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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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The Regtech market rose to new heights in 2022, with the sector’s rise dovetailing with several other trends, both technological and regulatory. Technologically, tools like Big Data analytics, AI, and ML continued to improve, making it possible to automate an increasing number of time-consuming compliance tasks. On the regulatory front, change continued to accelerate in 2022, with a variety of new consumer protection, anti-money laundering (AML), and anti-sanction busting laws enacted across a wide range of jurisdictions, with regulations enforced differently from place to place.  

As businesses update their compliance plans for 2023, we take a look at the numbers beneath the trends that drove regulatory change in 2022, while also looking ahead to the top trends to watch in 2023.

$10 billion

While the final numbers for 2022 are not yet in, researchers from Future Market Insights estimate that the Regtech sector expanded to become a $10 billion global market in 2022

Rising cyber-fraud, new consumer privacy protection regulations, and the need to automate cumbersome compliance processes are just a few of the trends that drove Regtech adoption in 2022. 

40% of the global market

North America was the strongest market geographically, representing 40% of the global market ($4.1 billion). However, experts believe that the EU will begin to catch up with the U.S. in 2023. 

$45.3 billion in ten years

According to forecasts from Future Market Insights, the global Regtech market will grow at a 23.1% CAGR, more than quadrupling in the next decade. The research firm forecasts that the global Regtech market will expand to $45.3 billion in 2032

Fewer than 30% of WFH employees. . . 

Researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that many workers are more productive in hybrid or Work from Home (WFH) settings and fewer than 30% of them intend to return full time to offices. Similarly, a Morning Consult survey found that 39% would quit if forced back to the office full time.

For compliance teams, this means that Regtech solutions need to be able to reach beyond traditional corporate perimeters to non-traditional settings, such as mobile and WFH ones.

233% increase in online financial crimes

According to a recent study, online financial crimes rose dramatically in 2021 and showed no signs of slowing in 2022. Cyber-security company Feedazi analyzed over 18 billion global banking transactions throughout 2021 and found that while online transactions grew 65%, online fraud attack rates grew by 233%.

The study compared transactional intelligence from 2021 with the previous three years to provide insights from the pre-pandemic era vs. the first and second years of the pandemic and found that the pandemic was indeed driving cyber fraud. In 2023, businesses should continue to modernize cyber-security to better comply with new consumer protection laws. 

3 challenges to prepare for in 2023

3 ways Regtech will evolve in 2023

  • Regtech tools will prioritize ease of use in 2023. Monolithic, on-premises compliance change management suites will continue to be displaced by modern, easy-to-use SaaS best-of-breed solutions, especially as IT talent becomes more and more difficult to recruit and retain. We also expect modern Regtech tools to continue to gain traction in major cloud marketplaces in 2023, such as AWS Marketplace, making it easier for users to adopt such solutions.
  • Artificial intelligence capabilities in Regtech will grow more robust as Regtech providers attract more subject matter experts to help bolster Expert-in-the-Loop AI models. These experts will help Regtech companies develop new product features, expand into new market sectors, and anticipate future regulatory and enforcement trends.
  • In 2023, the cost of compliance will continue to rise, especially as pandemic fraud, sanction busting, money laundering, and cryptocurrency chicanery attract increasing scrutiny from lawmakers. For many organizations, compliance automation and outsourcing will be nearly mandatory in order to keep costs from spiraling out of control. Expect Regtech providers to continue to invest in the AI, ML, and data analytic capabilities that enable automation across more complicated activities. 

1 easy way to meet your compliance goals in 2023

Modernize compliance change management. The AI-powered, automated regulatory change management platform from enables professionals who work in the highly regulated industries of banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) to monitor, track, report, and react to regulatory changes and obligations in real time.

The compliance orchestration platform creates workflows that automatically extract relevant rules and obligations from agencies that directly impact you and your firm, filtering out noise while bridging the gap between regulatory compliance and policy change management. With, your team will no longer spend days each week handling this process manually.

Schedule a demo today to learn how’s unique Expert-In-The-Loop approach can help your regulated business mitigate risk, remain compliant, and simplify regulatory horizon scanning processes in 2023 and beyond.  

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