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1558 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days


FTC enforcements decreased 55% over the past 30 days


SEC issued enforcements: $37,812,859 over the past 30 days


50 Final Rules go into effect in the next 7 days


49 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days


1670 docs with extracted obligations from the last 7 days


new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


11906 new docs in within the last 7 days


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How FI's Innovation Gap Is Big Tech's Opportunity


Standard Approach for Calculating the Exposure Amount of Derivative Contracts

OCC FDIC FRS | Deposits| Final Rule

Express Loan Programs; Affiliation Standards

SBA | Lending | Final Rule

Control of Firearms, Guns, Ammunition and Related Articles the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML)

BIS | FCPA/ABAC | Final Rule

Miscellaneous Corrections, Clarifications, and Improvements

PBGC | Securities | Final Rule

Post-Trade Name Give-Up on Swap Execution Facilities

CFTC | Securities | Proposed Rule

How FI's Innovation Gap Is Big Tech's Opportunity

How FI’s Innovation Gap Is Big Tech’s Big Opportunity 03/02/2020
If we had to pick a favorite highly quoted Jeff Bezos aphorism, “your margin is my opportunity” would almost certainly be a contender for the top spot. The “almost “is simply because it is not clear that it is even a legitimate quote. Like many famously quotable people, a lot of things are attributed to Amazon’s founder and CEO that he may not have ever actually said…
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Rate cut could prompt even tighter margins, mortgage surge
American Banker 03/03/2020
The Fed’s decision to cut its benchmark interest rate amid growing coronavirus concerns is bound to have an impact on banks, but just how broad and how deep remains to be seen…
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Justices Indicate They May Further Narrow SEC’s Enforcement Authority
The Wall Street Journal: Markets 03/03/2020
U.S. Supreme Court justices Tuesday indicated they may be inclined to rein in how courts and regulators order wrongdoers to return money earned through illegal investment schemes…
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Big banks want regulation eased due to coronavirus. Experts call it opportunistic.

Big banks want regulation eased due to coronavirus. Experts call it opportunistic.
The Washington Post: Business 03/03/2020
The Bank Policy Institute, which represents the country’s biggest banks, from Bank of America and Goldman Sachs to JPMorgan Chase, is recommending, among other things, that the Federal Reserve lower capital requirements so that the industry can continue to lend money…
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Partisan fight over consumer bureau arrives at Supreme Court

Partisan fight over consumer bureau arrives at Supreme Court
The Hill 03/02/2020
The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear oral arguments in a case that could be the culmination of Wall Street’s 10-year battle against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the independent regulator created by Congress in the wake of the financial crisis…
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