDP], President of Republic of Italy [ITA-POR], Presidency of the Council of Ministers [ITA-PCM] and Bank of Italy [ITA-BDI].
  • Luxembourg: updates from the Luxembourg Chambre des Députés [LUX-CDD]. 
  • Peru: updates from Ministerio d Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo [PER-MTPE], Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones [PER-SBS], and Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria [PER-SUNAT]. 
  • Poland: updates from the Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego [POL-KNF], Warsaw Stock Exchange [POL-GPW], and Poland Ministry of Finance [POL-MF]. 
  • Portugal: updates from the Diário da República [PRT-DR].
  • Spain: updates from the Spain AEPD [ESP-AEPD] and Spain National Securities Market Commission [ESP-CNMV].
  • Thailand: updates from the Thailand Revenue Department [THA-RD], Parliament of Thailand [THA-PARL], Government of Thailand [THA-GOV] and Thailand Ministry of Finance [THA-MOF]. 
  • United States: updates from the State Bar of Georgia [GA-SB], Alabama Law Foundation [AL-ALF] and IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Tip of the Month: Reduce time spent on repetitive compliance tasks by consolidating your workflows

Many of you create multiple, highly focused alerts to ensure that your regulatory change management team is notified about exactly the right changes. Previously, a single workflow could only be driven by one alert, requiring you to create and maintain multiple copies of the same workflow to orchestrate your compliance activities.

Earlier, we introduced a feature that enabled linking an unlimited number of alerts to a single workflow. If you haven’t explored this feature and you have one team involved in multiple focus areas, we recommend you consolidate by adding team-relevant alerts to a single workflow, reducing workflow maintenance, minimizing potential errors, and simplifying reporting.

In addition, because each workflow can only be applied to a document once, adding multiple alerts to a single workflow ensures that even if the same regulatory change document appears in multiple alerts, your team will only have to complete all the tasks relevant to that specific document once.

To take advantage of this capability, access Manage Workflows and delete any workflows you will no longer need. Then, edit your “primary” workflow, add all required alerts to the “Select associated alerts” field within Workflow Settings and save to create a single, unified workflow.

Multiple “carbon copy” workflows associated with the same team


Add all relevant alerts to a single workflow for a unified experience


To learn more about managing workflows, review our Completing & Managing Workflows course on our Training Center.

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.

Swagger-Formatted API documentation

Risk management solution