Automatically monitor regulatory updates to map to your internal policies, procesures and controls. Learn More

1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Product Enhancements iMac

Amongst the recent improvements to our Team edition solution, we’ve introduced new import and export capabilities within both the Manage Labels, Manage Annotations and Glassdoor areas. We recognize that you maintain tags, labels, controls, and even annotations in systems other than, so this feature will help you bridge the gap. Glassdoor now also includes new export capabilities for those who want to filter and sort regulatory content processing status using 3rd party spreadsheets in addition to reviewing them online. In addition, we’ve enhanced our Document Search API to provide even more refined search capabilities.

We also continued enriching and expanding our regulatory coverage, including: regulatory updates for legislations, regulations, banking, data protection, employment, finance, insurance, and securities. Our expanding global coverage includes Brazil, Chile (NEW addition), China, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Taiwan (ROC), Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Columbia, Hungary and the United States.

New upload and download capabilities help you keep your annotations and labels consistent across systems

Our recent Management Hub enhancements improve your overall labeling and annotation experience. 

If you’ve an org admin, simply access the Management Hub and click on the count to select labels or annotations in your preferred folder.

Access Manage Labels or Manage Annotations


Manage Labels

To help you quickly review your labels and reconcile them against labels, tags or controls you may use in other systems, we’ve added the capability to download a list of your current labels from within the Manage Labels section of the Management Hub. The new download helps you easily identify missing or overlapping labels and resolve conflicts or gaps quickly. If you do find gaps in your labels, remember that you can upload a CSV or XLS file to quickly fill out your list of labels incrementally within

Manage Labels: Downloading Label Reports


Manage Annotations

We’ve also added new Manage Annotations export functionality to help you easily extract critical information from regulatory documents you and your team have already assessed across documents. The export includes all key details about the document, plus information about the specific sentences you’ve annotated within documents.

Manage Annotations – Link Annotations Data


Another new Manage Annotations feature helps you tie labels and annotations together. To label annotations, access Manage Annotations within the Management Hub, select the annotations to which you want to add labels either individually or in bulk and use the Add Label tool. Remember that labels are searchable, so adding labels is a great way to point your colleagues to key annotations.

Adding Labels to Annotations


Reviewing Labels related to Annotations


Refine your searches further by language ID using our Document Search API 

If you want to filter your search results to focus on documents published in a specific language, try our upgraded Document Search API. Simply use the ‘language_id’ attribute to retrieve documents based on the language of your preference. Note that the language filter is intended to help you find documents in your preferred language when possible. If a document is not published in your preferred language, you will receive the document in its original language.


To get the ‘language_id’ required for your search, use the newly introduced GET Languages endpoint within the Document Search API.


Glassdoor: Review source status in spreadsheet format for convenience

In addition to reviewing the latest status of regulatory content processing status of sources in online, now, you can export a report including all current status information in XLS or CSV for offline review. Our export provides the same information as the online Glassdoor experience, but offers the convenience of filtering and sorting in your preferred spreadsheet solution.

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Speed up regulatory research by integrating Concepts into regulatory review 

Constructing the best possible search for key regulatory changes can be challenging. That’s why we continue to enhance our library of Concepts. Concepts are automatically applied to all regulatory content available in our platform, allowing you to locate critical regulatory changes and associated documents related to specific topics with one click.

Our latest Concepts focus on Lending and Operational areas, and include:

LendingGreen LendingFinancial activity that is focused on supporting environmentally sustainable projects and initiatives
LendingBlue LendingFinancial activity that focuses on supporting sustainable and environmentally responsible projects and initiatives related to marine and aquatic environments.
OperationalRegulatory Reporting – FintechCertain fintech companies, such as peer-to-peer lending platforms and digital payment providers, may have reporting obligations to regulatory authorities. These reports may cover areas such as consumer protection, risk management, and transaction monitoring.
OperationalRegulatory Reporting – Credit Rating AgenciesCredit rating agencies are required to provide regulatory reports on their rating methodologies, procedures, and conflicts of interest to ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the rating process.
OperationalRegulatory Reporting – CrowdfundingCrowdfunding platforms that facilitate the raising of funds from the public may have regulatory reporting obligations. These may include reporting on the offerings, investor information, and compliance with securities laws.

To use any of our Concepts within a search, simply add the Concept of interest to your basic or advanced search, and then add other attributes such as agencies, jurisdictions, or publication dates to further narrow your results.

