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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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Remember Cloud Washing Its Happening In RegTech 1

Remember 'Cloud Washing'? It's Happening In RegTech

In this timely article,’s CEO and Co-Founder, Kayvan Alikhani, addresses ‘Tech washing’ and the practice of slapping a trendy, new label on legacy solutions. 

Here are some of the key takeaways:

The what and the why of the Tech Washing problem?

The key advantages of new technologies are becoming obscure in this process, making it more confusing than ever to fight through the noise of solutions in the market.

The Five Tells of Tech-Washed Products

What are the five tech-washing tells that you should be on the lookout for so you don’t end up as an easy mark for the washers?

The Fate of Tech Washing

Giving your decisions ample time can help to disseminate pre-washed solutions, so you don’t have to leave the process feeling dirty.


Read the full post on: Forbes Technology Council