If our new Concepts apply to your business, don’t forget to select them in your Default Filters so they are automatically added to your search when you access the Timeline or conduct your own searches.

All Concepts associated with regulatory changes are listed in the Details right panel, giving you higher visibility to assess the potential impact of a regulatory change before you review the entire document.


Our Concept library is expanding all the time. If you have suggested Concepts that would benefit you, reach out to us at and we’ll work with you to further extend our Concept capabilities.

For a list of all Concepts provided by, please check out our always on Concept documentation.

Speed up regulatory research using one source for Intelligence: Expanding Coverage

We continued expansion of our regulatory coverage. You can now follow recent regulatory updates across specific lines of business and jurisdictions:

  • Banking: related updates from Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Canada. 
  • Data Protection: related updates from Spain, France, Belgium, Italy.
  • Employment: related updates from Brazil and Chile.
  • Finance: related updates from Poland, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, and USA. 
  • Insurance: related updates from Canada and Italy.
  • Legislations: from Quebec (Canada), Portugal, Poland and Spain.
  • Regulations: from Brazil, Columbia and North Carolina (US).
  • Securities: related updates from China, Taiwan, (Ontario) Canada and US.
  • Belgium: updates from the Belgium Data Protection Authority [BEL-DPA]. 
  • Brazil: updates from the Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais [BRA-ANBIMA], Receita Federal do Brasil [BRA-RF], Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar [BRA-PREVIC] and Superintendência de Seguros Privados [BRA-SUSEP].
  • Canada: updates from the Quebec Legislature [CAN-QCNA], Canada Department of Finance [CAN-DOF], Ontario Securities Commission [CAN-OSC], Autorité des marchés financiers [CAN-QCAMF], Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organization [CAN-CISRO], Government of Canada [CAN-GOV] and Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments [CAN-OBSI].
  • Chile: updates from the Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgo [CHL-CCR] and Superintendencia de Pensiones [CHL-SP].China: updates from the Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association [CHN-SITCA]
  • Columbia: updates from the Superintendencia de Sociedades [COL-SS], Banco de la República [COL-BR] and Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público [COL-POR].
  • France: updates from the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés [FRA-CNIL]. 
  • Germany: updates from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority [DEU-BAFIN]. 
  • Hungary: updates from the Hungarian National Bank [HUN-MNB].
  • Italy: updates from the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali [ITA-GPDP], Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni [ITA-IVASS] and Bank of Italy [ITA-BDI].
  • Mexico: updates from the Banco de México [MEX-CB].
  • Poland: updates from the Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego [POL-KNF] and Poland Parliament [POL-PARL]. 
  • Portugal: updates from the Assembly of the Republic [PRT-AR] and Diário da República [PRT-DR].
  • Spain: updates from the Bank of Spain [ESP-BDE], Spain AEPD [ESP-AEPD], Spain FinReg [ESP-FINREG] and Senado de Espana [ESP-CG].
  • Taiwan (ROC): updates from the Taiwan Stock Exchange [CHN-TWSE]. 
  • United States: updates from the Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC], Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [CFPB], National Futures Association [NFA], National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], South Carolina Bar Foundation [SC-BF], North Carolina State Bar [NC-SC], and Florida State Bar [FL-BF]. 

Tip of the Month: Establish Teams to Streamline Workflows and Personalize Defaults

If you are using our Team Edition solution, but haven’t yet added Teams, consider creating Teams to personalize your members’ experience and simplify workflows. 

To create a team, simply access Admin > Teams and click Add team


Once you’ve added a team, simply add members to the team. 


All team members can share common default filters, which allows you to help your members follow meaningful and specific Topics & Concepts, Regulatory Sources, News & Premium Content and Document Types. 

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Teams will also help you control who participates in your workflows. Once you add teams, you can pick the appropriate team(s) at a workflow or task level. This will “slim down” the potential assignees within your workflow and ensure that the right assignees are always available.


To learn more about Teams, visit our Training Center and take our Org and Team Management training course.

Please visit Agency Sources within the documentation section of our Developer Platform website and bookmark the pages as we update them frequently!

Update your Default Filters at any time to take advantage of our new regulatory sources.

We hope you enjoyed this product update!

Client feedback is always welcome. Please contact our support team with any questions or feedback or schedule a time to review our new features. Remember that you can always access the Training Center under the Help (?) section of the platform for more information.